
North Parramatta: Heritage precinct set to house planned Western Sydney Startup Hub

A technology hub will ‘activate’ a site where one of Australia only intact convict-building stands, leading opponents to say western Sydney’s heritage is being treated ‘second best’.

An artist’s impression of the Western Sydney Startup Hub, which will occupy the North Parramatta Heritage Core.
An artist’s impression of the Western Sydney Startup Hub, which will occupy the North Parramatta Heritage Core.

A technology hub will activate a 1500sq m site of the North Parramatta Heritage Core, where the Female Factory stands, leading opponents to say the project shows how the State Government is treating western Sydney’s heritage as “second best”.

Western Sydney, Jobs and Investment Minister Stuart Ayres said the Western Sydney Startup Hub would activate the heritage precinct by “sensitvely restoring’’ three buildings and attract entrepreneurs and innovators to the site, to open in late 2021.

The project include a cafe and events centre.

The Western Sydney Startup Hub will take up 1500sq m in the heritage precinct.
The Western Sydney Startup Hub will take up 1500sq m in the heritage precinct.

“This project will bring the innovation revolution to the heart of western Sydney, complementing the growth of the broader Westmead Health and Innovation District,

including the recently announced Innovation Quarter development, which will deliver

over 1000 jobs and 28,000 square metres of health, research, education and

commercial space,’’ he said.

Part of the project would include the “sensitive” restoration of the circa 1876 Hospital Spinal Range Building and circa 1892 Kitchen Block.

But North Parramatta Residents Action Group has objected to using the heritage precinct — particularly the nationally-heritage listed Female Factory — for business use.

The Female Factory is Australia’s oldest intact convict-built building. Picture: John Appleyard
The Female Factory is Australia’s oldest intact convict-built building. Picture: John Appleyard

The action group has called for the government to treat the Female Factory as it has the Hyde Park Barracks in central Sydney, where the government funds it as a museum and operates it with Sydney Living Museums.

“Why put it in the most fragile building?’’ action group spokeswoman Suzette Meade said.

“It seems second best for western Sydney.’’

The Female Factory was Australia’s first purpose built establishment for convict women and was constructed between 1881 and 1848.

Convict Francis Greenway designed the factory in a similar fashion to the Hyde Park convict barracks and it remains one of Australia’s oldest intact convict-built establishments.

The Fleet St institute was used as a workplace, prison and medical facility until 1847 when it was repurposed as an a lunatic asylum for convict women.

The State Government said the startup project would not have a negative impact on heritage buildings and it had committed $25 million towards restoring places such as the Female Factory and heritage garden.

It is also preparing a business case that would seek funding for a conservation program for the heritage core and was working with Sydney Living Museums and Create NSW on museum opportunities and other cultural uses for the site.

The government is next week expected to announce plans for Sydney University campus on the Westmead Health and Innovation precinct, which neighbours the North Parramatta heritage precinct, which Mr Ayres said would be a “jewel in western Sydney’s crown”.

“Nowhere else brings colonial and indigenous heritage, innovation, education and natural landscapes together like this site,’’ he said.

“I’m incredibly confident that the evolution of this amazing precinct will deliver something that Parramatta and all of western Sydney will be proud of for many decades to come.”

Expressions of interest to operate and manage the Western Sydney Startup Hub will

be open until December 18.


Parramatta’s Female Factory: Petition presented for UNESCO World Heritage listing

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