
Girraween: Boarding house at 96 Oramzi Rd attracts objections

A 31-unit boarding house at Girraween is attracting strong opposition from residents and community leaders who fear it will increase crime in their family-friendly neighbourhood.

Arun Bhuta, Satya Maddi and Srinivas Sunki in front of the proposed boarding house: Picture: Angelo Velardo
Arun Bhuta, Satya Maddi and Srinivas Sunki in front of the proposed boarding house: Picture: Angelo Velardo

A 31-unit boarding house at Girraween is attracting strong opposition from residents and community leaders who fear it will increase crime in their family-friendly neighbourhood.

An application before Cumberland Council proposes a house at 96 Oramzi Rd be demolished to make way for double storey boarding house with 20 single bedrooms, nine double bedrooms, manager’s accommodation, and underground parking with 15 car spaces and six motorcycle spaces.

More than 100 people have signed a petition objecting to the project because of its proximity to St Anthony’s Primary School and Girraween Public School and daycare centres.

Residents also fear lack of privacy, loss of sunlight and fear the building’s height will allow tenants to monitor their movements and lead to illegal activity.

Satya Maddi lives next door to the proposed boarding house and fears for children’s safety. Picture: Angelo Velardo
Satya Maddi lives next door to the proposed boarding house and fears for children’s safety. Picture: Angelo Velardo

Resident and father-of-two Satya Maddi, who lives next door to the proposal is also concerned it is not close to public transport.

“It’s going to be very busy and it’s 1km from Toongabbie and 1.5km from Pendle Hill station and bus transportation is only available after 7.30 in the evening,’’ he said.

Prospect state Labor MP Hugh McDermott has written to Cumberland Mayor Greg Cummings to support residents’ stance and reject the project, citing overdevelopment in the area and crime.

“The people at state boarding houses are people who have come out of prison after addiction,’’ he said.

“Boarding houses have a place in our community but not when it’s close to schools.”

Feedback for the project to the council closed last week.

The house at 96 Oramzi Rd. Picture: Angelo Velardo
The house at 96 Oramzi Rd. Picture: Angelo Velardo

Cumberland Mayor Greg Cummings recently slammed the proliferation of boarding houses in the area but said the State Government’s Affordable Rental Housing policy established them as a permissible form of development in most residential zones across Sydney.

“Council is held to a specific criteria stipulated in the State Environmental Planning Policy when assessing development applications for boarding houses including character considerations, location and solar access,’’ Cr Cummings said.

“Following the completion of the assessment, council officers will prepare a report which will be referred to the Cumberland Local Planning Panel for determination. The Cumberland Local Planning Panel will consider submissions from the public as part of this process.”


Development on Veron St in Wentworthville

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