
Revealed: Every person standing for Northern Beaches Council election

Here are the 72 people vying for a seat at the Northern Beaches Council table for the next four years.

Women pushed to run in local elections

On December 4 there will be 72 candidates in the running for the 15 seats at the Northern Beaches Council table after an almost year-and-a-half election delay.

There are 23 groups and three ungrouped candidates in this election across five Wards — Curl Curl, Frenchs Forest, Manly, Narrabeen and Pittwater.

Three councillors are elected from each Ward.

Current sitting councillors Pat Daley, Kylie Ferguson, Penny Philpot and Natalie Warren will not be running this term.

And two other councillors, Ian White and Roslyn Harrison are at the bottom of their ballot papers and not expected to be re-elected.

Here are the parties, groups and individuals running in this election — and what they stand for.


Group A: Labor

Lead candidate: Brandt Clifford

Brandt Clifford, the lead Labor candidate for Curl Curl Ward.
Brandt Clifford, the lead Labor candidate for Curl Curl Ward.

After living on the northern beaches for years, and talking more in depth to people in the past 18 months, Mr Clifford reckons his community has a “desire for some changes”.

The active member of the Surf Life Saving community, who works includes improving accessibility and wellbeing in the transport and healthcare industries, said he was passionate about stopping overdevelopment, especially in Dee Why, Brookvale and Curl Curl.

“There have been hundreds of new dwellings crammed into small spaces with more on the way, without the corresponding amenity or infrastructure to accommodate it.

“I am committed to ending poor planning. You just have to try and find a car park in the area to realise how poor this has been planned.”

Mr Brandt said the council also needed to take a greater role in creating healthy spaces by improving the tree canopy and usable green areas.

“By doing this, it will go to improving physical and mental wellbeing and improve our environment.

“We have the image in our minds that the northern beaches has an abundance of green spaces and tree canopies, but it is not equally distributed, and not accessible to everyone.

“Hand-in-hand with both overdevelopment and healthy accessible green spaces is the need to protect our waterways from pollutants and microplastics and improve our storm water management.”

Other candidates:

Abby Harris

Brandon Perrett-Hale

Group B: Your Northern Beaches Independent Team

Lead candidate: Cr Sue Heins

Cr Sue Heins is running in Curl Curl Ward for the Your Northern Beaches Independent Team.
Cr Sue Heins is running in Curl Curl Ward for the Your Northern Beaches Independent Team.

Ms Heins is a member of Northern Beaches Council who has lived on the northern beaches for more than 25 years.

As well as being a successful business woman, she has been honoured by the NSW Women in Local Government awards for her contributions to the council.

Ms Heins said due to her business background, especially in mentoring and facilitating training, she was keen to support the revitalisation of local suburban centres “so that locals can proudly support their local businesses”

“Activities such as fairs, music and family events for centres such as Freshwater, Brookvale and Dee Why were things that happened regularly in the past.

“We need to see them back again.”

Ms Heins also wants to see our natural environment protected now, and in the future.

With two lagoons in Curl Curl Ward, we need more people to be aware of not only how special they are but also understand how human actions can impact the fragility of the waterways, beaches and flora and fauna.

“My motivation is to protect our precious coastline from inappropriate development and the impacts of climate change.”

Ms Heins was also keen to push for consultation with businesses and community groups to enhance Freshwater Village, the Brookvale Precinct and the Dee Why Town Centre.

“The local business community has had tremendous setbacks and will need ongoing support,” she said.

“Council has been working closely with Chambers of Commerce and business owners directly but more can be done to encourage businesses to collaborate to bring a vibrancy to our local areas.

Other candidates:

Louise Hislop:

Louise Hislop, former co-campaign manager for independent Warringah MP Zali Steggall, is running for Curl Curl Ward under Mayor Michael's Regan's Your Northern Beaches Independent Team.
Louise Hislop, former co-campaign manager for independent Warringah MP Zali Steggall, is running for Curl Curl Ward under Mayor Michael's Regan's Your Northern Beaches Independent Team.

Ms Hislop is a “fourth generation northern beaches woman” who has brought her family up in

North Curl Curl, while managing a small business.

She said that as an active member of Curl Curl Lagoon Friends, including periods on the executive committee, and the founding President of Voices of Warringah, that she has a “demonstrated ability to lead community engagement.

“As a former community liaison officer for Zali Steggall MP, I gained valuable

experience assisting people and businesses with their concerns.

“I will champion the environment, arts, small business and embrace our diversity.”

Ben Grozier:

Ben Grozier, a former teacher turned business owner, is running for Curl Curl Ward at the local elections on December 4.
Ben Grozier, a former teacher turned business owner, is running for Curl Curl Ward at the local elections on December 4.

This former schoolteacher and father of three, is the co-founder and CEO of a northern beaches based business — ClassCover Pty Ltd — which helps schools to manage casual teachers.

Mr Grozier also mentors start-up businesses at the Cerebral Palsy Alliance’s, Remarkable Tech Accelerator at Allambie Heights and is keen to see the council continue providing strong support for local businesses.

“As a member of Long Reef Golf Club and as a keen surfer I am … dedicated to caring for our environment, ensuring a sustainable future and protecting the beautiful coastline and bushland area we enjoy.”

Group C: The Greens

Lead candidate: Kristyn Glanville

Kristyn Glanville, the Curl Curl lead candidate for The Greens.
Kristyn Glanville, the Curl Curl lead candidate for The Greens.

Ms Glanville is an environment and planning lawyer by background, who has advised a range of clients on issues including development, waste, native vegetation, and pollution.

She is currently studying a PhD in environmental regulation at the University of NSW, has lived on the northern beaches since primary school, and lives close to Freshie beach and Curl Curl Lagoon.

Ms Glanville wants to promote local sustainability, and thriving, liveable communities if elected to council.

“I will push for an updated coastal management plan to protect our local beaches and Curl Curl Lagoon, opportunities for more local trees and vegetation, and adequate local facilities such as bathrooms.”

Ms Glanville said she was running as a Greens’ candidate to ensure that the environment remained on the agenda.

“Our local environment faces many threats, including poorly designed development, pollution, and climate change. There are many opportunities to enhance nature and urban vegetation in our area.”

Ms Glanville was keen to ensure sustainable development.

“Northern Beaches Council is under a directive from the State Government to increase the number of homes built in the area. New environment and development plans are currently being drafted which will shape development over the next 10-15 years. It is critical these plans deliver new housing which is attractive, liveable, sustainable, and affordable.

“My professional background makes me well suited to contributing to these plans, and ensuring they prioritise good outcomes for the community and environment.

Ms Glanville also wanted the council to help the community to avoid waste going to landfill, including working with local takeaway shops to pilot a container deposit scheme, piloting composting to divert food scraps from landfill, and establishing a bulky goods recycling centre and repair cafe, to make it easier for people to reuse and repair items.

Other candidates:

Jane Easton:

The retired environmental biologist has many years’ experience in the Higher education sector, and is a lifelong resident of the northern beaches.

Judy lambert from Curl Curl Greens. Picture: (AAP Image / Julian Andrews).
Judy lambert from Curl Curl Greens. Picture: (AAP Image / Julian Andrews).

Judy Lambert:

A long-term Fairlight resident, Ms Lambert is co-director of her own small environmental consultancy business who is also trained as a pharmacist, a research scientist and in business administration.

During her nine years on Manly Council, and more recently as a volunteer at North Head, she worked closely with community members for the protection of the environment, sustainable living and social justice.

“If elected I would continue to work for these issues, to which I’ve long been committed.”

Group D: Liberal

Lead candidate: Cr David Walton

Northern Beaches Council Liberal councillor Dave Walton at Manly Beach.
Northern Beaches Council Liberal councillor Dave Walton at Manly Beach.

The Queenscliff resident has been on the Council since 2017 and is a Board Member of the NSW State Archives and Records Authority.

Mr Walton is a former Police Commander on the northern beaches and Chairman of Police Bank Ltd who has more than 20 years experience on commercial and government boards, is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and a Harvard Business School alumni.

As a part of his “action plan” he wants to stop the annual rate hikes above inflation “leaving more money for your family”.

Mr Walton also wanted to improve the delivery of more footpaths, parks and sports fields; cut bureaucracy and red tape on local businesses and jobs and: end wasteful expenditure like the $13.7m on new rubbish and recycling bins before their end of life.

“What could have been achieved by now in the fifth year of the council amalgamation, has not been fully achieved due to a lack of total focus on the community and residents by some councillors.

“My plan will achieve efficiencies and economies of scale through the use of technology improvements; reductions in consultants, contractors and bureaucracy; and improved accountability systems on expenditure

“This will in the end save residents money to spend on their family.

Mr Walton said he wanted to ensure the council’s core services of roads, rates and rubbish weare prioritised before spending money on individual councillor’s “non-strategic ideas” that hade no business case.

“I will create a council that is focused on its residents in all decision making in achieving a thriving, liveable and connected communities.”

Other candidates:

Lee Furlong:

Lee Furlong is running for the Liberals at the Northern Beaches Council election.
Lee Furlong is running for the Liberals at the Northern Beaches Council election.

Mr Furlong has a high profile role as the Chairman of the NSW Taxi Council looking after 3500 members.

He said he knows how to “fight for the little guy”.


Vicky McGahey:

Dr Vicky McGahey is a Liberal candidate running for Northern Beaches Council.
Dr Vicky McGahey is a Liberal candidate running for Northern Beaches Council.

A local teacher and former university lecturer, Dr McGahey has experience in the education field.

She is also a public speaker and author on leadership attributes to “help lead communities with courage and confidence”.


Group A: Liberal

Lead candidate: Cr Stuart Sprott

Cr Stuart Sprott is the Liberal’s lead candidate in Frenchs Forest Ward.
Cr Stuart Sprott is the Liberal’s lead candidate in Frenchs Forest Ward.

Mr Sprott said he ran for election to the council four years ago because he was concerned about the proposed new town centre at Frenchs Forest and its lack of open space.

But, he said the current council lobbied the State Government and had the 15,000 sqm of open space included in the town centre plan as well as strict environment controls on buildings with proper solar access.

“I was also concerned about the loss of tree canopy and since then we have developed the council’s ‘Urban Tree Plan’, planting 5000 street and park trees every year for the next 20 years.

“That’s 100,000 trees being planted across the northern beaches, helping to put the ‘Forest’ back in Frenchs Forest.”

If he is returned to the council Mr Sprott will push to have Aquatic Reserve pushed to the top of the list for a sportsfield revamp.

“Currently the area besides the Warringah Aquatic Centre is in very poor condition and I would like to see that bought up to the same condition as Lionel Watts or Melwood Oval precincts.

I would also continue my work in rejuvenating our local shopping centres like we did with Killarney shops and with what we have planned for Forestville shops which is due to commence early next year.”

Mr Sprott said he would continue to be a “strong voice” in protecting environment and fighting against overdevelopment.

Other candidates:

David Lovell:

David Lovell is a Liberal candidate running for Northern Beaches Council.
David Lovell is a Liberal candidate running for Northern Beaches Council.

Mr Lovell, of Frenchs Forest, who has called the northern beaches home for more than 30 years, is a volunteer firefighter and is on the board of local charity Street Mission, which helps provide meals for those in need.

He has 15 years management experience in the technology sector working in both small business and multinational organisations.

“I am running for council to make sure Frenchs Forest and the northern beaches remain an

incredible place to live for my children and future generations.”

Mr Lovell said he would focus on fighting for lower rates, better services, and protecting “our unique environment”.

Marcus Middleton:

Mr Middeton is a second-generation “Forest” resident and a former journalist, now employed in the private sector.

He said her joined the Liberal ticket as a show of support for Cr Stuart Sprott, who he believed had done an amazing job ensuring that The Forest was a welcoming place for new residents, while still retaining its unique character.

“For the past four years Stuart has been the cornerstone of our local community, making sure Forest voices have been heard on the larger, amalgamated Northern Beaches Council.

Group B: Independent

Lead candidate: Chris Sharpe

Chris Sharpe, an independent candidate for the Northern Beaches Council election in 2021.
Chris Sharpe, an independent candidate for the Northern Beaches Council election in 2021.

Although now retired, Mr Sharpe spent his professional career in telecommunications where he had numerous business management roles including with Telstra and at Optus where he managed its Warringah Mall retail store.

He said his Bachelor of Business and an MBA along with more than 30 years of commercial and managerial experience “which is what I will bring to the future council”.

With his wife Tricia, he is a volunteer at Manly Meals on Wheels and recently started as a trainer at the Computer Pals, Forestville.

Mr Sharpe also supports the Cerebral Palsy Alliance through my work at various state and National Bocce Ball finals.

“I’m standing as there is to be so much development and construction within my Ward, which needs to be carefully managed along with diligent community engagement about the future traffic impacts.

Mr Sharpe said there were two specific projects that were “near and dear” to him.

— the commencement and completion of floodproofing Wakehurst Parkway, using the allocated $17 million in funding and:

— championing community concerns such as those for the upcoming major French Forest redevelopment and the relocation of Forest High, both of which will have a huge impact on the traffic on residents and businesses in the area.

Other candidates:

Monica Clonda:

Monica Clonda, an independent candidate for the Northern Beaches Council election in 2021.
Monica Clonda, an independent candidate for the Northern Beaches Council election in 2021.

Ms Clonda, a working mum and a new grandmother, said she was passionate about the area in which she lives and the protection of all the “wonderful natural and unique environments we have here on the northern beaches”.

She is connected to the local art and yoga community and works as a laboratory scientist in pathology. Ms Clonda has served on the Curl Curl Youth and Community Voluntary Committee for more than 20 years during which time she developed a playgroup for young mothers to connect locally.

In 2007 she was named Volunteer of the Year award.

Ms Clonda is also committed to keeping proposed gas rigs/drills off our coastline.

Tricia Sharpe:

Tricia Sharpe, an independent candidate for the Northern Beaches Council election in 2021.
Tricia Sharpe, an independent candidate for the Northern Beaches Council election in 2021.

Born and bred on the northern beaches, the recently retired Ms Sharpe worked in the banking industry for both the State and Commonwealth Banks for more than 37 years as a teller and then customer service specialist.

She is also volunteering with Manly Meals on Wheels for 10 years she was also focused on the future on issues including protecting the local environment, keeping council rates low and the faster reduction of carbon emissions across all the council’s assets.

Group C: Your Northern Beaches Independent Team

Lead candidate: Cr Michael Regan

Northern Beaches Mayor Michael Regan is running under his Your Northern Beaches Independent Team.
Northern Beaches Mayor Michael Regan is running under his Your Northern Beaches Independent Team.

The current mayor was first prompted to run for Warringah Council as an independent because, in his opinion, it was failing to pay attention to the basics.

Mr Regan said it had no long term plans and no real connection with the State or Federal Government.

“As a Council, and a community we worked together to address those issues,” he said.

“I have taken a similar approach to this new council and despite the interruption of Covid we are on track to being a consistent and high performing council.”

The mayor said “it troubles” him that the major political parties were “circling” to take control of a council that had exceeded expectations of the State Government mandated merger.

“The new council has spent over $70 million in repairing and upgrading infrastructure in Manly alone.

“This Council has increased services levels across the Local Government Area, significantly increased capital expenditure to repair and restore local infrastructure, paid down the debts of the old councils, lowered rates and waste fees for every household and made significant progress on environment issues that matter to you.”

Mr Regan with several huge projects ahead from the State and Federal Governments “more than ever, we need to keep our council local and independent of the major parties who are again circling to take control.”

He mentioned that the challenges of housing affordability and choice, plus the environment, were two of many priorities “if we are to be as successful as we should be”

“While some candidates are fighting for this and that, and looking to have their major party take control of your council, myself and the Your Northern Beaches Independent Team will continue to talk to you, ask questions, listen and act.

“We are locals, representing our local area working together with you to make life better.

“Look around, from where we were a decade ago. Cromer Park, Narrabeen Lagoon trail, PCYC, surf clubs and community centres under construction, Lionel Watts, ocean pools, bush restoration, creative spaces, mental health support.”

“Lets keep up the momentum of making this place even better over the next few years. Working with the Government, not for it.

Other candidates:

Jose Menano-Pires:

Jose Menano-Pires is running under Mayor Michael Regan's Your Northern Beaches Independent Team. Picture: Supplied.
Jose Menano-Pires is running under Mayor Michael Regan's Your Northern Beaches Independent Team. Picture: Supplied.

Mr Menano-Pires has lived, and raised a family in, Frenchs Forest for the last 38 years and has had a lengthy career computer science and information Technology, as well as running his own consultancy business for the last 20 or so years.

“Specifically in the Frenchs Forest Ward I would like to:

— review and potentially refurbish the Warringah Aquatic Centre precinct, including the Olympic pool and sports fields;

— ensure that the Hospital Precinct Plan is implemented in a sustainable positive way, taking special consideration to multi-use green/ pen space;

— renew/modernise our child playing areas and parks and:

— reduce backlog on footpaths.”

Cr Roslyn Harrison:

Cr Roslyn Harrison is running under Mayor Michael's Regan's Your Northern Beaches Independent Team. Picture: Supplied.
Cr Roslyn Harrison is running under Mayor Michael's Regan's Your Northern Beaches Independent Team. Picture: Supplied.

This former Deputy Mayor served on council for nearly 10 years.

She is a schoolteacher with a passion for education and good communication.

“As a current councillor for Frenchs Forest ward, I am committed to bringing council and community together to solve issues of concern.

“My three focus areas are affordable housing, keeping the Forest green and community connectivity through foot and cycle paths.”

Sarah Baker

Sarah Baker is running under Mayor Michael Regan's Your Northern Beaches Independent Team. Picture: Supplied.
Sarah Baker is running under Mayor Michael Regan's Your Northern Beaches Independent Team. Picture: Supplied.

Group D: The Greens

Lead candidate: Chris Burns

The Greens candidate for Frenchs Forest Ward, Chris Burns.
The Greens candidate for Frenchs Forest Ward, Chris Burns.

A librarian for nearly three decades, working in public libraries and more recently at the State Library and the NSW Parliamentary Library, Mr Burns has been living in Forestville for 24 years.

He said he was dedicated to pushing to maintain and improve the liveability and sustainability of the Frenchs Forest Ward by tackling inappropriate development, protecting bushland and mature tree canopy and finding solutions to the local traffic problems

“My main motivation for seeking election to council is to ensure that the northern beaches has the building blocks to guarantee a high quality of life for its residents, into the future.

“A lot of crucial policies, structures and developments, for example the finalisation of the new Local Environment Plan, the new town centre and Forest High and action on climate change, will be determined within the next few years.

“They all need a Green perspective in the mix.”

Mr Burns would like to implement food and garden organics recycling.

“If I’m elected I will immediately move for the introduction of a food organics/garden organics (FOGO) waste service.”.

Mr Burns was also keen on a toy library service for the northern beaches.

“A toy library would be a boon to all our young families, would help to cut down on plastic and other waste currently going into Kimbriki, and show our younger community members the value of social capital — they’d be library users for life.”

Other candidates:

Susan Denham:

As a long-term northern beaches resident with a background in education and state public service Ms Denham decided to run for council because she was passionate about our natural environment, local democracy and stopping overdevelopment.

“(As) an avid cyclist, swimmer, and bushwalker, I strongly oppose drilling for gas off our pristine northern beaches coastline and want to protect our lagoons, bushland biodiversity and stunning beaches.

I’m very concerned that traffic in the Northern Beaches will only worsen with the massive development planned for Frenchs Forest. Infrastructure and adequate public transport are essential in anticipation of the significant increase in apartments and townhouses in the planned precinct.”

Felicity Davis:

This former nurse and documentary film producer is a longstanding local environmentalist who pent much of the last decade campaigning for environmental groups, including Stop Adani, the Galilee Blockade, GetUp, and running Pittwater Knitting Nannas for Clean Energy.

“My passion for local bushland and strong drive to stop catastrophic climate change are the key reasons I’m running for council.

“I’d also like to see the Northern Beaches carbon neutral by 2030, or earlier. If elected, I will push to have the council protect and improve the bush, beaches, buses, bicycles, and buildings for the community.


Group A: Liberal

Lead candidate: Georgia Ryburn

Georgia Ryburn is the Liberal’s lead candidate in Manly Ward.
Georgia Ryburn is the Liberal’s lead candidate in Manly Ward.

Georgia Ryburn, 29, of Balgowlah, is a management consultant for PricewaterhouseCoopers and is regarded as part of a new young wave of Liberals coming up through the ranks.

The former St Luke’s Grammar School captain promises to bring an “energised” focus to issues in Manly.

“Georgia represents a new generation of Liberals in the same vanguard as (State MP for Manly) James Griffin,” a party source said.

“Young, dynamic and with moderate views that are in sync with Manly.”

Big issues for Manly include the impact of the Beaches Link Tunnel, rebuilding businesses after the lockdown and the environment.

Other candidates:

Bill Calcraft

Bill Calcraft is the number two on the Liberal's Manly Ward ticket.
Bill Calcraft is the number two on the Liberal's Manly Ward ticket.

The former Wallaby, who played a decade of first grade rugby for Manly, is well known for his sporting achievements.

He has also worked in private equity in London and is a veteran in renewable energy technologies.

He was born and raised in Freshwater, attending Harbord Public and Pittwater House.

Isabella Anderson:

Isabella Anderson, is a former Stella Maris student who went on to study economics at Macquarie University and is now working in investment banking and asset management.

She was born and raised in Manly.

With a keen interest in sport she has represented Seaforth in netball and soccer, as well as Manly United in the junior representative soccer league.

Group B: Your Northern Beaches Independent Team

Lead candidate: Cr Sarah Grattan

Cr Sarah Grattan is hoping to be re-elected to Manly Ward at the local elections on December 4. She is running as an independent under Mayor Michael's Regan's Your Northern Beaches Independent Team. Picture: Supplied.
Cr Sarah Grattan is hoping to be re-elected to Manly Ward at the local elections on December 4. She is running as an independent under Mayor Michael's Regan's Your Northern Beaches Independent Team. Picture: Supplied.

Ms Grattan is a Manly Ward Councillor elected in 2017 and is Chief Operating Officer of UNICEF Australia.

The Balgowlah Heights resident is mother of three busy teenage girls.

She’s a qualified Board Director with extensive experience in governance, finance, strategy and risk management – skills that are vital for ensuring the financial performance, accountability and transparency of Council decisions.

Ms Grattan is an active member of Council’s Audit and Risk Committee and Chair of the Transport and Travel Strategic Reference Group. She said she has a proven record of being a strong, independent advocate for the local community on a range of matters that impact them such as the Beaches Link Tunnel, local Bus timetables, the environment and support for local businesses.

During her term on Council, she said she has delivered improvements to local infrastructure, including our local tidal pools and public amenities. Ms Grattan’s longer term focus is on strategy development, building a resilient community, safeguarding our children’s future and ensuring a sustainable Council.

Other candidates:

Chris Jackson:

Bus driver Chris Jackson is running for Manly Ward at the local elections as an independent with the Your Northern Beaches Independent Team.
Bus driver Chris Jackson is running for Manly Ward at the local elections as an independent with the Your Northern Beaches Independent Team.

A local bus driver, former soldier and professional musician, Mr Jackson is a keen runner and swimmer who wants to encourage more community participation in sport for greater health and wellbeing.

“As a musician I am a strong supporter of the arts and culture sector and would like to see the council find creative ways of supporting this industry.

“(And) as a bus driver at Forest Coaches I know the importance of providing good integrated transport options which is why I support the retention of council’s Hop, Skip and Jump bus service”.

Piper Harrison:

Piper Harrison is running for Manly Ward as an independent with the Your Northern Beaches Independent Team.
Piper Harrison is running for Manly Ward as an independent with the Your Northern Beaches Independent Team.

Ms Harrison is a first-year university student studying a Bachelor of Communications (Journalism)/Bachelor of Law at UTS.

She went to school at Mackellar Girls High School and is an active volunteer lifesaver and a current Ironwoman competitor.

She is passionate about protecting the local beaches and natural landscape from climate change and has a passion for social equality, particularly Aboriginal affairs.

Ms Harrison also believes that as a young woman, it is important that she puts herself out there as a strong voice of support for the youth.

Group C: Good For Manly

Lead candidate: Cr Candy Bingham

Candy Bingham, Deputy Mayor, and leader of Good For Manly, seeking relection in the local election 2021.
Candy Bingham, Deputy Mayor, and leader of Good For Manly, seeking relection in the local election 2021.

The current deputy mayor has been a successful small business operator for 30 years, specialising in marketing and public relations.

Ms Bingham described herself as a “third-generation Manlyite”

“I’m passionate about our wonderful area and have served on Council for eight years, three as deputy mayor, working on a large number of council and community committees including chairing the Save The Manly Ferries Alliance.”

One of her key policy initiative is to transform Manly Town Hall into a Performing Arts Centre with multi-use spaces for theatre, concerts, exhibitions, and a cinema.

Ms Bingham salsa wants to work towards Net Zero emissions by 2030 and focus on the basics.

“(That’s) maintaining a high level of services including sporting and playground infrastructure, upgrades to our playgrounds, cycleways and parks, and more footpaths.

Other candidates:

Scott Porter:

Scott Porter, a candidate for Good For Manly in the December 4 poll.
Scott Porter, a candidate for Good For Manly in the December 4 poll.

After moving to Balgowlah Heights about 25 years ago, Mr Porter have raised a family and has been actively involved in sporting clubs, school P&C’s and other community groups.

“There are a number of significant policy issues that I would like to address including continuing the drive toward net zero carbon emissions not only across Council usage but across the whole LGA.

“Protecting our magnificent environment while balancing the need for progress and growth is an area that I believe we can have an impact.

“And finally, tackling affordable housing, sporting infrastructure and the increase in mental health issues are also areas that I would like to see more positive action from the council,” he said.

Sonia Walsh:

Sonia Walsh, a Good For Manly candidate. Picture: Supplied.
Sonia Walsh, a Good For Manly candidate. Picture: Supplied.

A management Consultant for 20 years specialising in program and risk management, Ms Walsh has lived in the Manly Ward for 13 years where she raised her family.

She is an ex P&C president and passionate volunteer across multiple local sporting clubs.

“I am standing because I want to ensure gender diversity in our council; and so that the community’s voice is heard independent of party politics ensuring a better outcome for residents.

“We need representatives who will have a constant focus on the environmental and community impacts of the proposed Beaches Link Tunnel and advocate strongly for residents and fight to keep the Hop, Skip and Jump bus an important part of an integrated transport policy.”

Group D: Independent (Manly 1st - Voice for Manly)

Lead candidates: John Kelly

Mr Kelly is the Executive Director of Community Northern Beaches and has a long history in running charities.

He has also worked in four local councils.

“I’m a proud resident of Manly Vale, the much neglected Manly Vale,” he said.

“I have enjoyed a long volunteering career coaching rugby and with North Steyne Surf Club.

“My main interest in running for council is to provide support to grassroots community groups and organisations through financial relief to sporting ground users and local businesses as well as financial support to local frontline community service providers who assist people in need of assistance.”

Mr Kelly will also advocate for in-kind support for local service clubs such as Rotary and Lions.

Other candidates:

James Brodie:

James Brodie, owner of J-Train Athletic Performance, and candidate for Manly 1st - Your Voice For Manly. Picture: Stephen Govel Photography
James Brodie, owner of J-Train Athletic Performance, and candidate for Manly 1st - Your Voice For Manly. Picture: Stephen Govel Photography

The business owner of J-Train Athletic Performance lives in Manly.

Mr Brodie said he wanted to bring “energy and results” to the council and to provide a voice for younger people”.

“As someone with strong environmental credentials I believe our Solar Sense program to reduce our carbon footprint and save residents money by council paying for the upfront cost of a solar system for residents is a sound and powerful statement.

In addition our policy to upgrade a number of local sporting facilities, with special attention to female amenities, will really make a great difference for thousands of locals.”

Maryann Novakovic:

Maryann Novakovic is an independent for Manly 1st - Your Voice For Manly. Picture: Stephen Govel Photography
Maryann Novakovic is an independent for Manly 1st - Your Voice For Manly. Picture: Stephen Govel Photography

A long time Manly resident, Ms Novakovic worked for 11 years at Manly Council upgrading sporting fields and playgrounds and has experience working for the State Government and St Vincent de Paul.

“We need a solution for local residents to the parking issues we have,” she said.

“We require special attention to services such as cleaning and rubbish removal to cater for the three million visitors Manly gets each year that other areas on the Beaches don’t.

“It is important for the Ranger service to be based in Manly not Cromer to better support our residents and local businesses.”

Group E: Labor

Lead candidate: Sam Pigram

Sam Pigram, is the lead Labor candidate for Manly Ward at the December 4 election,
Sam Pigram, is the lead Labor candidate for Manly Ward at the December 4 election,

A chemical engineer by trade, Mr Pigram is the Technical and Operations Manager for a junior lithium mining company.

He lives in Manly and said he is passionate about the environment and renewable energy technologies.

“I want to see more of a focus on the environment, affordability and community services,” Mr Pigram said.

“I joined Labor in 2019 as I, like a lot of people, feel that not enough is being done to protect the environment and in particular our actions to combat climate change have not been adequate to say the least.”

Mr Pigram said the environmental and financial impact of the proposed Beaches Link tunnel was the biggest issue the community faced.

“If elected to council I will advocate for council to oppose the project in every way possible. I will use my platform, as a councillor, to educate the community on the impacts of the tunnel and to pressure the state government to reconsider the project.”

Mr Pigram will also take strong action on climate change by pushing for an improved urban tree canopy and assistance for residents and businesses to transition from fossil fuels.

“This will be achieved by expanding council’s “Charge Ahead” program to include the full electrification of households and businesses and the removal of gas infrastructure.

“Council should also mandate that future residential developments have a strong focus on environmental sustainability and smart technology, including compulsory rooftop solar panels and the banning of gas appliances.”

Other candidates:

Carolyn Howells

Michael Bochner

Group F: The Greens

Lead candidate: Pamela Dawes

Pamela Dawes, the lead Manly Ward candidate for The Greens. Picture: Jacqui Turner
Pamela Dawes, the lead Manly Ward candidate for The Greens. Picture: Jacqui Turner

As a Chief Medical Photographer Ms Dawes worked in the biomedical imaging arena for 30 years.

Being a mother of three living in Manly, she has been a volunteer as a scout leader, and netball coach/manager and worked with young people and families to encourage a healthy love of sport and the environment.

“More recently I have worked as a bush regenerator at North Head and campaigned with Stop Adani and Save Manly Hospital and many other environmental groups,” Ms Dawes said.

“I also cared for a family member with Motor Neurone Disease, so community, health and local environment issues are my primary interests.”

Ms Dawes wants a seat on the council so she can help preserve beautiful bush reserves, harbour, creek and lagoon ecosystems within the northern beaches.

“I strongly oppose the (Beaches Link) tunnel, due to its predicted adverse impacts on the environment and the health of local residents, particularly children.

If elected Ms Dawes first policy priority is to consult experts in preserving and protecting threatened species.

She said the installation of elevated and/or terrestrial road crossings, at strategic places along wildlife corridors and main roads, could avoid the loss of valuable wildlife as roadkill.

“My second policy priority is dealing with the impact of chemicals and plastic pollution in both air and water and the impacts of climate change.

“Micro plastics have been found in alarming abundance in our waterways, with contaminants traced up the catchments, to building sites, industrial, commercial and residential sources.

“We need to approach other councils to campaign to NSW government for Zero Waste legislation.”

Other candidates:

Cathy Griffin:

Cathy Griffin is running for The Greens.
Cathy Griffin is running for The Greens.

A Manly resident for 25 years, Ms Griffin was a Greens councillor on the former Manly Council for nine years.

She is involved in a variety of local committees, especially the Manly Community Forum (formerly Little Manly Precinct) where I she has been involved on the executive for many years.

Ms Griffin described herself as a “committed Greenie”, supporting the environment by volunteering as a Friend of CTBAR, weekly bushcare on North Head, the Manly Food Co-operative where waste fee shopping is a lifestyle

“I don’t own a car, ride an e-bike, carshare when it rains.”

Terry Le Roux:

Northern Beaches Green Party candidate Terry Le Roux. (AAP Image / Julian Andrews).
Northern Beaches Green Party candidate Terry Le Roux. (AAP Image / Julian Andrews).

After a career as a consulting techno-economist, Mr Le Roux moved to Balgowlah in 2006 and joining Manly Greens the next year.

“I have been active in community groups in Balgowlah since moving here, helping residents oppose the proposal of old Manly Council to build a carpark under Manly Oval.

“If elected … I shall also help to protect the residents of Manly from the environmentally damaging Beaches Link Tunnel - a project that will have a long term negative impact on the residents of Manly.”


Group A: Your Northern Beaches Independent Team

Lead candidate: Ruth Robins

Ruth Robins is running as an independent with the Your Northern Beaches Independent Team.
Ruth Robins is running as an independent with the Your Northern Beaches Independent Team.

With extensive experience in local government in a range of areas from community service delivery, governance and community consultation Ms Robins said she has an excellent background and understanding of how to meet the challenges of working with council staff and the community to achieve the best outcomes.

The mother to two, with four grandchildren, regularly uses the cycleways around the Wetlands and Narrabeen Lake.

“I love to participate and watch sport and am a strong advocate for women’s sport,” Ms Robins said.

She also volunteers with the The Link Church Community Care and volunteered with Women & Children First and is a member of The Warriewood Residents Association and Residents Against Inappropriate Development – Ingleside (RAID).

“I am running for council as I love being part of my community and want to play a role in making sure it remains a great place to live for all.

“I also want to ensure the residents of the Narrabeen Ward have a voice in decisions that affect the future of the area and that are relevant.”

Ms Robins said she was concerned about keeping the character of the area intact.

“For example the draft Ingleside Precinct Plan has raised environmental, social and economic concerns which are not addressed in the State Government proposal.

“I am acutely aware of the lack of affordable housing on the Northern Beaches and would like to see proposed new housing focused in and near centres where people can easily access public transport or walk or cycle to shops and services.”

Other candidates:

Matt Adderton:

Sean Moran

Group B: The Greens

Lead candidate: Ethan Hrnjak

Ethan Hrnjak, 18, who is studying for his HSC exams, is the lead candidate for The Greens in Narrabeen Ward. Picture: Jacqui Turner.
Ethan Hrnjak, 18, who is studying for his HSC exams, is the lead candidate for The Greens in Narrabeen Ward. Picture: Jacqui Turner.

Living in Frenchs Forest Mr Hrnjak is sitting for his HSC exams and has already received an offer from Macquarie University to study for a Bachelor of Environment.

He said that as high school student living through the climate emergency and COVID, he believed that young people must have a voice on the council.

Given the challenges we face, in a democracy, we deserve a greater say in decisions that will affect us in the future.

“Thousands of young people, including myself, have hit the streets in the School Strikes for Climate calling for a fairer, more equitable society that addresses the climate emergency. This will be my priority on council.”

If elected Mr Hrnjak said he would “cultivate a climate conscious community on the northern beaches”.

“I will ensure that the council develops a strict Local Environmental Plan that protects our beautiful coast and bushland.

“Already, consequences of sea level rise, coastal erosion, and housing built on dunes have resulted in a brutal seawall at Collaroy - which will only increase erosion, long term.

“I will push for a more sustainable solution for the beach - either a sloping revetment that disperses the power of the backwash, or by investigating options for planned retreat.

Council must be open with residents about consultations with experts and what its plans for the beach are.”

He will also advocate for more affordable housing.

“Expensive housing costs are seriously impacting young people and many essential workers like teachers, nurses, women and pensioners – all valuable contributors to healthy and diverse communities.

“I will strongly advocate for the affordable housing targets to be increased from 10 per cent to 30 per cent so we can maintain a safe and cohesive society.”

Other candidates:

Joanna Burnett:

A recent university graduate committed to working for the local community, Ms Burnett is a long-term volunteer with the NSW Parks & Wildlife Service.

She has also volunteered as a Youth Mentor for the Raise Foundation.

“I’m a passionate environmentalist, and always thinking about how to reduce my carbon footprint and work towards a circular economy.

“If elected, I’ll work to provide free pads and tampons in public toilets, introduce FOGO bins to Northern Beaches Council and protect the local environment.”

Amanda Mooy:

Having grown up in regional NSW, Ms Mooy said she feels a strong connection to nature and is a passionate environmentalist who has lived and worked on the northern beaches for the past eight years.

“I believe that ongoing strengthening of local environmental management policies is supremely important.

“I’ve managed many small businesses and see it as vital that local government recognises and supports them as part of a sustainable, healthy and diverse community. I’m also a strong advocate for women like myself – single parents who’ve raised children alone and, like many other groups, urgently need affordable housing in our area.”

Group C: Labor

Lead candidate: Paula Goodman

Ms Goodman has had a diverse career in TV, both on screen and as a producer.

She is also a rescue wildlife volunteer and is concerned with the encroachment of traffic and pollution on the beaches.

She also supports a proposed centre, which will help women and children escaping domestic violence through a complete holistic approach to recovery with counselling services, education options, good health and wellbeing.

“I’m hoping my life experience and compassion will bring a voice to areas of concern on our northern beaches.

“I’m supporting our natural environment so we and future generations will be able to enjoy what we have here. We must do all we can to maintain it in its natural state.

“I’m committed to work in consultation with council to bring the experts on board to rehabilitate degraded areas, improve our beaches and Lagoon, and to insure we provide wildlife corridors. Experts are needed and we have spoken with many to find workable solutions to theses immediate problems.

“I vehemently oppose the northern beaches tunnel, this goes against everything that makes our northern beaches beautiful. I have yet to find any local who thinks this is a good idea. It will impact significantly on our standard of living here and destroy any vision we have of keeping our beaches pristine, and our way of life in tact, and of course there’s the loss of homes and the toll adding to the financial burden and traffic congestion.

Ms Goodman also supports the demerging of the council.

Other candidates:

Jared Turkington

Galileo West

Group D: Liberal

Lead candidate: Bianca Crvelin

Bianca Crvelin is the lead Liberal candidate running for the Narrabeen Ward.
Bianca Crvelin is the lead Liberal candidate running for the Narrabeen Ward.

Living in Cromer, and living on the northern beaches her whole life, Ms Crvelin said she wanted to become an advocate for her community and “ensure we are represented with a voice that is heard”.

She said the biggest issue was the way business will recover post COVID-19.

“Council needs to support businesses through this recovery. Many people have incurred great losses during this time. It has tested us all.”

Ms Crvelin said a remedy was also needed to manage flooding of the Wakehurst Parkway and the entrance of Narrabeen Lagoon.

“I believe it is council’s responsibility to work with the community to understand their pain points and work cohesively as a group to address them.

“I feel that as a mum I bring with me a certain set of observations which many in the same boat have. I want to be an advocate for many like me and help bring about improvement to our area.

“I bring with me my years of corporate experience, my family orientation and love of our community. This gives me a great toolkit to use in helping council deliver in key projects all the while ensuring that community consultation takes place.”

Other candidates:

Jonathon Flegg:

This father of two wanted to “offer my service back to the wider community” that had provided him with so much as he grew up.

“Throughout my life I recall a range of people who made a contribution to enriching my own life through local clubs and organisations, and that is something I would be excited to do if given the opportunity to contribute to civic life on council.

Mr Flegg, an economist with Masters degrees in Public Administration and Public Policy, Mr Flegg he could use his professional experience to make sure maximum benefits are being realised for the community through the day-to-day activities of the council.

Sarah Halnan:

Ms Halnan, “beaches born and raised” from Allambie Heights, said she is passionate about the local community.

She is currently studying Economics at University and has served as a Northern Beaches Council Youth Ambassador and is also on the Youth Advisory Group.

Her main policy interests are shared public spaces; post-COVID community facilities and restoration of opening hours and; public waste management.

Group E: Independent (Vincent de Luca Independent Team)

Lead candidate: Vincent de Luca

Northern Beaches Councillor Vincent De Luca is running as an independent at the December 4 local government election. Picture: Supplied
Northern Beaches Councillor Vincent De Luca is running as an independent at the December 4 local government election. Picture: Supplied

Mr De Luca was born and has lived on the northern beaches all his life. He’s been a solicitor, public official and independent councillor for over a decade and been involved with sport administration and charities relating to cancer research, suicide, drug and alcohol and domestic violence prevention.

His policy interests include mental health and wellness, particularly youth, holding the bureaucracy accountable and cutting waste of ratepayers’ money to reallocate it to building of essential infrastructure, cutting exorbitant rates and fees and introducing services, protection of the environment and stopping overdevelopment.

“I have a proven track record of integrity, acting in the interests of residents and achieving results for residents and the community.”

Other candidates:

Robert Giltinan

Bob Giltinan, who is vying for a seat on Northern Beaches Council from the Narrabeen ward as part of Councillor Vincent De Luca's True Independents' team. Picture: Supplied
Bob Giltinan, who is vying for a seat on Northern Beaches Council from the Narrabeen ward as part of Councillor Vincent De Luca's True Independents' team. Picture: Supplied

Mr Giltinan, a former professional tennis player, and coach, who represented Australia in the Davis Cup, was also a recipient of the Australian Sports Medal, the Australian Volunteer Medal and the Australian Defence Medal. He was an independent councillor for eight years on the former Warringah Council and Deputy Mayor for one year

“Council is desperate for True Independents and should not be dominated by political parties. It has been controlled by a registered political party machine, Your Northern Beaches party, lead by Michael Regan which has voted on block to increase your rates every year since it was elected – I want to stop this and waste of ratepayers’ money on proposals like Covid Memorials.”

Tammy Cook

Tammy Cook, who is vying for a seat on Northern Beaches Council from the Narrabeen ward as part of Councillor Vincent De Luca's True Independents' team. Picture: Supplied
Tammy Cook, who is vying for a seat on Northern Beaches Council from the Narrabeen ward as part of Councillor Vincent De Luca's True Independents' team. Picture: Supplied

Ms Cook, a Cromer resident, is a defence industry sub contracts manager with 20 years community service, including Narrabeen Beach SLSC.

“Council must support local businesses, sporting and community organisations, due to Covid’s impact.

“Cutting red tape, better governance and innovation is essential, to facilitate re-activation in our community. A fresh approach on Council is needed - it is time for a change.”

“Group E is the only group that consists of candidates not members of political parties. Council under Regan and his Your Northern Beaches Political Party has been dysfunctional and wasted rate-payers’ money on seemingly unnecessary projects.”


Gregory Marr (Independent)

Richard Harris (Independent)


Group A: The Greens

Lead candidate: Miranda Korzy

Miranda Korzy, The Greens lead candidate for Pittwater Ward.
Miranda Korzy, The Greens lead candidate for Pittwater Ward.

The journalist has lived with her family in Avalon for 17 years.

After graduating from the Australian National University, she carried out research at ANU into child and maternal health before studying journalism in London.

“I care most about environmental protection and social justice - they’ll be my main policy interests on council.

“I’m a member of its Places for People reference group and have been involved in a range of other groups including: P&Cs; Protect Pittwater; Save Mona Vale Hospital; CABPRA; and most recently, Canopy Keepers.”

Ms Korzy said she loved Pittwater “with its beautiful environment and close community, and would like to contribute to safeguarding and enhancing them for future generations”

I see my role in the community as a listener and communicator, investigating issues of concern to locals - and I’m ready to speak up for them too.”

She saids climate change was a challenge for the northern beaches.

“I want to ensure the council is actively planning for it and consults with the public about options for prevention and mitigation.

“I will also introduce measures to protect our tree canopy, including Pittwater’s green backdrop — Ingleside escarpment — control weeds in our reserves and minimise plastic waste.”

She would also push for “planning for people not developer profits”

“I want to keep our low-key, low rise villages and allow only sustainable development. However, we must provide affordable housing for our single mums, essential workers and young people who’ve grown up here.

“And finally, we need an all-weather swimming pool for Pittwater.”

Other candidates:

India Turner:

India Turner is a candidate in the December 4 election. Picture: Supplied
India Turner is a candidate in the December 4 election. Picture: Supplied

A full-time student, part-time gardener and HSC tutor who grew up in Pittwater, MS Turner wants to preserve its unique character,

“As a communications student at UTS, I want to give voice to the young people of Pittwater and the wider Northern Beaches.

“ I’m actively involved in the local arts community, hosting poetry and philosophy nights at a local bookshop, and think that the council needs to do more to keep the local arts community flourishing.

“Like many people my age, I’m acutely aware of the need for positive environmental change and community support which the council can foster.”

Pru Wawn:

Greens candidate Pru Wawn. AAP IMAGE / Troy Snook)
Greens candidate Pru Wawn. AAP IMAGE / Troy Snook)

The longstanding Pittwater local is a visual arts teacher with a 38 year career in public high schools who says she understands the many challenges faced by young people and the need for effective action.

“I was P&C president at Barrenjoey High during my daughter’s time there and have been a member of numerous community groups.

“I campaign for environment, education, and social justice, and stood as the Greens federal candidate for Mackellar in 2019. I’m committed to protecting our natural heritage in Pittwater - the waterways, canopy cover, bushland biodiversity and our beaches.”

Group B: Your Northern Beaches Independent Team

Lead candidate: Michael Gencher:

Michael Gencher is running under Mayor Michael Regan's Your Northern Beaches Independent Team. Picture: Supplied.
Michael Gencher is running under Mayor Michael Regan's Your Northern Beaches Independent Team. Picture: Supplied.

Originally from Canada, Mr Gencher moved here in 1991. He’s married with five kids, and a dog, and lives in Mona Vale. He runs his own public relations business.

He is also a long service member, active volunteer and surf life saver at Mona Vale SLSC, where he holds the position of Vice President of Youth, and Nipper Chairman.

He’s also the Program Manager of Neighbourhood Watch in Pittwater, and is active in the community through sport, education, Rotary, and a number of varied organisations and diverse interests.

He wants to get a seat to advocate for the concerns of families, and for the interests of local

business. He wants to continue to build a more liveable, vibrant, environmentally sustainable, and supportive community while striving to provide the best possible service and amenities, and to make sure the needs of the entire community are met.

“I want to help to Protect Pittwater from inappropriate and overdevelopment – this

needs to be addressed by advocating through tighter planning controls, intense

scrutiny, and community consultation with greater visibility and transparency, in the

development and application of the forthcoming single Northern Beaches Council

wide Local Environmental Plan and Development Control Plan.”

He added he wants to “support and maintain an open, transparent and accountable council that treats each other with respect, who have the interests of the community at the forefront

of decision making, in dialogue, discussion and debate – with respect and inclusion

of all Community Stakeholders, regardless of political, social and economic position

or ideology”.

Other candidates:

Sarah Turnbull

Sarah Turnbull is running under Mayor Michael Regan's Your Northern Beaches Independent Team. Picture: Supplied.
Sarah Turnbull is running under Mayor Michael Regan's Your Northern Beaches Independent Team. Picture: Supplied.

An author and Avalon local, Mr Turnbull is running for council to help safeguard Pittwater’s natural environment and its distinct character. We have to make sure that future development is appropriate and serves the needs of the community. Also, the area has a high population of ‘creatives’ and I’d love to see this reflected in our village centres. Festivals, events, music and art - these things promote wellbeing for locals of all ages as well as economic vitality. Simply, I want to do my bit to make Pittwater even better.”

Cr Ian White

Councillor Ian White is running under Mayor Michael Regan's Your Northern Beaches Independent Team. Picture: Supplied.
Councillor Ian White is running under Mayor Michael Regan's Your Northern Beaches Independent Team. Picture: Supplied.

Group C: Liberal

Lead candidate: Cr Rory Amon

Rory Amon, Liberal candidate for Narrabeen at Narrabeen Lagoon. Adam Yip/ Manly Daily
Rory Amon, Liberal candidate for Narrabeen at Narrabeen Lagoon. Adam Yip/ Manly Daily

Mr Amon says he’s standing for re-election “to continue to represent the community I love to ensure that council is truly representative of residents’ interests”.

“We need to ensure that Pittwater remains a beautiful place to live, work and play. Over the past four years, council has failed to deliver its full potential through a lack of transparency and no accountability.

“We need strong representatives who will fight for our residents and ensure their voices are heard, to ensure that we have a council that serves our residents, rather than demanding our residents serve it.”

He said his priorities included ending the Independent-Greens waste on council to help reduce rates. Over the past four years, rates have increased $30 million at double the rate of inflation. “We have seen council waste ratepayers money on unnecessary vanity projects like $13 million on new bins we didn’t need, a proposal to spend between $100,000 to $1.7 million on a memorial artwork to Covid, $130,000 on Mayor Regan’s failed rock concert, nearly half a million dollar investigating vexatious code of conduct complaints mainly by councillors against councillors, and the list goes on and on.

“Council must return sanity to its decision making process, putting ratepayers before their own agenda and, in the process, this will drive down rates.”

Mr Amon said Pittwater was facing a potential onslaught of overdevelopment, from Ingleside, the Mona Vale Place Plan and Mayor Regan’s push to dump more dwellings in Brookvale, which will cause gridlock on Pittwater Road for families in Pittwater who use that arterial corridor.

“In Pittwater, we are seeing ongoing encroachments onto public land which needs to be prevented.”

Other candidates:

Karina Page:

Karina Page is a Liberal candidate running for Northern Beaches Council.
Karina Page is a Liberal candidate running for Northern Beaches Council.

A former councillor, having served on Manly Council from 1996 to 2003, Karina Page is now living in Mona Vale and is looking to get elected in the Pittwater Ward.

Philip Longley:

Philip Longley has a background in finance and works in the policy space. He is also a lifelong resident of the northern beaches.

Group D: Independent

Lead candidate: Cr Alex McTaggart

Alex McTaggart is running as an independent. Adam Yip/ Manly Daily
Alex McTaggart is running as an independent. Adam Yip/ Manly Daily

Mr McTaggart has been a Pittwater councillor on and off from 1999 and is a lifelong resident of Pittwater, attending Avalon Primary School and then St Paul’s Catholic College in Manly. After achieving his Leaving Certificate he gained an Associate Diploma of Teaching (Technical) as well as horticulture and landscape design qualifications.

He and his wife Denise have owned and operated a number of successful local businesses. A former member of the North Palm Beach SLSC, Councillor McTaggart is an avid surfer and

long distance swimmer having travelled and surfed most of the world’s iconic surf breaks.

Other candidates:

Colleen Uren

Robert Hopton

Robert Hopton is running in the Northern Beaches Council election. Adam Yip/ Manly Daily
Robert Hopton is running in the Northern Beaches Council election. Adam Yip/ Manly Daily


James Ricketson (Independent)

Australian filmmaker James Ricketson. Picture: AAP Image/Dean Lewins
Australian filmmaker James Ricketson. Picture: AAP Image/Dean Lewins

The award winning Pittwater-based filmmaker, who was wrongfully jailed in 2017 for more than a year in Cambodia after being accused of espionage for filming an opposition rally with a drone will focus on making council’s dealing with the public more transparent.

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