
St Helens Park: Pair armed with axe allegedly assault customers at service station on Woodland Road

Police have charged two people after they were called to the service station following reports a man and woman were wielding an axe.

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Two people have been charged after allegedly assaulting a number of others, while armed with an axe, at a southwest Sydney petrol station.

About 7pm on Monday, officers from Campbelltown Police Area Command were called to a service station on Woodland Rd, St Helens Park.

It followed reports that a man and woman – armed with an axe – were assaulting customers and damaging vehicles – before they left the scene in a vehicle.

A short time later police arrested a 23-year-old man and a 21-year-old woman at a home in Juliet Close, Rosemeadow. They were taken to Campbelltown Police Station.

Police officers were called to were called to a service station on Woodland Road, St Helens Park.
Police officers were called to were called to a service station on Woodland Road, St Helens Park.

The 23-year-old man was charged with being a convicted offender armed with intent to commit an indictable offence, stalk or intimidate intending to cause fear of physical harm and common assault.

The 21-year-old woman was charged with two counts of destroying or damaging property, two counts of common assault and being a convicted offender armed with intent to commit an indictable offence.

A spokeswoman from NSW Police said both were refused bail and are due to appear at Campbelltown Local Court on Tuesday.

“It will be alleged that two customers – a 23-year-old man and 33-year-old woman – sustained minor injuries during the incident,” she said.

“None of the parties are known to one another.”

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