
Epping to Chatswood trains stop September 30

TRANSPORT officials say setting the Epping to Chatswood rail closure date for September 30 was not timed to help the State Government at the election, despite major employers asking for a later start.

Traffic around Macquarie Park
Traffic around Macquarie Park

TRANSPORT officials say setting the Epping to Chatswood rail closure date for September 30 was not timed to help the State Government at the election, despite major employers asking for a later start.

Transport Minister Andrew Constance announced the last day of September will see work begin on upgrading the rail line for Metro services — expected to take about seven months.

Commuters will have to take the bus or find another means of transport while the rail line is closed, which looms as a major logistic challenge for Sydney.

Buses will be prevalent on our roads once the rail line is closed
Buses will be prevalent on our roads once the rail line is closed

Macquarie University had asked for rail services be closed from October, to minimise disruption to staff and students, while Macquarie Park-based Optus wanted the end of November.

These time frames would have meant more people were on holiday and lessened the early impact of the closure.

Ryde Mayor and state Labor candidate Jerome Laxale said the September 30 closure showed the government was desperate to open the Metro line before the March 23 election.

Yet Transport for NSW’s Marg Prendergast dismissed this theory.

“Definitely not,” she said.

“Our start date is part of the overall Metro program.

“They are the ones who’ve specified the date.”

Transport for NSW coordinator general Marg Prendergast. Picture: Tim Pascoe
Transport for NSW coordinator general Marg Prendergast. Picture: Tim Pascoe

The Metro program includes the Northwest line being built from Rouse Hill, which will connect to Chatswood Station when services begin next year.

Ms Prendergast said the services were designed to spread the traffic load.

“We’ll promote alternative routes in and out of Macquarie Park — using Vimera Rd, Talavera Rd,” she said.

“We’ll be sending a strong message to car drivers with single occupants to carpool or avoid that peak time.

“If you look at Macquarie Park, it’s that one hour (8am to 9am) that is really constrained.”

Macquarie Centre is a popular destination in Macquarie Park. Picture: Adam Ward
Macquarie Centre is a popular destination in Macquarie Park. Picture: Adam Ward

Riverside Business Chamber president Tony Abboud was uncertain as to the effect for business.

“We’re hoping and praying they put a similar level of planning to the Sydney Olympics that will allow traffic flow,” he said.

“It’s about getting staff to and from work but also allow accessibility for customers.”

Ryde state Liberal MP Victor Dominello said the new rail services would be the best public infrastructure in Australia.

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