
Port Macquarie Airport: Parallel taxiway to boost aircraft capacity, size

Plans for an $18 million taxiway to run parallel to the existing runway at Port Macquarie Airport have been lodged with the NSW Planning Panel.

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An 11-year plan to provide a dual taxiway to Port Macquarie airport is a step closer with a proposal lodged for the $18 million project.

The NSW Northern Region Planning Panel is set to decide the fate of the taxiway development, after Port Macquarie-Hastings Council lodged the plans last month.

It is proposed to construct a parallel taxiway to the main runway which would allow large passenger aircraft to land, taxi and take off safely and more frequently.

A new taxiway has been lodged for construction at Port Macquarie Airport. Pics Daniel Mills
A new taxiway has been lodged for construction at Port Macquarie Airport. Pics Daniel Mills
Supplied Editorial
Supplied Editorial

A detailed project design report, submitted by SMEC to Port Macquarie-Hastings Council, stated that the objective of the new taxiway would help meet the future demand and requirements of Code 4C aircraft, which include commercial 737 and A320 series planes.

“The objective of the project is to develop a design for a parallel taxiway to meet the future demand and requirements of code 4C aircraft,” the report states.

“A parallel taxiway will improve operational efficiency in the event that general aviation aircraft movements increase due to pilot training and circuit operations,” the report states.

“The parallel taxiway will also act as a supporting infrastructure to the recently upgraded Code 4C runway.”

The project would increase the capacity for planes to take off and land more frequently. Pics Daniel Mills
The project would increase the capacity for planes to take off and land more frequently. Pics Daniel Mills

The vision for the upgrade was identified in a 2010 airport masterplan, which stated that there was a need for a new taxiway parallel to the main runway (called 03/21), in order to improve safety and maximise the capacity and operational efficiency of the runway.

Currently, aircraft are required to use the main runway (03/21) as a taxiway to position for takeoff, which results in the runway being occupied for longer periods of time and subsequently constrains airspace capacity.

The new purpose built taxiway will help free-up space for space for aircraft seeking to takeoff as others land.

Council awarded the tender for the planning and design of a parallel taxiway at Port Macquarie Airport to SMEC in June, 2017.

$58 million Port Macquarie Airport Business Park cleared for takeoff. Pic Daniel Mills
$58 million Port Macquarie Airport Business Park cleared for takeoff. Pic Daniel Mills

The new taxiway is a key component of the ongoing development of the Airport as set out in the Airport Master Plan, which also includes the $58 million Airport Business Park.

The development of the Port Macquarie Airport Business Park is considered a key enabler of growth opportunities for Port Macquarie, including tourism and other industry sectors.

It will help support a huge increase in passenger numbers to the area, which is expected to double by 2036.

The NSW Government’s North Coast Regional Plan confirmed that the Port Macquarie Airport can be a key driver of, and catalyst for regional growth.

If the $18 million taxiway upgrade is approved by the NSW Northern Regional Planning Panel, it will be located parallel to the main runway.

The first stage of the taxiway is likely to cater for light aircraft only, with larger airline services continuing to taxi to and from the terminal building on the runway.

Future stages of the taxiway will ultimately cater for all aircraft.

Construction timetabling will be subject to operational requirements and the availability of funding.

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