
Brodie Donegan steps up campaign to recognise unborn children

Brodie Donegan was seriously hurt when she was hit by a car in 2009. The driver was jailed for two years, but was not charged over the death of Brodie's unborn daughter. The law must change, she says.

It is three and a half years since Brodie Donegan of Mardi sustained serious injuries and lost her unborn child after being struck by a car on Christmas Day 2009.

But the mother-of-two is determined to get on with her life and continue the fight to have legislation introduced to recognise unborn children as people.

Ms Donegan was eight months pregnant at the time of the accident and while the driver was jailed for two years and three months, with a non-parole period of nine months, she wasn't charged over the death of unborn Zoe, as the law didn't recognise Zoe as a person.

Five months after her accident Mrs Donegan was able to walk unaided and in August 2010 competed in the City to Surf.

Last year she walked the London marathon and is now studying nutrition and has enrolled to become a qualified personal trainer from the Australian Institute of Personal Trainers Erina campus.

"You can either decide to be a victim or pick yourself back up again," she said.

The mother of Ashlee, 5, and Lachlan, 2, decided on a second course of action.

And while she concentrates on being the best mother she can be, she makes the trip to Zoe's grave in Sydney as often as she possible can.

"We had to bury her down there so I could attend the funeral as I was still in hospital at the time," she said.

"But I try to get down on important dates."


Mrs Donegan is still determined to see the law recognise unborn children but is wary of a bill put up by Christian Democratic MLC Fred Nile, which is yet to be debated in parliament.

Although it is called Zoe's Bill, the Donegans were not consulted over it and have grave concerns over some of its aspects.

"We are wary of where Mr Nile will want to head with his bill," Mrs Donegan said.

"There are some clauses which we feel could be opening the way for an abortion law. We are pro choice and do not want to be associated with anything to do with abortion."

Mrs Donegan said she had liaised with the former Labor State government and was now in talks with The Entrance Liberal MP Chris Spence over a new bill.

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