

Liverpool CEO John Ajaka’s role terminated

The future of Liverpool chief executive John Ajaka’s role at council has ended after his position was terminated effective immediately during a confidential session.

Liverpool mayor Ned Mannoun. Picture: Monique Harmer
Liverpool mayor Ned Mannoun. Picture: Monique Harmer

The future of Liverpool chief executive John Ajaka’s role at council has ended after his position was terminated effective immediately during a confidential meeting.

Liverpool mayor Ned Mannoun tabled a mayoral minute during a closed confidential session at Wednesday’s council meeting where councillors resolved for Jason Breton to continue in his role as acting CEO.

The vote for the mayoral minute was five to five, with mayor Ned Mannoun casting the deciding sixth vote.

Councillors Betty Green, Charishma Kaliyanda, Peter Harle, Ali Karnib and Karress Rhodes voted against the termination of Mr Ajaka.

John Ajaka.
John Ajaka.

This comes after Mr Ajaka was stood down with pay during a two hour confidential council meeting in April where Liverpool Council director of operations Jason Breton was appointed as the acting chief executive in the interim.

Mr Ajaka is alleged to have told Liverpool mayor Ned Mannoun to “shut the f--k up” during a budget meeting on Tuesday April 16 with deputy mayor Fiona Macnaught and director of corporate support Farooq Portelli.

When approached for comment from Mr Ajaka, a Liverpool Council spokesman said: “council does not comment on the contents of private meetings”.

Ms Green said she had “no confidence in the process that arrived at the decision” to terminate Ajaka’s role.

“I don't believe it was the right decision because there is an investigation on foot and the procedural fairness and natural justice needed to be done,” she said.

Mr Harle echoed Ms Greens concerns and said he was “angry” about the decision.

“There is an investigation by the Office of Local Government being conducted … and I would have thought someone would have waited until the end of the inquiry to terminate someone,” he said.

Liverpool MP Charishma Kaliyanda said she also had “no confidence in the process” and was “very concerned for the impact this will have for council staff and the community”.

A rescission motion was launched to rescind the mayoral minute, which will be revisited at a future council meeting.

This comes after the recruitment process and alleged mismanagement of a $600m development project by Liverpool council will be scrutinised in a NSW government investigation following concerns of a “fractured relationship” between councillors and staff.

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