

Luke Christopher Jones sentenced for grooming person under 16

A former pastor found guilty of grooming a child says he thought he was engaging in a “fetish type roleplay” with an adult female, rather than a 14-year-old schoolgirl, a court has heard.

Luke Christopher Jones leaves Penrith District Court
Luke Christopher Jones leaves Penrith District Court

A former pastor from Sydney’s west has avoided jail time after sending highly sexual messages proposing sex to an undercover police officer posing as a 14-year-old schoolgirl.

Glenmore Park man Luke Christopher Jones, 38, appeared at Penrith District Court for sentencing after a jury found him guilty of using a carriage service to groom a person under 16.

He was found not guilty of one other count of using carriage service to groom and one count of sending indecent material to a person under 16.

The court heard Jones had “four discrete conversations” with the officer posing as a teen after connecting on an adult chat site centred on fetishes and role-playing in February last year.

In a subsequent trial the defence had argued Jones did not believe he was speaking to a minor and thought it was an adult female posing as a 14-year-old for the purpose of fetish roleplay.

Luke Christopher Jones leaves Penrith District Court
Luke Christopher Jones leaves Penrith District Court

The Crown told the court Jones had been reminded at least three times of the child’s supposed age, including messages he received which stated “Mum will kill me if I get pregnant at 14” and “it sucks being 14, I have to wait two years until I get my Ls.”.

In regards to the child’s age Jones had sent a message saying “it’s a bit naughty you’re 14 but I’m not thinking about it”.

In an exchange of messages which Judge Michael Allen agreed constituted “the high point” of the offending Jones wrote to the officer posing as a teen: “I can please you, with my lips tongue and fingers, you can even rub your girl bit against my guy bit”.

The assumed identity wrote back “why are you being weird, you mean my vagina, you can say it...I’m 14 not six”.

Jones then responded: “okay, my d–k against your p–y.”

Judge Allan said the fact Jones did not reply to the last three messages sent by the pseudo teen showed he had “withdrawn” from the conversation.

“Plans to meet were not pursed with any serious intent by the offender, there was no address or time of the meeting discussed,” Judge Allen said.

Jones was sentenced in Penrith District Court
Jones was sentenced in Penrith District Court

Judge Allan said while he was satisfied beyond reasonable doubt upon the jury’s verdict that Jones was messaging who he believed was a schoolgirl, he could not accept his intention was to pursue anything beyond the online conversation.

“I cannot be satisfied the sexual intention went beyond the possibility of real such activity arising,” Judge Allen said.

The court also heard the messaging occurred in the context of issues in his marriage during a time when Jones was frequently browsing adult chat sites to seek validation.

In imposing a penalty Judge Allan took into account Jones had been assessed as posing a medium to low risk of reoffending, with strong community ties and no relevant prior record.

Jones was sentenced to 18 months’ imprisonment but he will not have to serve another day in custody beyond the day he was arrested after the sentence was suspended upon a condition he enter into a $2000 Commonwealth recognisance order.

Under the terms of the three year order, Jones will have to be of good behaviour, accept supervision from Community Corrections, not travel interstate or overseas without his probation officer’s permission and undertake any recommended treatment or rehabilitation.

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