
Covid-19: Police launch investigation into Covid-positive person’s movements

Mid-North Coast Police have launched an investigation into whether a Sydney traveller was permitted to visit the region while infectious with Covid-19.

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Police have launched an investigation into whether a Sydney traveller had a valid reason to visit Port Macquarie while they were infectious with Covid-19.

Early reports suggested that the person, who flew from Sydney to Port Macquarie on September 16, used a legal loophole permitted under the current NSW Public Health Orders to view property in the area.

But that is now not so clear given the revelation on Thursday that police are now actively looking into the matter.

Mid-North Coast Local Health District was made aware of the positive case on Saturday, September 25, releasing a statement requesting anyone who visited Port Macquarie Airport on Tuesday September 21, between 8.30am to 10.05am, to get tested.

Mid-North Coast Police Insp Peter O'Reilly.
Mid-North Coast Police Insp Peter O'Reilly.

Mid-North Coast Police Inspector Peter O’Reilly told The Mid-North Coast News that given the ramifications of the traveller’s visit to Port Macquarie, an investigation was warranted.

“We’re working with (NSW) Health to investigate the circumstances of this person’s arrival and their movements in Port Macquarie,” Insp O‘Reilly said.

“Outside of that, we won’t comment or speculate any further once we know what’s going on.”

He said police were working with NSW Health on the matter, and would have more to say once they finalise their inquiries.

More than 20 venues have now been listed as areas of concern, after the two local cases visited them while infectious.

There have been two cases of Covid-19 in the Mid North Coast Local Health District (MNCLHD) reported to 8pm Wednesday.

One case is from Kempsey and is a close household contact of an earlier case diagnosed last weekend. The person has been isolating and was not infectious in the community.

The other case is from South West Rocks. This case was announced to the media on Wednesday and is included in Thursday‘s numbers.

NSW Health revised the status of a Kempsey healthcare worker to a close contact only, excluding them from Wednesday’s positive covid case numbers.

It was earlier reported that the worker, who is staying in a health accommodation facility on the Mid-North Coast, was one of three fresh Covid-positive cases confirmed for the Kempsey LGA.

The new cases were not originally reported in Wednesday’s NSW Health numbers, because they were confirmed after the daily deadline of 8pm on Tuesday.

Following further investigations, Mid-North Coast Local Health District has cleared the case.

Stewart Dowrick, Chief Executive Mid North Coast Local Health District.
Stewart Dowrick, Chief Executive Mid North Coast Local Health District.

“Following further investigations, that case has now been excluded,” Mid-North Coast Local Health District chief executive Stewart Dowrick said.

“The person remains in special health accommodation as a close contact. This means there were two cases in the Mid-North Coast reported overnight – two people from the same South West Rocks household.


Kempsey healthcare worker tests positive to Covid

Wednesday, 29 September

NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard said on Wednesday that the new cases, particularly the health care worker, are being looked into.

“One case is a healthcare worker who has been in health accommodation in Port Macquarie while infectious, so obviously we are looking at those issues.”

The three new Kempsey cases come less than 24 hours after stay-at-home restrictions were lifted on Tuesday.

SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA- News Wire photos September 28 2021- NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard speaking at the daily press conferences. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Adam Yip
SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA- News Wire photos September 28 2021- NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard speaking at the daily press conferences. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Adam Yip

There are no new cases of Covid-19 in Port Macquarie, despite the town being plunged into lockdown at the same time Kempsey’s seven-day public health orders were lifted.

The lockdowns for Port Macquarie apply to anyone who has been in both local government areas since September 17 and September 22 respectively.

Everyone in the LGA must stay at home unless it is for an essential reason, which includes shopping for food, medical care, getting vaccinated, compassionate needs, exercise and work or tertiary education if you can’t work or study at home.

The town was plunged into lockdown with health officials concerned that it could be teetering on the edge of a possible outbreak due to a Covid-positive traveller who flew to the region from Sydney while infectious.

The person spent time with two friends, both locals, who visited up to 20 venues which have all been listed as venues of concern.

A NSW Police spokeswoman said contact tracing is underway by NSW Health regarding this positive case.

“Once information is collated it is then shared with NSW Police, who will investigate any alleged breaches of the Public Health Order,” she said.

Port Macquarie Mayor Peta Pinson said on Monday the two close contacts of the traveller were known to the now two infected locals.

Mid-North Coast business woman Peta Pinson
Mid-North Coast business woman Peta Pinson

“The close contacts that caught Covid from this visitor are locals and they’ve proceeded to also go about businesses throughout Port Macquarie visiting a number of stores,” Cr Pinson said.

“The two infected close contacts are friends I believe of the traveller from Sydney.

“My urge is that the community goes out and gets tested. We have done so well up until now.

“Unfortunately, this visitor has come in infected … we need to ask the question how this has happened and it just demonstrates the importance of vaccinations.

“I totally support people coming into our region now, who are fully vaccinated to stop the spread. This is a highly transmissible infection and we’re probably going to see greater numbers from the two we already have.”

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