
Shady Lozi: alleged kidnapper of Michael Haddad in court

Three men accused of holding King Cross identity John Ibrahim’s nephew hostage are negotiating plea deals as their case moves closer to trial.

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A magistrate threatened to dismiss the charges against the men accused of kidnapping Michael Haddad after hearing that prolonged plea deal negotiations meant the case was still not ready to be committed.

The case of Shady Lozi, 40, also known by the surname Ellawazi, Hamed Bamar and Zuhaib Shahzad was heard before Central Local Court on Tuesday (February 22).

The trio are accused of taking then 21-year-old Michael Haddad from a Ryde carpark and holding him hostage for two days.

Mr Haddad is the son of Kings Cross identity John Ibrahim’s sister Armani Stelio - who was previously known as Fifi Ibrahim.

Mr Ibrahim is not accused of any wrongdoing.

All three men are charged with a single count each of detain in company with intent to ransom occasioning actual bodily harm and participating in a criminal group.

Bamar is also charged with possessing a prohibited drug.

After hearing the parties were mutually asking for yet another two week adjournment, Magistrate Robert Williams was not happy stating the matters should have been committed back in December.

This is the fourth time the case has been adjourned during the committal process.

“I need affidavits to be filed or I will be dismissing these matters. You have until 2pm. I can’t understand why the DPP (Director of Public Prosecutions) isn’t ready to proceed,” Magistrate Williams said.

The affidavits were duly filed by the afternoon.

The court heard the trio’s lawyer Zawat Zreika had offered up plea deals for both Lozi and Shahzad.

Meanwhile the defence has been having difficulties reaching Bamar, who is on remand, to obtain instructions for a possible plea deal of his own.

The victim Michael Haddad (right) with his father Marwan Haddad.
The victim Michael Haddad (right) with his father Marwan Haddad.

“There must come a time when negotiations are over. Every matter can’t be negotiated surely,” Magistrate Williams said.

“Surely the DPP doesn’t accept every offer ever put to them?”

The prosecutor explained the plea deal for Shahzad had only been received on February 17 and the adjournment for Bamar was asked for by the defence.

Magistrate Williams agreed to adjourn the matters for one final time until March 8.

Lozi remains on bail while his two co-accused are on remand.


An alleged kidnapper of John Ibrahim’s nephew, Michael Haddad, already has “many exemptions” to his home detention but is seeking a further bail variation, a court has heard.

Shady Lozi, 40, who is also known by the last name Ellawazi, was allegedly part of the group that took 21-year-old Haddad from a Ryde carpark in October 2020 and held him hostage for two days.

Lozi is charged with take/detain in company with intent to ransom occasioning actual bodily harm and participate in a criminal group/contribute to criminal activity.

His matter was listed for a bail variation in Central Local Court on Tuesday (November 9) before Magistrate Clare Farnan.

Police arrest two men (centre) in connection to the kidnapping. Photo NSW Police
Police arrest two men (centre) in connection to the kidnapping. Photo NSW Police

The court heard after being refused bail in Central Local Court, Lozi successfully had it granted in the Supreme Court.

However his lawyer Nicole Mourad told the court her client sought to have two names added to the list of people permitted to escort him.

“This isn’t bail I granted, this is bail the Supreme Court granted,” Magistrate Farnan said.

“There are so many exemptions to the home detention that it is, on the face of it, meaningless which is perhaps why the police are not opposed to it.”

The victim is the nephew of Kings Cross identity John Ibrahim. Picture John Grainger
The victim is the nephew of Kings Cross identity John Ibrahim. Picture John Grainger

Magistrate Farnan asked Ms Mourad why Lozi was not present in the court and why she had not filed any supporting material for the application.

“I’m assuming when the Supreme Court made this order they had some material before them they had some affidavit material that indicated why this was important, maybe they didn’t,” Magistrate Farnan said.

The matter was adjourned until November 16.

John Ibrahim, a Kings Cross identity, is not accused of any wrongdoing.

Mr Haddad is the son of Mr Ibrahim’s sister Armani Stelio who was previously known as Fifi Ibrahim.

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