
Abdullah Warwar: Heckenberg man brought switchblade to scene of brother’s Tarek Warwar shooting

A man who previously threatened to slit the throats of police had a ‘human reaction’ when he made an emotion-charged appearance at the scene of his brother’s shooting.

Australia's Court System

A man, who once threatened to slit the throats of police officers, has fronted court for his emotion-charged attendance at the scene of his brother’s shooting.

Abdullah Warwar, of Heckenberg, rushed to a Canterbury Rd apartment in Roselands on May 24 after hearing his brother Tarek Warwar was shot in the hand.

Police had already set up a crime scene when he arrived and when officers asked Warwar why he was there, he became irate, causing police to believe he may be involved in the shooting, agreed facts tendered to court state.

Warwar appeared at Bankstown Local Court on Wednesday after pleading guilty to being armed with intent to commit an indictable offence and custody of a knife in a public place.

The court heard his past interactions with police included threatening to slit their throats and telling them he wanted to stab them in the throat.

Abdullah Warwar leaving Bankstown Local Court on Tuesday. Picture: Paul Brescia
Abdullah Warwar leaving Bankstown Local Court on Tuesday. Picture: Paul Brescia

At the scene of the shooting, police asked the Heckenberg man if he had anything illegal on him. He then pulled out a switchblade and told officers he had armed himself and went there to assist his brother.

As a result, he was charged.

Bankstown Courthouse, Tuesday, 18th February 2020. Picture: AAP/Robert Pozo
Bankstown Courthouse, Tuesday, 18th February 2020. Picture: AAP/Robert Pozo

However, it was his past trouble with police which led Magistrate Glenn Walsh to give him a stern dressing down as he was re-sentenced him for past convictions.

“At the time, he was on two sets of community corrections orders for intimidating police officers,” Mr Walsh told the court.

An 18-month community corrections order came after Warwar told police “f*** off, get the f*** out of his house, I’ve got my own recordings you dogs, I really want to slit your throats” and “you’re both dog c***s. I want to stab you in the throat,” the court heard.

Warwar’s lawyer Daniel Gaudiello, of Mayfair Lawyers, told the court his client had no history of violence and use of weapons.

“His brother had just been shot and injured. He armed himself with a knife in circumstances where he thought — perhaps impulsively — that he could have been targeted,” Mr Gaudiello said.

He added that his client had attended 10 sessions for drug and alcohol counselling, and had good prospects for rehabilitation.

Mr Walsh agreed, telling the court: “It just may be that we have somebody who can become a better citizen.”

Bankstown Courthouse. Picture: AAP/Robert Pozo
Bankstown Courthouse. Picture: AAP/Robert Pozo

Warwar was tense in court, squeezing his hands as his sentence was being handed down, and tearing up.

“The emotion he is showing is very much in his favour. An acceptance of responsibility, realisation of the situation he was in today,” Mr Walsh said.

He sentenced Warwar to a 12-month community corrections order, with the condition that he remains on good behaviour.

“To have your brother shot is a terrible thing to happen. The reaction he had was human, but wrong. He must never do it again,” Mr Walsh said.

Warwar broke down in tears, and said “thank you, your Honour” after hearing he wouldn’t be placed on home arrest.

“Young man, you have a good future ahead of you if you stay out of trouble,” Mr Walsh said.

“If you break your word to me, I will punish you. If you don’t break your word, you have no problem whatsoever.”

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