
Parramatta Powerhouse Museum design fails to include Willow Grove

Parramatta’s heritage supporters have suffered another blow to save Willow Grove after plans for the “horrendous” new Powerhouse Museum site still include destroying the 150-year-old villa.

Labor leader Jodi McKay and Parramatta councillor Donna Davis at Willow Grove, Parramatta.
Labor leader Jodi McKay and Parramatta councillor Donna Davis at Willow Grove, Parramatta.

Defiant heritage supporters believe they can still save Willow Grove and St George’s Terrace from the “$1.5 billion monstrosity” Powerhouse Museum at Parramatta but designers refuse to budge on incorporating it into the design.

The latticed design for the Powerhouse Museum was released in December and attracted a barrage of negative comments including remarks that it mirrored a giant milk crate.

North Parramatta Residents’ Action Group spokeswoman Suzette Meade said the community would not give up on saving the 1870s-built Victorian Italianate villa Willow Grove but is outraged about the lack of consultation.

Ms Meade said Australian Institute of Architecture’s NSW president Kathlyn Loseby posted details about a forum to discuss the museum’s design on Twitter in December — and that it was to be hosted at Kings Cross next month.

“Considering how unhappy the people of Parramatta were I really think it’s vital it’s here and at the Riverside Theatres because they’re going to need a big place,’’ she said.

“It’s only successful if the people of Parramatta are driving it.

“From the outset the community has not been engaged in a genuine manner of what we want. “The community will not give up. We’ll be on the street and chaining ourselves to fences as well as finding a solution.”

Willow Grove heritage building on Phillip St, Parramatta.
Willow Grove heritage building on Phillip St, Parramatta.

On a visit to Willow Grove at Phillip St, this week, NSW Labor leader Jodi McKay called on the government to abandon the museum’s “horrendous design” and engage with the community.

“We want a world-class cultural precinct while protecting the heritage in Parramatta,’’ she said.

“I think there is a complete lack of respect for heritage in Parramatta.

“We’ve always supported a cultural museum here but this is a $1.5 billion monstrosity of a building ruining heritage.

“They need to listen to the community and consult on this terrible design. The only consultation is in Kings Cross, not even here in Parramatta. I just think it’s extraordinary they can override the people of Parramatta like this, and the council.”

National Trust’s NSW Parramatta branch president Cheryl Bates, opposition heritage spokeswoman Kate Washington (obscured), Labor leader Jodi McKay, NPRAG spokeswoman Suzette Meade and Parramatta MP Julie Owen at Willow Grove.
National Trust’s NSW Parramatta branch president Cheryl Bates, opposition heritage spokeswoman Kate Washington (obscured), Labor leader Jodi McKay, NPRAG spokeswoman Suzette Meade and Parramatta MP Julie Owen at Willow Grove.

Parramatta Labor councillor Donna Davis wants Willow Grove to be incorporated into the Powerhouse Museum design and for the government to combine the Riverside Theatres to create a cultural precinct.

“The people of Parramatta want a cultural precinct and that cultural precinct should not come at a cost of our heritage,’’ she said.

“Parramatta is a cradle of this nation, this European nation.”

The controversial design for the Powerhouse Museum at Parramatta.
The controversial design for the Powerhouse Museum at Parramatta.
The Powerhouse Museum designs were released just before Christmas.
The Powerhouse Museum designs were released just before Christmas.

The Powerhouse Museum said it did not receive any information about the forum at Kings Cross.

But it unlikely the museum will listen to residents’ pleas to save Willow Grove and St George Terrace.

“The retention of Willow Grove was carefully considered during the judging process for the International Design Competition,’’ the spokeswoman said.

Willow Grove faces a sad fate.
Willow Grove faces a sad fate.

“However, the jury was unanimous in its decision on the final chosen concept.

“Powerhouse is working with Infrastructure NSW, Create NSW and (architects) Moreau Kusunoki and Genton to collaboratively develop the design over the next stage of the project, and the community will be invited to provide feedback as part of the upcoming planning process.”

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