
Tamir Erdenetsetseg: Canterbury man charged with commercial supply of cocaine conspiracy

Tamir Erdenetsetseg allegedly negotiated with an undercover cop to obtain 240kg of cocaine, with an estimated street value of $130 million. But his lawyers argue the two men never reached a deal and the Canterbury man never intended to supply the drugs.

Tamir Erdenetsetseg, 28, of Canterbury, was arrested at a construction site in Thirlmere following an investigation into commercial cocaine supply. Picture: NSW Police
Tamir Erdenetsetseg, 28, of Canterbury, was arrested at a construction site in Thirlmere following an investigation into commercial cocaine supply. Picture: NSW Police

No deal had been reached after a Canterbury man allegedly met with undercover police for the second time to organise the illegal importation of a commercial quantity of cocaine, a court has heard.

Tamir Erdenetsetseg, 28, was allegedly sent by a principal player in the drug operation to negotiate the release of 420kg of cocaine from a high-level “supplier”, a Supreme Court bail hearing has heard.

Both meetings with the undercover police officer were captured on video, police allege.

In the first meeting, Erdenetsetseg allegedly attempted to negotiate the purchase of the 420kg of cocaine, worth about $130 million in street value, for $190,000.

Tamir Erdenetsetseg, 28, has been released on bail after about six months. Picture: NSW Police
Tamir Erdenetsetseg, 28, has been released on bail after about six months. Picture: NSW Police

He asked the undercover police officer to download the encrypted communication app Cipher and inquired about whether he needed to be provided him a phone.

Police allege another person, who used the Cipher account “Pharmacist888” further negotiated the acquisition of the cocaine with the undercover police officer on the app before the police officer was added to a group chat in which “Tamir New”, or Erdenetsetseg, was present.

“Pharmacist888” agreed to meet the police officer but told him he would send the same person as last time – Erdenetsetseg – the facts allege.

Mongolian passport holder Erdenetsetseg sent a number of messages to the officer, and used the codename “Genghis Khan”, the court heard.

When he and the police officer met in person again, he asked him for “coffee”, as he had the first time, and mentioned “Pharmacist888”.

They discussed the terms of the purchase including dates, the police facts allege.

During their conversation, a tracking device was placed on Erdenetsetseg’s car.

The negotiations soon came to a standstill, the police facts allege, and no agreement was reached in relation to the drugs.

Tamir Erdenetsetseg, of Canterbury, allegedly negotiated with an undercover cop about obtaining 420kg of cocaine. Picture: NSW Police
Tamir Erdenetsetseg, of Canterbury, allegedly negotiated with an undercover cop about obtaining 420kg of cocaine. Picture: NSW Police

He was arrested at a construction site in Thirlmere on April 15.

Barrister Greg James QC argued the crown case was a very weak one, and that the charge of conspiracy to knowingly take part in the supply of a large commercial quantity of a prohibited drug – did not determine the crime set out in the facts.

Mr James claimed Erdenetsetseg had no intention to supply the drugs during the meetings with police.

He has also been charged with participate in a criminal group.

Justice Robertson Wright agreed on the facts there appeared to be no intention to supply the drugs on behalf of any person with whom the Erdenetsetseg was associated.

Erdenetsetseg, who will likely plead not guilty to the charges, was granted bail, with his family putting up a $500,000 surety.

Erdenetsetseg will appear at Burwood Local Court on October 21 for committal.

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