
Ryde Council slammed for cancelling meeting during pandemic

Australia is in the midst of the worst health and financial crisis in living memory, with residents and business owners looking for guidance and leadership. But despite only being required to attend once a month, half of a Sydney council’s elected members failed to attend a crunch meeting - leading to its cancellation.

With Australia in the midst of a pandemic and recession, six of the 12 members of Ryde Council - including the mayor - have said they can’t make tonight’s meeting despite it being held over Zoom.
With Australia in the midst of a pandemic and recession, six of the 12 members of Ryde Council - including the mayor - have said they can’t make tonight’s meeting despite it being held over Zoom.

A Sydney council has been slammed for cancelling its monthly meeting after half of the councillors said they couldn’t attend.

With Sydney in the midst of the biggest health, social and economic crisis in living memory, six of the 12 members of Ryde Council - including the mayor - said they couldn’t make Tuesday night’s meeting despite it being held over Zoom.

Labor mayor Jerome Laxale sent an email out to councillors on Tuesday morning, informing them the meeting would be cancelled because it was inquorate – meaning a majority of councillors were unable to attend.

Ryde council has been slammed for cancelling its monthly meeting after half of its ratepayer funded councillors said they couldn't attend.
Ryde council has been slammed for cancelling its monthly meeting after half of its ratepayer funded councillors said they couldn't attend.

Liberal Cr Trenton Brown said the lack of attendance was “extraordinary”.

“In a time of pandemic where we’ve given ourselves flexibility for online meetings,” he said.

“People are highly emotional and very upset. There’s a lot of psychological hurt and people won’t be impressed now an entire month’s work is cancelled.”

Labor Cr Peter Kim said most issues that were on tonight’s agenda were important for local ratepayers “suffering from the COVID-19 crisis.”

Ryde mayor Jerome Laxale said, “The meeting has been cancelled as I have received six apologies, including one from myself.”
Ryde mayor Jerome Laxale said, “The meeting has been cancelled as I have received six apologies, including one from myself.”

Councillors are paid $25,160 a year and mayor Laxale pockets more than $92,000 ($66,860 plus his councillor fee of $25,160), according to council’s 2018/19 annual report.

In the email sent out by the mayor just after 9am on Tuesday, he said a quorum “may not be present” and so cancelled the meeting under council’s code of meeting practice. He further said all matters were to be pushed to the next ordinary meeting in August.

“If councillors wish to deal with business before then, councillors may call an Extraordinary meeting,” the email read.

Liberal Cr Sarkis Yedelian, who has been on council since 2004, said this was the first time he’s heard of an ordinary council meeting being cancelled.

“This is the first time in 15 years. I have had family things but I always give my Tuesday nights for council.

“It’s impossible to have six councillors not being able to attend. You’ve got a better chance in winning the Lotto,” he said.

Local residents and small businesses in the City of Ryde have been doing it tough since the pandemic hit earlier this year. Picture:Justin Lloyd
Local residents and small businesses in the City of Ryde have been doing it tough since the pandemic hit earlier this year. Picture:Justin Lloyd

The mayor said the situation was “by no means unique” adding: “This has happened a number of times during this term.”

He added: “The meeting has been cancelled as I have received six apologies, including one from myself.

He did not elaborate on his reason for not attending, only stating it was “personal.”

With Australia in the midst of a pandemic and recession, six of the 12 members of Ryde Council - including the mayor - have said they can’t make tonight’s meeting despite it being held over Zoom.
With Australia in the midst of a pandemic and recession, six of the 12 members of Ryde Council - including the mayor - have said they can’t make tonight’s meeting despite it being held over Zoom.

Cr Brown called for an investigation.

“They should assess the bonafides of all of these councillors who claimed illness,” he said.
“We’ve known about this meeting date for months. They were set at the start of the year.”

A Ryde Council spokesman said, “Council can confirm six apologies have been received.

A Ryde Council spokesman said, “Council can confirm six apologies have been received.”
A Ryde Council spokesman said, “Council can confirm six apologies have been received.”

“The quorum for a meeting of Council is a majority of the Councillors of the Council who hold office at that time and are not suspended from office.
“Where, prior to the commencement of a meeting, it becomes apparent that a quorum may not be present at the meeting, or that the safety and welfare of Councillors, Council Staff and members of the public may be put at risk by attending the meeting...the Mayor may, in consultation with the General Manager and, as far as is practicable, with each Councillor, cancel the meeting.”

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