
Help the homeless on DoSomething Day

AS winter sets in Macarthur region residents can lend a helping hand to the region’s homeless in the lead up to DoSomething Day.

Wests Group Macarthur CEO Tony Mathew, marketing assistant Elisha Dunn and MHSC members Cathy Chopping, Ken Barnard and Erin Redmond promote Do Something Day at Wests Leagues Club Leumeah. Picture: Robert Pozo
Wests Group Macarthur CEO Tony Mathew, marketing assistant Elisha Dunn and MHSC members Cathy Chopping, Ken Barnard and Erin Redmond promote Do Something Day at Wests Leagues Club Leumeah. Picture: Robert Pozo

AS winter sets in Macarthur region residents can lend a helping hand to the region’s homeless in the lead up to DoSomething Day.

Wests Group Macarthur’s clubs are doubling up as drop-off points for donations of clothes, blankets, kitchen appliances and other living essentials.

The collected items will be donated to the Macarthur Homelessness Steering Committee on July 25.

DoSomething Day is on July 25. Pic: Robert Pozo.
DoSomething Day is on July 25. Pic: Robert Pozo.

To donate, residents can drop off items at the reception of any Wests Group club.

Wests Group marketing manager Shannon Forster said the response from the community since the initiative began on June 27 had been fantastic.

She said more electrical appliances were needed.

“It doesn’t have to be anything overly expensive; they’re looking for things like toasters that people are able to use in temporary accommodation,” she said.

Ms Forster said the drive was in support of the “hidden homeless” in the community. The hidden homeless were people in temporary accommodation.

“In Macarthur there’s quite a large number of what’s called hidden homeless,” Ms Foster said.

“There’s a high number of single mums with a couple of kids within that group.”

An initiative of the Do Something Foundation, NewsLocal and Your Local Club, DoSomething Day on July 25 seeks to celebrate our volunteers and highlight those who are giving back by spreading kindness in their community.

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