
Josh Anderson admits cocaine dealing, Alana Dunn charged

A young man caught dealing cocaine has told of his trauma after his girlfriend was also charged with drug supply. Josh Anderson initially told police the cash he collected from supplying coke was for helping his mate to build a cubby house.

Alana Dunn (brunette) and her boyfriend Josh Anderson.
Alana Dunn (brunette) and her boyfriend Josh Anderson.

A court heard a young carpenter caught supplying cocaine was devastated and traumatised after his girlfriend was charged when his drugs were found in a chewing gum packet in her jacket.

Josh Anderson, 22, was charged with prohibited drug supply, prohibited drug possession and dealing with crime proceeds after police caught him red-handed supplying cocaine near Northies in Cronulla on June 27.

The Engadine man was pulled over by police after officers witnessed him making a deal in exchange for $500 cash in Cronulla and spoke to his customer.

“Police asked Anderson where he had just been and what he was doing,” agreed police facts state.

“Anderson replied ‘I was just down seeing a mate, he just broke up with his girlfriend, I just went to see him for a quick chat’.”

Josh Anderson and his girlfriend Alana Dunn.
Josh Anderson and his girlfriend Alana Dunn.

A subsequent search of his car revealed $500 cash in Anderson’s wallet, an empty bag containing white powder residue, a rolled-up $5 note and an Extra chewing gum packet containing three bags of cocaine inside his girlfriend Alana Dunn’s jacket.

“Anderson immediately yelled out ‘that’s mine, it’s not hers, it’s got nothing to do with her’,” agreed police facts state.

“Police asked Dunn what was inside the packet and she replied ‘I don’t know but I’m assuming something bad’.”

The couple in happier times.
The couple in happier times.

In a police interview Anderson first said his mate had paid him cash to help build a cubby house – then later admitted it was the spoils of his cocaine supply.

“In relation to the drugs (in Dunn’s pocket), he stated ‘that was mine, I forgot it was in the car and got scared when you guys pulled me over so I asked her to hold it’.”

Anderson pleaded guilty to all three charges at Sutherland Local Court on Thursday and Magistrate Michael Crompton convicted him before sentencing him to a one-year conditional release order.

Dunn has also been charged with prohibited drug supply in relation to the doomed plot and has pleaded not guilty.

She remains before the court.

Dunn remains before the court.
Dunn remains before the court.

Anderson’s solicitor Wayne Pasterfield said Anderson was devastated by his girlfriend of three years’ arrest.

“He is in a world of misery, not just for himself but over the trauma and the court proceedings he has caused to his partner,” Mr Pasterfield told the court.

“He’s aware of the misery and trauma he has caused her because of what he was doing on that particular night.”

Prior to his sentencing the court heard Anderson has been researching the perils and dangers of cocaine production in South America, as well as the danger of consuming the drug itself.

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