
Lindsay Allen Pye pleads guilty to high-range drink driving at Narellan Vale

When officers arrived at the scene of the single-vehicle crash, they found a man who was unable to stand or walk due to intoxication. Read what happened before police arrived.

Drink driving: A guide to safe drinking

A man who sank a cocktail of valium and vodka drinks before driving and becoming jammed between hedges and a retaining wall has fronted court.

Lindsay Allen Pye, 36, appeared at Picton Local Court on Wednesday and entered a plea of guilty to high range drink driving.

Court documents show that on the morning of June 1, the Narellan Vale resident had five Valium tablets before drinking a combination of straight vodka and vodka mixers for two hours.

About 12.30pm that same day, Pye was driving on Veronica Pl at Narellan Vale near a cul-de-sac and failed to negotiate the turn.

The police facts state that he mounted the kerb, drove along the nature strip and then collided with a series of hedges before the car became lodged in between the shrubbery and a retaining wall.

Lindsay Allen Pye. Picture: Annie Lewis
Lindsay Allen Pye. Picture: Annie Lewis

Police were contacted and upon arrival officers found Pye smelling of liquor, and unsteady on his feet. The court documents reveal that when he attempted to walk, he fell to the ground and was slurring his words.

He was arrested and taken to the police station where a blood-alcohol test returned a reading of 0.151, more than three times the legal limit.

“In relation to his actions leading to the collision, the driver stated that he was unsure why police were speaking with him as he maintains he had done nothing wrong,” the police facts stated.

“However, after arriving at Narellan Police Station, he conceded that he had made a mistake in driving, and that he was sorry for his actions.”

In court on Wednesday, Pye’s lawyer asked for an adjournment to allow his client time to complete the traffic offender’s intervention program.

Magistrate Mark Douglass set the matter down for sentence on August 28 and ordered a sentencing assessment report to be completed.

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