Camden residents have raised concerns about the potential loss of some jacaranda trees on Argyle St
Camden residents have issued a strong message to Camden Council – “don’t mess with our jacaranda trees’’.
Camden residents have issued a strong message to Camden Council – “don’t mess with our jacaranda trees’’.
More than 200 people have voiced their opposition to a council proposal to remove a small number of the trees to make way for pedestrian lights.
The move is being considered as part of the council’s Town Centre Strategy.
But Camden Mayor Lara Symkowiak said while safety was key to the proposal, she understood residents’ love for the jacarandas and would do everything she could to preserve them.
“If the Oxley St signalised intersection were to proceed, about three trees would need to be removed from the median strip,” Cr Symkowiak said.
She said if the proposal were to go ahead, the council would explore possibilities to move them to a different location.
“The median strip in front of the post office, which is currently open due to the crossing, would be closed in and council could try to transplant the trees to this location, if jacarandas are suitable for this process,” she said.
“Council will make every attempt to limit the number of trees that need to be removed.”
In its submission to the council on the Town Centre Strategy, Camden Chamber of Commerce was against the trees’ removal, saying the proposed treatment of the jacarandas was not good enough.
“There appears to be no succession planting planned,” the submission read.
“Median jacarandas are more than 100 years old. We need to create amenity for pedestrians and businesses.
“Planting needs to be considered as part of the footpath renewal program and pedestrian framework.”
Cr Symkowiak stressed the introduction of the pedestrian lights which would lead to the moving or loss of the trees was part of a proposal and was not a guaranteed outcome.
“Council is still assessing all of the submissions in relation to the Town Centre Strategy. No final decision has yet been made,” she said.
“Any final works to Argyle St will need to be subject to a detailed landscaping design and RMS approval.”
There are 36 jacaranda trees along Arglye St, Camden. They were planted in 1927. The community strongly objected to an idea in 2006 to replace them with manchurian pear trees.