
Oscar Jargiello: Finks bikie jailed over violent Port Macquarie kidnapping

An internal Finks bikie gang dispute turned ugly when a high-ranking member ordered for an associate to be “stripped of his colours”. What followed was a brutal kidnapping and a string of raids. Those involved have now been jailed.

Finks bikie Oscar Jargiello, 30, has been jailed over a violent gang kidnapping in Port Macquarie in February 2018. Picture: Facebook
Finks bikie Oscar Jargiello, 30, has been jailed over a violent gang kidnapping in Port Macquarie in February 2018. Picture: Facebook

A muscled up Finks bikie at the centre of a brutal kidnapping of a fellow gang member has been jailed.

Oscar Jargiello, 30, of Glenmore Park, and associate Jakob Ivlev, of Port Macquarie, admitted to kidnapping fellow member Samuel Kelly in February 2018 after chapter president Adam Timothy Smith, 40, directed for him to be brought to the clubhouse and kicked out of the gang.

Finks bikie Oscar Jargiello, 30, is a known member of the Finks outlaw motorcycle gang. Picture: Facebook
Finks bikie Oscar Jargiello, 30, is a known member of the Finks outlaw motorcycle gang. Picture: Facebook

Jargiello was on Wednesday jailed for a maximum of five years and three months by Judge Sharon Harris over the violent attack, which left Mr Kelly with serious facial injuries after he was repeatedly kicked in the head and stomped on.

The court heard tensions within the gang were simmering in the days leading up to the kidnapping, with Smith ordering for Mr Kelly to be banished from the club after he allegedly provided evidence to police in an unrelated criminal investigation.

Jargiello and Ivlev attended a party at Smith’s house, also known as the gang’s clubhouse, in Pembrooke on February 20, 2018, when members of the gang called Mr Kelly a “dog”.

On February 25, Mr Kelly had been staying at Ivlev’s house with Jargiello when the men dragged him out of the house into a white ute while they kicked and punched him in the face and stomped on his head.

Adam Timothy Smith, president of the Finks’ Mid-North Coast chapter, was also jailed over his role in the kidnapping. Picture: Facebook
Adam Timothy Smith, president of the Finks’ Mid-North Coast chapter, was also jailed over his role in the kidnapping. Picture: Facebook

Forcing him to get in the car to take him to the clubhouse, the men told Mr Kelly, “Get in the f***ing car, Smithy wants to talk to you”.

Fearing what would happen, Mr Kelly, covered in blood, got loose from the men and sought help from neighbours, who called for help.

Three days later, Jargiello was arrested, but initially denied having any knowledge of Mr Kelly, despite admitting to being at the gang’s party in Pembrooke the week prior.

At the time of his arrest, Strike Force Raptor raided Jargiello’s Glenmore Park address, where he lived with his parents, and uncovered a stash of illicit drugs.

Finks bikie Oscar Jargiello, 30, has been jailed a maximum of five years and three months. Picture: Facebook
Finks bikie Oscar Jargiello, 30, has been jailed a maximum of five years and three months. Picture: Facebook

According to court documents, detectives found vials of anabolic steroids in the fridge, along with bath salts and cannabis in his bedroom.

At the time, Jargiello was arrested and charged with a string of offences, including drug supply, possessing a prescribed restricted substance and possessing a prohibited drug. He pleaded guilty to all charges.

He was subsequently released on bail in June 2018, but was arrested again in January 2019 following a firearms prohibition order raid.

The semi-automatic rifle which was found stashed in the garage of Oscar Jargiello’s Glenmore Park home. Picture: NSW Police
The semi-automatic rifle which was found stashed in the garage of Oscar Jargiello’s Glenmore Park home. Picture: NSW Police

During the second raid, police seized a shortened semi-automatic rifle along with six rounds of ammunition stashed in a sports bag in the garage.

A large quantity of bath salts were also discovered in a clear plastic bag and diazepam tablets were found in another bag that contained Jargiello’s wallet.

As police raided the home, Jargiello ingested his dog’s pain relief medication and was taken to Nepean Hospital under police guard, but was released a short time later.

In sentencing on Wednesday, Judge Harris cited Jargiello’s schizophrenia diagnosis, which she accepted had contributed to his links with the Finks bikie gang and his involvement with drugs and guns.

Finks bikie Oscar used his parents’ Glenmore Park home to “warehouse” drugs and a gun for the gang. Jargiello Picture: Bill Hearne
Finks bikie Oscar used his parents’ Glenmore Park home to “warehouse” drugs and a gun for the gang. Jargiello Picture: Bill Hearne

She further accepted defence claims that he was not a “significant part of the (drug) supply”, but was “warehousing” the drugs for the gang.

“Evidence supports that he was warehousing the drugs for the Finks,” Judge Harris said.

“There was no evidence of the proceeds of crime or trappings of wealth.”

She said that while the firearm was likely obtained for “nefarious purposes”, Jargiello had also been “warehousing” the gun for the gang.

Jargiello pleaded guilty to all charges, including detaining without consent with intent to commit an indictable offence and assault occasioning actual bodily harm for the Port Macquarie kidnapping.

Finks Mid-North Coast president Adam Timothy Smith, 40, was arrested by Strike Force Raptor near Port Macquarie in August 2018. Picture: NSW Police
Finks Mid-North Coast president Adam Timothy Smith, 40, was arrested by Strike Force Raptor near Port Macquarie in August 2018. Picture: NSW Police

He also admitted to further charges related to the firearms raid, namely: commercial drug supply, possessing a prohibited firearm, possessing ammunition without a permit and two counts of possessing a prohibited weapon.

Ivlev pleaded guilty to the kidnapping and assault on Mr Kelly and was sentenced on a prior occasion to three years and six months’ jail.

Smith, who admitted to an intimidation charge as the “instigator” of the kidnapping, was jailed for 12 months.

Jargiello will be eligible for release as early as March 2022 after serving a non-parole period of three years and three months.

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