
Sra Agasthyaraju: Lawyer’s threat to frame her ex’s son for sexual assault

A Sydney lawyer’s remarkable threat to break into a home before stripping naked in a bid to frame her ex’s son has been revealed in court.

What happens when you are charged with a crime?

A lawyer threatened to break into a former partner’s home, undress and then tell police her ex’s son had sexually assaulted her.

But when Sra Lakshmi Agasthyaraju turned up at the Erskine Park home she found she couldn’t get in and so threw a plant pot through the window.

The Hunters Hill lawyer faced Penrith Court this week and pleaded guilty to a low range PCA, entering inclosed lands, stalk and intimidate and destroy or damage property.

Sra Agasthyaraju appeared in Penrith Local Court after threatening to frame her ex's son for sexual assault.
Sra Agasthyaraju appeared in Penrith Local Court after threatening to frame her ex's son for sexual assault.

The court documents revealed that in the early hours of March 23 Agasthyaraju called her ex multiple times before he finally answered.

Agasthyaraju said she was angry he’d blocked her calls and demanded to know where he was.

During the conversation, she was recorded saying “I’m coming to your house, I am going to get there, go into the room, say I was getting undressed and call the police crying saying your son sexually assaulted me”, according to court documents.

Her ex told her he was not home multiple times before Agasthyaraju said: “I am taking everyone down, I have to break into your bedroom and I am going to break in”.

Around 4:30am, Agasthyaraju arrived at her ex’s house, demanding to see him.

The banging awoke her ex’s son who started videoing the incident.

Agasthyaraju picked up a large plant pot and threw it, breaking both the pot and the window.

She left about five minutes later and was later found by police in a white Ford ranger.

Police cautioned her and she told officers she broke the window in an attempt to get into the house to save her ex from killing himself.

Sra Agasthyaraju pictured outside Penrith Local Court with her lawyer Peter Kondich, on the right, on December 6.
Sra Agasthyaraju pictured outside Penrith Local Court with her lawyer Peter Kondich, on the right, on December 6.

Agasthyaraju was arrested and submitted a breath test as she smelt like liquor.

She returned a roadside breath test of 0.098 before being rearrested for a secondary breath analysis at Penrith Police Station.

At the police station, Agasthyaraju returned a low range reading of 0.073, according to court documents.

Upon hearing the results, she said “I am not going to comment on this, I did not mean this” before saying “I was threatening him yes, I said it to threaten him because he wouldn’t apologise”.

Agasthyaraju admitted to driving while under the influence of alcohol and breaking the window with the pot plant, according to court documents.

She also admitted to entering the property without consent of the owner or lawful excuse.

Appearing before Penrith Local Court on December 6, the 46-year-old’s lawyer, Peter Kondich, was adamant that more time was needed so that references could be submitted for the Magistrate‘s consideration before his client receives a sentence.

Her bail is to continue.

Sra Lakshmi Agasthyaraju will return to court in late January 2022.

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