
Teen eyes Golden Gloves boxing glory

“I don’t know how I kept going I just know why I did.” - Omer Mustafa fasted for 12 hours a day during Ramadan but the 15-year-old boxer from Liverpool still got up and trained twice a day.

Omer Mustafa Junior is up at 5am every morning to train before school.
Omer Mustafa Junior is up at 5am every morning to train before school.

Imagine getting up every day to a five kilometre run followed by two gym training sessions without food or water to keep you going.

Omer Mustafa endured it for 12 hours every day during the holy month of Ramadan.

The 15-year-old Liverpool boxer has spent the past month punishing his body in preparation for his first big bout.

“Usually I have to drink eight litres of water a day,” Omer said.

“In sparring I wasn’t as sharp because I wasn’t hydrated — I was quite weak”.

“I don’t know how I kept going I just know why I did — to be the champion one day.”

Omer is preparing to represent NSW at the Golden Gloves Tournament in Queensland next month after winning his first big sparring comp a few weeks ago.

He is also NewsLocal’s latest Junior Sports Star nominee.

Omer will be heading to the Golden Gloves comp in August.
Omer will be heading to the Golden Gloves comp in August.
Omer next to the gym’s boxing hall of fame wall.
Omer next to the gym’s boxing hall of fame wall.

Today, he continues to juggle school work with at least two training and fitness regimes­ a day, but homework still comes first.

“I value education as much as boxing,” he said.

“I try to keep both stable.”

“Even when I have exams I try coming to the gym and do 2 sessions before school, so I can study after school.”

Looking to the future, Omer has set his sights firmly on an Olympic medal — and a place next to his coaches at H.I.Tfitness gym.

“Both my coaches are Olympians. I hope to one day represent Australia as an Olympian and take their place here at the gym,” he said, before pointing towards a sketch of Muhammad Ali on the wall in front of him.

“Maybe I’ll be up there next to him one day too.”

One thing is for sure, Omer has the attitude to succeed, with a wisdom that belies­ his age.

“Ali believed in himself even when no else believed in him. He was a ‘get the job done’ kind of guy. He didn’t care about the photos, the cameras, the money.”

“He was a winner in and out of the ring so I like to idolise that type of personality.”

To nominate an athlete or team for the Junior Sports Star awards, sponsored by Rebel, go to: juniorsports

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