
Bennelong by-election: 12 candidates on ballot paper

WHO should you vote for in the Bennelong by-election? Here are the 12 candidates’ final pitch.

Alexander a nose ahead in Bennelong race

WHO should you vote for in the Bennelong by-election? Here are the 12 candidates’ final pitch.

We have presented them in the order you will find them on the ballot paper:

Tony Robinson, Australian Liberty Alliance.
Tony Robinson, Australian Liberty Alliance.


Australian Liberty Alliance

“Politicians of today forget they are public servants. They are not public about the political activities and certainly not subservient.

“Politicians need to return to the realistic world where they do not receive five star accommodation, overseas trips, free gifts and generous superannuation. ALA believe Australian politicians should be under the scrutiny of the Australian Taxation Office regarding, travel, gifts and any perks.

“Furthermore, ALA stand for the angry protest voters who are attacked by the major parties. These people are pensioners, self-funded retirees and business owners, who are building or have built this great country.

“The major parties treat these people with contempt.”

Wesley Folitarik, Sustainable Australia.
Wesley Folitarik, Sustainable Australia.


Sustainable Australia

“The people of Bennelong are sick and tired of politicians from the professional class.

“Sustainable Australia is an independent, federally registered party with a positive, common sense agenda. We believe in securing an economically, environmentally and socially sustainable Australia.

“Sustainable Australia will achieve this by providing: secure jobs in a more diverse economy, affordable housing for first home buyers and renters, better planning to save Bennelong from overdevelopment, and a more sustainable environment and population.

James Jansson, Science Party.
James Jansson, Science Party.


Science Party

“The Science Party is planning a better future for our country. We want to invest in our children through increased funding for public education. We’ll invest into the jobs of tomorrow by doubling science and technology funding.

“We’ll invest into the country by building national infrastructure projects like high speed rail and fibre NBN.

“We’ll improve the tax system to make sure that housing is affordable.

“And we’ll establish a national Independent Commission Against Corruption to fight waste and corruption at the highest levels of government.

“A vote for the Science Party is a vote to change Australia for the better.

John Alexander, Liberal Party.
John Alexander, Liberal Party.


Liberal Party

“For the past seven years, we have worked together to make our community an even better place to live.

“I’ve been focused on supporting local jobs by cutting taxes and red tape for Bennelong’s small businesses, tackling housing affordability, easing congestion and protecting our community.

“I’m proud to have secured school and road improvements, and equipment and facilities for many sporting and community groups.

“With your support this Saturday, I’ll get on with the job of delivering for you.

“Meanwhile, Kristina Keneally and Labor are running their usual scare campaigns. It shows they have no plans for Bennelong.

“I ask you to vote Liberal this Saturday.”

Kristina Keneally, Labor.
Kristina Keneally, Labor.


Labor Party

“People in Bennelong have an opportunity to send Malcolm Turnbull and his awful Liberal Government a message on Saturday.

“Enough of Malcolm Turnbull’s attacks on Medicare, his cuts to local schools, his dodgy NBN and skyrocketing power prices. Only Labor will protect Medicare and reopen the Eastwood Medicare office the Liberals closed.

“We’ll invest $100 million in the Macquarie Park transport interchange.

“The people of Bennelong have a clear choice on Saturday between a strong Labor voice, fighting for our community against Malcolm Turnbull’s cuts or John Alexander who sits quietly by while Malcolm Turnbull closes local services, attacks Medicare and cuts funding to local schools.

“I need your support.”

James Platter, Australian Peoples Party.
James Platter, Australian Peoples Party.


Australian Peoples Party

“The people of Bennelong should consider the hope that a new party like the Australian People’s Party can bring to the electorate.

“I will put housing, education and immigration on the agenda to insure improvements are focused on a better community.

“The Australian People’s Party will work to abolish road tolls, reduce power bills and end foreign ownership of the community’s resources.

“We recognise people’s budgets are stretched to the limit.

“It is time to put the Bennelong people’s rights and standards of living first and the Australian People’s Party has a 10 point vision to do it.”

Justin Alick, The Greens.
Justin Alick, The Greens.


The Greens

“I’m passionate about social justice and environmental protection. I’m keenly interested in economics, and have great respect for the diversity of our community.

“I want an Australia to be a place that enables everyone to achieve their full potential and places decency, humanity, and reason at the heart of all things.

“If you want a leader who will work hard to: safeguard our community and bushland from overdevelopment; keep our country safe from climate change, free of corruption, smart and prosperous, fair and compassionate; build and manage a strong, fair, sustainable economy with high quality infrastructure, education and healthcare for all; then Vote 1 Justin Alick.

“Please get in touch via Facebook (justinalickgreens).”

Anthony Ziebell, Affordable Housing Party.
Anthony Ziebell, Affordable Housing Party.


Affordable Housing Party

“I will use the balance of power the seat of Bennelong has over the current government to ensure passage of new laws on both federal and state levels.

“These new laws will deliver on safe, liveable and affordable homes, and better renters’ rights.

“This by-election represents the most significant opportunity for every voter of Bennelong to act now. Not only for their own or their children’s sake and future, but also for generations of current and future Australians across our entire nation.

“All of Australia is looking to the voters of Bennelong to champion an incredible result that puts the basic needs of people and families first.

“It is time to make your vote count by voting for Affordable Housing.”

Anthony Fels, Non-Custodial Parents Party.
Anthony Fels, Non-Custodial Parents Party.


Non-Custodial Parents Party

“This election highlights an emerging issue of ‘Office of Profit from the Crown’ where a previously disqualified candidate has a debt waived by the government.

“Our constitution has always served our parliament well until now. New laws targeting Chinese lobbyists and foreign donations to the Liberals and ALP are unnecessary if our constitution is adhered to in the same way the High Court determined dual citizenship.

“Our constitution is being treated with contempt and Malcolm Turnbull must call upon the Queen’s representative to enforce it.

“The High Court can deal with this issue once and for all. The Governor-General must act to ensure members of parliament have not, and cannot be compromised in any way.”

Joram Richa, Australian Conservatives.
Joram Richa, Australian Conservatives.


Australian Conservatives

“This is your chance to send Canberra a message. Our politics is broken. But you can use your vote to tell Malcolm Turnbull and Bill Shorten you aren’t happy.

“Labor and the Liberals have racked up over half-a-trillion dollars of government debt. They have no credible plan to pay it back.

“Instead, they’re obsessed with gender-bending programs like the controversial Safe Schools. This is a government-funded, school-based program that teaches kids their gender is fluid and not based on biology.

“We can’t afford to reward failure. Bill Shorten and Malcolm Turnbull have done nothing to earn your vote.

“You deserve better than this but I need your support. Vote 1 Joram Richa and Australian Conservatives for a better way.”

Gui Dong Cao, Christian Democratic Party.
Gui Dong Cao, Christian Democratic Party.


Christian Democratic Party

“I am asking for your number 1 vote. I put the best interests of Bennelong people before party politics and the dollar’s lure. Sadly the major parties have created a divided, insecure community.

“My life’s goal is to glorify God, and serve people. As such I support: freedoms of speech, conscience and parents’ right to determine what their own children will learn about gender theory; electricity that’s reliable and cheap; reduction of national debt; farming land and waterways free from fracking’s contamination; maintaining integrity as priority.

“My candidacy is epitomised in the spirit of the national anthem: For those who’ve come across the seas … with courage let us all combine to Advance Australia Fair!”

Chris Golding, Australian Progressives.
Chris Golding, Australian Progressives.


Australian Progressives

“I am Bennelong’s obvious local choice this by-election. I have a masters degree and work in public policy. I grew up in the area and understand the key issues we face; for example, Ryde Hospital is tired and must be rebuilt, and we need new schools to ease overcrowding from the recent housing development boom.

“My personal experience and professional expertise means my understanding of policy development is real, not political lip-service. Bennelong’s strategic need for the government’s majority also means I can deliver real change for the area.

“I can be Bennelong’s voice of integrity missing from parliament, not another yes man of the major parties. My platform delivers innovative, evidence-backed policy.”

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