
Camden and Wollondilly candidates at a glance

Meet the 14 candidates contesting the Camden and Wollondilly seats in this weekend’s state election.

Five of the 14 candidates contesting the 2019 NSW Election in the seats of Camden and Wollondilly.
Five of the 14 candidates contesting the 2019 NSW Election in the seats of Camden and Wollondilly.

THE people of NSW head to the polls on Saturday to vote in their representatives for the next four years.

Camden and Wollondilly have been Liberal seats since 2011 although both sitting MPs, Chris Patterson and Jai Rowell respectively, have retired. The two-party margin is 18.3 per cent for Camden and 17.3 per cent for Wollondilly.

A strong field of Labor and independent candidates, as well as candidates from minor parties, will challenge the Liberal stranglehold on the two electorates with key issues including overdevelopment, education and public transport infrastructure and the environment.

Voters who wish to vote at an early voting centre can find locations at


Sally Quinnell (ALP):

Camden Labor candidate Sally Quinnell. Picture: Jordan Shields
Camden Labor candidate Sally Quinnell. Picture: Jordan Shields

As a small-business owner and teacher Sally understands what it takes to make our area a better place to live, work and raise a family. She says Camden has been ignored for too long.

Sally has worked hard to build a life in Camden. As a mother of three, with her husband Damien, Sally Quinnell has dedicated her life to improving the lives of kids in our region.

Working as a local teacher, Sally knows the value of a quality education and is committed to giving our children the best start in life. Sally volunteers with the local Scouts and the Academy of Performing Arts in Macarthur. Sally knows what our community needs and will fight to make sure we get our fair share.

Peter Sidgreaves (Lib):

Camden Liberal candidate Peter Sidgreaves.
Camden Liberal candidate Peter Sidgreaves.

As mayor of Camden, Peter has a reputation as someone who listens and gets things done for his community. He wants to deliver more local services and facilities for Camden. Married to Amy, with four daughters, Lani (eight), Kaiyah (six) and twins Brielle and Zara (two), Peter understands the challenges faced by local families in Camden, especially cost of living. Working across family owned small businesses and multinational corporations, Peter knows first-hand the importance of a strong local economy to create jobs for young people and take the pressure off hardworking families and retirees. As part of Gladys Berejiklian’s Liberal Team, Peter wants to use his experience to continue Chris Patterson’s hard work and fight to deliver the local services and facilities to make Camden an even better place to live, work, and raise a family.

Andrew Simpson (Ind):

Independent Camden candidate Andrew Simpson
Independent Camden candidate Andrew Simpson

“I have never had a career aspiration for politics. With significant issues and challenges facing Camden right now, and in the future, I am eager to be an authentic advocate for the community without having to toe the line of a party. ​ With over twenty years of commercial IT experience, I have worked in small and medium businesses, as well as national and global corporations. Owning and running a small business in Camden, I very much appreciate the struggle of local retail, and the impacts of poor planning in this space. In March 2018, my wife, Jess, and I, started the Outer Sydney Orbital Macarthur Action Group on Facebook to inform and unite the Camden, and wider, communities about the Outer Sydney Orbital (M9) and freight rail proposal to carve through much of Camden, and beyond. As a result of this group, I spent countless hours researching, lobbying, speaking with the media, rallying the community and working with Government and local representatives to secure a better outcome for the people of Camden and Wollondilly. I have always been committed to community organisations, and taken leadership opportunities in business. It is time that Camden had an independent representative at a State level.

Danica Sajn (Sustainable Australia):

Camden Sustainable Australia candidate Danica Sajn.
Camden Sustainable Australia candidate Danica Sajn.

“I have lived most of my life in southwest Sydney after moving here with my family from Blacktown in the 1970s. Up until the year 2000, changes of course came, but were relatively slow. However, now the Macarthur region is straining considerably since the onslaught of ceaseless development has made our region one of the fastest growing regions in Australia. The provision of infrastructure and services such as transport, hospitals and schools, has not however followed. Such incredibly fast population growth is not only a considerable strain on the environment, it also further entrenches the inequality that is to be found in the ‘great Sydney divide’. Both of my parents were migrants from war-torn Europe arriving in Australia in the late 50s and early 60s. Both mum and dad were from farming families and loved living on 5 acres in Edmondson Park where they skilfully and with much hard work produced much of their own produce for their family. I studied science and education after attending Casula and Hurlstone Agricultural High Schools. My studies eventually led me to become a local science teacher for many years, though my heart always remained with my first love, environmental biology. I eventually furthered my studies firstly in business and then gained a Master of Environmental Law form the ANU. Currently I run my own small business in Narellan. Living in this area for as long as my family has makes you very knowledgeable about its needs and aspirations. The changes foisted on us since 2000 have been unprecedented with thousands upon thousands of new housing being largely plonked on thousands of acres of freshly cleared farmland and bushland. We are struggling to maintain a sense of community and our services and infrastructure are visibly straining. And yet the current governments have only more such plans for our region — and little else. This is why I believe that Sustainable Australia is the Party of the future and I look forward to solutions which probably only this Party is capable of delivering.

Daniel Aragona (Keep Sydney Open):

Camden Keep Sydney Open candidate Daniel Aragona.
Camden Keep Sydney Open candidate Daniel Aragona.

Daniel is a DJ and Producer with 11 years in the NSW music scene. He has played at many top venues across Sydney & NSW and has been a regular in the ARIA Club Charts in the past year. He is incredibly disappointed by the destruction of venues and events across NSW and the impact this is having on the NSW economy and diversity of the state. He is standing as a candidate for his love of music and culture and the important role it plays in the state of NSW.

Karen Stewart (Greens):

Camden NSW Greens candidate Karen Stewart.
Camden NSW Greens candidate Karen Stewart.

“As a woman managing varied roles, I’ve learned the value of supporting many facets of our local community as well as sometimes requiring support in return. I’m a mother, accountant, small business owner, student, and volunteer in the heritage town of Camden.

My accounting career has taken me from the corporate world as Revenue Accountant in an ASX listed telecommunications company, to the role of director in a public practice and audit firm in Camden. I am currently a student again as I study a law degree via distance education.

My childhood was spent in the country town of Dubbo, before moving to the Sydney suburb of Maroubra for university. I eventually settled in Camden, which offers the perfect blend of both rural and urban lifestyles. The historic township of Camden has become a high growth LGA. Its development necessitates the respect of heritage when planning infrastructure, public services and amenities. The changing climate requires preservation of the native flora and fauna and the implementation of vital tree canopies in new housing developments.

I am a mother to four, with my children ranging from 11 to 18 years of age. This keeps my home life busy with school, sports, and part-time jobs. I understand keenly the many daily challenges facing families and households. Being involved with the local charity Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard has allowed me to play a direct role in assisting local people experiencing hardship, homelessness, and recovering from domestic violence situations.

It is this household stress that is affecting so many people in our community and must be addressed. Financial pressures arise from the increasing cost of living and inadequate medical funding of disabilities and chronic illness. Many local families are acutely affected by addiction and domestic violence and this places a significant strain on local resources and facilities. I shall advocate for support resources that facilitate the reduction of these household challenges. I aim to provide practical and sustainable solutions that support Camden’s future growth.”

Ben Casey (One Nation): No information provided.


Judith Hannan (Ind):

Wollondilly independent candidate Judith Hannan. Picture: Robert Pozo
Wollondilly independent candidate Judith Hannan. Picture: Robert Pozo

I am local. I have lived here for 28 years. I have raised my family here in Wollondilly. I have served in local government for 14 years, 3 of those years as the Mayor. Now I seek your support in running for the state seat of Wollondilly, which includes the Southern Highlands. The Wollondilly and the Wingecarribee are facing many challenges and numerous outside pressures, which have the potential to ruin what makes this region the home we love. Equally we have the potential to turn these into opportunities to enrich the character and lifestyle we all value. Based on mutual respect and the foundation of what is best for each and every one of us; I will ensure that the relationship between the electorate and state government is strong and healthy, no matter which party makes up the Government of the day.

Each morning I wake to this sunrise from our property in Theresa Park and each morning I am energised and encouraged to do all that I can to protect and promote our beautiful landscape. Therefore it is with great pride and motivation that I vow to each of you, that I will do all that is in my power, as your elected MP to put your lives, your lifestyle, our environment and its character first above all else; as we charter a future that best serves our region, the city and our State.

David Powell (Greens):

Wollondilly NSW Greens candidate David Powell.
Wollondilly NSW Greens candidate David Powell.

I have lived with my family in the Wollondilly area for the past 20 years. I am running as a Greens candidate to provide the people of this electorate with a viable choice. The major parties have let us all down by pandering to corporate donors, developers and ignoring the needs of the community. Our area has some unique issues and requires someone committed to the area to stand up for the community. These issues include: Badgerys Creek Airport, noise, pollution, unsuitable developments, lack of infrastructure, public safety, destruction of koala habitat, coal seam gas, new mining leases; water table contamination, raising of the dam wall at Warragamba; destruction of Aboriginal cultural heritage and threats to endangered species.

My wife and I have been active in public objections to inappropriate developments and witnessed first-hand state-level efforts to take away local participation in the decision-making making process. We have an opportunity to address these issues with this election. I received my education through government-supported institutions, including public school and TAFE. I have 40 years experience in the manufacturing sector culminating in my current role as a facility manager for a medical manufacturing company. Naturally, I have a deep desire to see these educational centres receive the funding they deserve and be accessible to anyone regardless of their financial situation. I joined the Greens because we are a party that can make a positive difference, that cares about people of all races, will fight for social and economic justice and indigenous rights, support efforts to acknowledge and act on climate change before it is too late, and embraces the opportunity offered by renewable energy.

Together through grassroots democracy, we can reconnect the government to the people.

Heather Edwards (Animal Justice Party):

Wollondilly Animal Justice Party candidate Heather Edwards.
Wollondilly Animal Justice Party candidate Heather Edwards.

Heather works in a small business doing sales, marketing and website work, she has worked in a variety of roles over the years, however it is her volunteer work outside of her job has always been very important to her. Since moving to the Southern Highlands almost 4 years ago she has been involved in fighting Hume Coal’s proposed coal mine with significant concerns about the water usage/pollution, land clearing and impact on wildlife. She has also volunteered for Wildlife Rescue South Coast on the phones. She is very concerned about the number of animals being displaced by developments and the sheer number of animals killed each day on the Hume Highway. Heather is keen to see development done with wildlife in mind and ensure that there are corridors for them to move through. Heather started a Southern Highlands Veggie Group to encourage more people to try a plant-based diet and to get more restaurants to put plant-based options on their menus. Heather believes the single most important thing you can do for animals is to join the Animal Justice Party to help give animals a voice in parliament.

Charles Fenton (Pauline Hanson’s One Nation):

Wollondilly Pauline Hanson’s One Nation candidate Charlie Fenton.
Wollondilly Pauline Hanson’s One Nation candidate Charlie Fenton.

Charlie was previously a loyal member of the National Party (since 1986). He stood for the party in 2003 in the state seat of Port Macquarie. He advocated for the needs of rural communities but no longer felt the Nats was the right party for him. The Nats’ loss is One Nation’s gain. Charlie lives in the Southern Highlands where he breeds Dorper sheep and is heavily involved in the community. Charlie says, “In many ways I feel that I have been in training for this job for 40 years. As a 4th generation publican, I have a genuine passion for seeing people, businesses and communities prosper. During four decades in the hotel game I have run pubs from Leeton to Taree, Sydney and the Southern Highlands. This has exposed me to people literally from every walk of life and equipped me with the skills to deal with the broadest cross-section of people.”

Jason Bolwell (Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party):

Wollondilly Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party candidate Jason Bolwell.
Wollondilly Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party candidate Jason Bolwell.

Jason is a small-business owner and greyhound breeder and trainer operating out of Picton.

Nathaniel Smith (Lib):

Wollondilly Liberal candidate Nathaniel Smith. Picture: Robert Pozo
Wollondilly Liberal candidate Nathaniel Smith. Picture: Robert Pozo

Nathaniel Smith is the Liberal Candidate for Wollondilly at the 2019 State Election.

Living in the Southern Highlands, with his wife Christine and two daughters, Charlotte (seven) and Chloe (four), Nathaniel understands the challenges faced by local families in Wollondilly, especially cost of living. Nathaniel ran his own plumbing business operating across Sydney and surrounding areas, giving him first-hand experience of the importance of supporting small business. Having started his career as an apprentice plumber, Nathaniel is passionate about giving young people the opportunities to get ahead and supporting young apprentices.

As part of Gladys Berejiklian’s Liberal Team, Nathaniel wants to use his experience to continue Jai Rowell’s hard work and fight to deliver the local services and facilities to make Wollondilly an even better place to live, work, and raise a family.

Jo-Ann Davidson (Country Labor Party):

Wollondilly Country Labor candidate Jo-Ann Davidson. Picture: Carmela Roche
Wollondilly Country Labor candidate Jo-Ann Davidson. Picture: Carmela Roche

Jo-Ann has been an advocate for working people for most of her life. She has seen how the lack of public transport, our underfunded public schools and crumbling health services have affected our community. Jo-Ann will work to make Wollondilly an even better place to work, live and raise a family. Jo-Ann, a mother of three, lives in Bowral. Raising two children with a disability, Jo-Ann understands the importance of a well-funded public health system. Jo-Ann will fight to make sure Bowral District Hospital stays in public hands. Our region has been neglected by the Liberal government for far too long. Jo-Ann will: fight for additional investment in Bowral District Hospital; push for more funding for our local schools and TAFE system; fight to improve our local roads and public transport system; work with local businesses and government to create more local jobs and put our community first.

Mitchell Black (Liberal Democrats):

Wollondilly Liberal Democrat candidate Mitchell Black.
Wollondilly Liberal Democrat candidate Mitchell Black.

Mitchell Black has a background in small business management. He is a specialist in the joinery and furniture manufacturing industry. Mitchell has a unique insight to the impact that government intervention and red tape has had on industry standards, employee training, industry practices and the devastating impact on income for both employees and employers. Mitchell is a big believer in limited government, more personal freedom and personal accountability. Mitchell believes that given the right tools and information people will make the right decision that best suits themselves, their families, their work and businesses and their health and education.

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