
Hills police consider $106 fine for victims who don’t lock their cars

Police are warning that victims of crime could be fined $106 if the theft is from their unlocked car.

Police are warning that victims of crime could be fined if the theft is from their unlocked car.

Not locking your car because you don’t want the window smashed could cost you a $106 fine.

The move follows a rise in the number of thefts from cars in the Hills Local Area Command with about 90 per cent of thefts occurring from unlocked cars.

Supt Rob Critchlow i
Supt Rob Critchlow i

In the latest incidents a wallet, handbag and two hard drives were stolen from a car parked in Cross St Baulkham Hills some time between 4pm on Thursday and 9am on Friday, an iPad, iPhone, cigarettes and a wallet were stolen from two unlocked cars in an unlocked garage in Bromley Way, Glenhaven some time between 11pm on Wednesday and 6am on Thursday.

In another incident an iPod was stolen from a black panel van parked in Palace Rd, Baulkham Hills some time between 7pm on Monday and 6am on Tuesday.

Commander of The Hills LAC, Supt Rob Critchlow said thefts from cars could lead to more serious crimes. “If you choose to leave your car unlocked you are inviting criminals to come to our streets and victimise us.

“It makes life very easy for crooks to quietly open a door and steal property with little chance of detection ... it makes the streets of The Hills attractive to criminals, who come for the easy targets and then move onto thefts from mailboxes and break ins to homes.

“We have been warning the public for the last two years about this problem and we are becoming very frustrated with the situation and may consider serious measures such as booking drivers who leave their cars doors unlocked. “

He said thefts from cars were averaging at around 60 a month.

Hills Crime prevention officer Senior Constable Christie Desira said flyers had already been distributed in several streets in Castle Hill, Baulkham Hills and Glenhaven where thefts had occurred warning car owners that they will be fined.

“The offence is: `Not lock doors secure windows (vehicle unattended)’ The offence holds a $106 fine.”

She said people had stated on Facebook that they were not locking their cars because they didn’t want their want their windows smashed.

“It’s ridiculous. Insurance costs will go up because people don’t lock their cars,” she said.

“People are also leaving valuable items in their vehicles and not locking them.”

She said the list of items taken included laptop computers, iPads, iPods, wallets and briefcases.”

According to the most recent figures available from the NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research there were 711 reported incidents of steal from motor vehicle in the 12 months to June 2015.

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