
Meet the community-conscious six year-old who is growing her hair to make wigs for kids with cancer

Little Ashleigh is only six years old, but she’s on a mission to help kids who’ve lost their hair though illness - and it all began after a visit to Sydney Children’s Hospital

Ashleigh Elliot from Frenches Forest is growing her hair so she can cut it off to donate to kids with cancer
Ashleigh Elliot from Frenches Forest is growing her hair so she can cut it off to donate to kids with cancer

ASHLEIGH Elliot is as girlie as they come. She loves all things pink and sparkly and likes nothing more than to brush her long hair.

On November 27, the kind-hearted six year-old from Frenchs Forest will have her locks chopped off to make a wig for another child who is suffering from cancer.

“In March, Ashleigh was admitted to the Sydney Children’s Hospital in Randwick, because she had an infection in the bone in her ear.

Ashleigh with mum Kim Elliot
Ashleigh with mum Kim Elliot

“When we went in and saw the other sick kids, it put her illness in to perspective. She wanted to know, ‘Why don’t those kids have any hair?’” said Ashleigh’s mum Kim.

“I explained to her that some sick kids have medicine that makes their hair fall out, and that some people donate their hair for wigs.

“Ashleigh was touched and wanted to help.”

Mrs Elliot set about trying to find out how Ashleigh could donate her hair.

The Cancer Council directed her to kids’ charity Variety, who accept donations to make wigs for children who have suffered hair loss. Hair must be at least 35cm long in order to donate.

Ashleigh has already reached her target length of 35cm, but is growing her hair — which has a natural curl — a little longer so it doesn’t spring up too short when cut.

Ashleigh will have her hair cut on November 27, and it will be sent off to kids’ charity Variety
Ashleigh will have her hair cut on November 27, and it will be sent off to kids’ charity Variety

On November 27, she will wear her hair in a ponytail, which will be cut at the base of the neck, before being tied up with more bands and posted to Variety.

It takes 35 ponytails to make one wig for a child suffering from hair loss

As well as donating her hair, Ashleigh is raising sponsorship funds for Kids With Cancer Foundation Australia. Her total stands at $1081 after Mrs Elliot raised the original target of $700.

“We are so proud. She has inspired her friends and her little sister Isabella, who is four, already wants to do the same,” Mrs Elliot said.

Ashleigh said, “I want to do it because I want to help the sick children.

“I asked mum what I could do to help and she said I could donate my hair.”

Sponsor Ashleigh at

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