
Luxury terrace-style development planned for Mollymook Beach

One of the last remaining undeveloped patches of land in a popular south coast town could be turned into nine luxury abodes.

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Some of the last remaining undeveloped land near Mollymook Beach might soon receive a facelift if plans for a new luxury development are approved.

Construction firm INOV8 Building Group submitted a development application for a multi-dwelling housing development on Shepard St, only a short distance from Mollymook Beach Hut Cafe.

Under the plans, nine new terrace-style houses will be erected on the currently-vacant plots at 3 and 5 Shepard Street, with a small shed located at the site to be demolished.

The popular Mollymook Beach area is home to a number of medium-density complexes, including hotels
The popular Mollymook Beach area is home to a number of medium-density complexes, including hotels

According to the environmental impact report, the project will feature two rows of houses, with units six to nine running adjacent to the street, and units one to five located at the rear of the property.

The 973sq m project will also include a basement carpark and will be constructed using rendered masonry, timber panelling, and steel frame awnings.

“The proposed development features architectural treatment and variable building materials to create visual interest to break up the bulk and scale of the development and assist in defining each unit,” according to the report prepared on behalf of the developer.

“Access is proposed via a driveway adjacent the eastern boundary to service the proposed basement carparking which is connected to the rows of units above.”

Underground parking will include space for 18 vehicles, nine bicycles and storage.

The application was logged with the Shoalhaven City Council on February 11.

Vacant land at 1 Shepard Street will not be included in the project with will be located opposite the Breakers Apartments complex and near to the Mollymook Surfbeach Hotel and Apartments.

Located nearby to the new development is the Mollymook Golf Club and Mollymook Beach Hut Cafe
Located nearby to the new development is the Mollymook Golf Club and Mollymook Beach Hut Cafe

The medium-density development represents the continued shift away from single-dwelling residential properties in the popular Mollymook Beach area, only a few of which remain.

Post-vetting administration will be required before the project continue, as well as internal assessment by council of waste management, water, and other factors.

The cost of the project has not been released.

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