
Newcastle and Hunter traffic: Crashes, delays, updates

The daily commute is better with a little planning. Here's some roads it might be best to avoid today

Congestion on the M1. Photographer: Liam Kidston.
Congestion on the M1. Photographer: Liam Kidston.

Latest traffic alerts and road works for the Newcastle and Hunter region:

Traffic incidents since midnight: 4

Roadworks to avoid: 19

New roadworks this week: 0

Roadworks projects to be completed in the next 30 days:


Traffic incidents by suburb (most recently updated items are listed first):



Affected street: New England Highway near Maitland Road

Alert created at 12.30pm, March 24. Last updated at 12.59pm, March 24.

Advice: Reduce your speed. Exercise caution.



Affected street: M1 Pacific Motorway near Wyong Road

Alert created at 7.42am, March 24. Last updated at 8.09am, March 24.

Advice: Exercise caution.



Affected street: Pacific Highway near Johnson Road

Alert created at 6.34am, March 24. Last updated at 7.10am, March 24.

Advice: Exercise caution. Reduce your speed.



Affected street: Wyong Road near M1 Pacific Motorway

Alert created at 3.44am, March 24. Last updated at 4.27am, March 24.

Advice: Reduce your speed. Prepare to merge.

Roadworks by suburb (most recently updated items are listed first):

New Lambton


Affected street: Lookout Road near A37

Alert created at 2.38pm, March 21. Last updated at 1pm, March 24.

Ends: 5am, March 31

Advice: Allow extra travel time. Plan your journey. Changed traffic conditions will be in place for up to four consecutive weekends from Friday 28 March, between 7pm Friday and 5am Monday, weather permitting.  The work is part of the construction the Southern Interchange of the Rankin Park to Jesmond section of the Newcastle Inner City Bypass. Changed traffic conditions include:  Temporary traffic lane realignment and modification of the intersection including closure of slip lanes on McCaffrey Drive and Lookout Road, as well as the closure of one right turn lane from Lookout Road into McCaffrey Drive Lookout Road will be reduced to one lane both northbound and southbound each weekend McCaffrey Drive will be closed in both directions between Marshall Street and Lookout Road on the third weekend of work between 7pm Friday and 5am Monday , weather permitting.



Affected street: Maitland Road near Old Maitland Road

Alert created at 10.30am, March 21. Last updated at 7.27pm, March 21.

Ends: 5am, March 27

Advice: Allow extra travel time. Contraflow traffic conditions will be in place to allow motorists to pass in both directions.



Affected street: Pacific Highway near Louisiana Road

Alert created at 1.50pm, February 21. Last updated at 4.35pm, March 21.

Ends: 1.45pm, March 31

Advice: Check signage. Exercise caution. Traffic controllers will be on site to direct motorists. Alternating (stop/slow) traffic conditions will be in place to allow motorists to pass in one direction at a time. Drivers of OSOM are required to contact the Works Supervisor Dean 0417 364 984. Vehicles over 3.5m wide are to use the wide load bays provided and follow advice on signage. Lane width restrictions are in place, 3.5m lanes and 1.2 shoulders available throughout worksite.



Affected street: Golden Highway near Ringwood Road

Alert created at 10.37am, March 21. Last updated at 10.37am, March 21.

Ends: 11.36am, June 16

Advice: Check signage. Exercise caution. Traffic controllers will be on site to direct motorists. Motorists are advised to allow approximatelyFive minutes of additional travel time.

Phoenix Park


Affected street: Hinton Road near Hinton Bridge

Alert created at 2.56pm, February 7. Last updated at 10.30am, March 21.

Ends: 6pm, April 4

Advice: Check signage. Exercise caution. Alternating (stop/slow) traffic conditions will be in place to allow motorists to pass in one direction at a time. Motorists are advised to allow approximatelyFive minutes of additional travel time.



Affected street: M1 Pacific Motorway northbound off-ramp near Wyong Road

Alert created at 11.39am, February 21. Last updated at 10.28am, March 21.

Ends: 5am, April 6

Advice: Reduced speed limit. Check signage. The northbound off-ramp to Wyong Road will be closed, weather permitting, from 8pm to 4am on the following nights: 18th March 2025 31st March 2025 3rd April 2025 Drivers of oversize and/or overmass vehicles are required to contact the works supervisor 0417 364 984 prior to travel. Vehicles more than 4.5m wide are to use the wide load bays provided and follow advice on signage. Lane width restrictions are in place - 3.5m lanes and 1m shoulders available throughout worksite.



Affected street: Newcastle Road near Robinson Avenue

Alert created at 9.25am, January 24. Last updated at 1.54pm, March 20.

Ends: 11.45pm, December 31

Advice: Check signage. Reduced speed limit. Changed traffic conditions will be in place on Newcastle Road at the Jesmond Interchange at night between 7pm and 5am. Intermittent single lane closures on the westbound lanes for Newcastle Road, and intermittent single lane closures on the Newcastle Inner City Bypass will be in place. The eastbound lanes will be closed on Thursday 20 March , and then again from  Sunday 23 and Monday 24 March from 7pm to 5am. Detours of up to 2.5 km will be in place. B-double s, vehicles of wide loads (up to 4.5m wide) and under 5.9m height clearance are permitted to travel through the intersection on Newcastle Road, Jesmond. Operators of oversize and/or overmass vehicles with a ground contact wider than 3.2m or with overall width wider than 4.5m are advised to contact the project team at least one day ahead of movement on 1800 818 433. Further traffic impacts can be found  here



Affected street: Pacific Highway near Peats Ridge Road

Alert created at 10.22am, November 22. Last updated at 3.39pm, March 17.

Ends: 4.15am, March 28

Advice: Check signage. Exercise caution. Traffic controllers will be on site to direct motorists. Motorists are advised to allow approximatelyFive minutes of additional travel time. Drivers of Oversize/Overmass are required to contact works supervisor Dean 0417 364 984 Vehicles over 4.5m wide are to use the wide load bays provided and follow advice on signage. Lane width restrictions are in place, 3.5m lanes and 1m shoulders throughout worksite.

Howes Valley


Affected street: Putty Road near Terrys Creek

Alert created at 4.47pm, June 23. Last updated at 11.29pm, March 13.

Ends: 1am, April 30

Advice: Reduced speed limit. Check signage. Portable traffic lights will allow motorists to pass in one direction at a time. Motorists are advised to allow approximately 15 minutes of additional travel time.

Mount White


Affected street: M1 Pacific Motorway Southbound on-ramp near Morgans road

Alert created at 2.22am, March 8. Last updated at 1.09pm, March 13.

Ends: 4am, April 4

Advice: Check signage. Exercise caution. The M1 Pacific Mwy will have lane closures in both directions between Mount White and Mooney Mooney Creek



Affected street: Denman Road near Racecourse Road

Alert created at 4.31pm, March 8. Last updated at 4.31pm, March 11.

Ends: 4.29pm, April 3

Advice: Check signage. Exercise caution. Alternating (stop/slow) traffic conditions will be in place to allow motorists to pass in one direction at a time. Traffic controllers will be on site to direct motorists. Motorists are advised to allow approximatelyFive minutes of additional travel time.

Garland Valley


Affected street: Putty Road near

Alert created at 5.40pm, March 8. Last updated at 5.40pm, March 8.

Ends: 6.32pm, May 24

Advice: Check signage. Exercise caution. Motorists are advised of changed traffic conditions from 10 March 2024 for essential slope stabilisation work on Putty Road at several locations, south of Terrys Creek at Garland Valley and at Howes Valley. Alternating (stop/slow) traffic conditions will be in place to allow motorists to pass in one direction at a time. Traffic controllers will be on site to direct motorists. Motorists are advised to allow approximatelyFive minutes of additional travel time.



Affected street: New England Highway near Sanctuary Drive

Alert created at 12.41pm, March 3. Last updated at 3pm, March 8.

Ends: 7pm, April 4

Advice: Check signage. Exercise caution. The speed limit outside work hours is 60km/h. Motorists are advised to allow approximatelyFive minutes of additional travel time

Howes Valley


Affected street: Putty Road near

Alert created at 12.56pm, November 8. Last updated at 12.45pm, February 28.

Ends: 1.55pm, April 17

Advice: Check signage. Exercise caution. Traffic controllers will be on site to direct motorists. Portable traffic lights will allow motorists to pass in one direction at a time. Motorists are advised to allow approximatelyFive minutes of additional travel time.



Affected street: Golden Highway near Sotts Lane

Alert created at 10.53am, February 21. Last updated at 10.54am, February 21.

Ends: 7pm, June 30

Advice: Check signage. Exercise caution. Portable traffic lights will allow motorists to pass in one direction at a time. The speed limit outside work hours is 60km/h. Motorists are advised to allow approximatelyFive minutes of additional travel time.

Howes Valley


Affected street: Putty Road near Glen Roy Fire Trail

Alert created at 10.56pm, November 28. Last updated at 1.48pm, December 13.

Ends: 10.53pm, March 30

Advice: Check signage. Exercise caution. Traffic controllers will be on site to direct motorists. Motorists are advised to allow approximatelyFive minutes of additional travel time.



Affected street: Putty Road near Snakes Valley Creek

Alert created at 4.01pm, November 3. Last updated at 3.32pm, October 17.

Ends: 6pm, September 18

Advice: Reduced speed limit. Check signage. Portable traffic lights will allow motorists to pass in one direction at a time. Motorists are advised to allow approximatelyFive minutes of additional travel time.



Affected street: Putty Road near Putty Valley Road

Alert created at 7.07pm, February 2. Last updated at 3.02pm, October 17.

Ends: 12am, December 1

Advice: Reduced speed limit. Check signage. Portable traffic lights will allow motorists to pass in one direction at a time.

Freemans Waterhole


Affected street: Freemans Drive near Gap Road

Alert created at 11.47am, February 3. Last updated at 11.30am, October 11.

Ends: 9am, June 20

Advice: Reduced speed limit. Check signage. Traffic control will be in place 24hrs a day.

Today's hyperlocal stories are available here.

The previous Newcastle and Hunter traffic article can be viewed here.

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