
2024 council elections: Lead candidates for Liverpool Council profiled

Candidates for Liverpool council have been named ahead of the upcoming local government election. See the list of hopefuls and the issues set to determine the election.

Meet the Liverpool council candidates.
Meet the Liverpool council candidates.

The upcoming 2024 local council elections are inching closer, with less than two weeks before residents head to the polling booths across the state.

In Sydney’s southwest, there are 11 spots up for grabs at Liverpool Council and a number of candidates, new and returning, are throwing their hats into the ring.

We have reached out to each of the lead candidates running for the council to find out their priorities, why they are running and what they think of high-density housing.

Liverpool Council is separated into two wards – North and South.

Not all lead candidates from each group responded to questions, but any additional further responses will be updated below.

North Ward

Peter Harle.
Peter Harle.

Peter Harle – Liverpool Community Independents

Peter Harle has been a sitting councillor on Liverpool council since 2008 and is running alongside Daniel Francis Kneipp, Mikaela Conners, Rayman Solagna and Marc Conners.

What have you identified as a major issue in your ward, and how do you intend to tackle this as a councillor?

Overall traffic management improvements, particularly 15th Ave and surrounding roads are major concerns as is the M7 underpass. As the leading candidate for the Liverpool Community Independents Team established for more than 30 years, my team and I would increase lobbying for major upgrades as soon as possible.

Back to basics is of prime importance, maintenance of roads, footpaths, bicycle paths, parks and dilapidated community facilities need to be better managed. The general appearance of Liverpool, its gateways and suburbs, are in urgent need of major improvements.

What have you found is a major issue in the Liverpool LGA (not just your ward) and how do you intend to address this as a councillor?

Speeding and hooning in residential areas needs to be addressed by making better use of mobile speed cameras in known problem areas, but not simply for revenue raising.

I will also champion to increase the availability of public transport in new and rural residential areas, provide more family friendly events throughout the LGA, not just the CBD, restore civic pride by bringing back garden competitions and introduce community gardens where possible, also increasing tree coverage throughout the LGA to reduce summer urban heat-rise.

Do you support high density housing in your ward?

Housing is of critical importance, but it needs to be in the right place with high rise/high density only near reliable public transport.

Lead liberal candidate Richard Ammoun.
Lead liberal candidate Richard Ammoun.

Richard Ammoun – Liberal Party

Richard Ammoun is a sitting councillor who is vying to return to council for a second term. He is also running alongside Matthew Harte, Milica Alavanja, Jane Colley and Wael Manoun.

Tony Estephen – Independent

Tony Estephen is the lead independent candidate aiming to secure a councillor position at Liverpool council. He is running alongside Lela Panich, Christopher Sparrow, Eric North and Diane Wills.

Sam Karnib.
Sam Karnib.

Sam Karnib – Labor Party

Samir Karnib is a newcomer looking to secure a spot in the North Ward. He is the director and principal solicitor of Karnib & Co Lawyers law firm. He is also running alongside Mira Ibrahim, Christopher Stanley, Francis Mawule and Kamellah Miankhel.

Gemma Noiosi.
Gemma Noiosi.

Gemma Carmen Noiosi – Libertarian Party

Gemma Noiosi is the lead Libertarian Party candidate for the North Ward. She is also running alongside Caleb Cochrane, Adam Osman, Donald Brooke and Jennilee Cochrane.

Nero Florina – Our Local Community

Nero Florina is the lead candidate for the Our Local Community party for Liverpool’s North Ward. She is also running alongside Jay Matthews, Dejana Miric, Bruce Missen and Charlie Ristevski.

South Ward

Karess Rhodes.
Karess Rhodes.

Karess Rhodes – Independent

Karess Rhodes, a sitting councillor on Liverpool council, is the lead Independent candidate for the South Ward and is running alongside Tarken Farhi, Carla Filipakis, Robert Kadir and Jody Reeks.

What have you identified as a major issue in your ward, and how do you intend to tackle this as a councillor?

The major issues in the south ward include increased population density without necessary infrastructure, state government fast-tracking private certifier approvals, the need for community consultation, koala habitat protection, more green space provisions, traffic congestion and the negative impacts of the Intermodal development.

What have you found is a major issue in the Liverpool LGA (not just your ward) and how do you intend to address this as a councillor?

Some of the major issues in the Liverpool LGA include the need to restore community trust in council and council operations need to be overhauled to better serve the community and meet the new economic challenges.

There is also a need to address political party infighting, vexatious constituents who are also

standing as candidates, and who are all responsible for creating dysfunction at council.

There is a further need for council governance to be delivered according to the Local Government ACT rules and regulations without fear or favour.

The cost of living for constituents needs to be lowered by initiating council cost saving and new revenue opportunities such as community council run solar power provision lowering the cost of electricity for the community and creating new revenue streams like the mattress shredding that could be used to lower rates.

Other issues that need to be addressed include establishing an animal shelter and increasing employment in Liverpool by encouraging tourism and visitation opportunities that support the vision for Liverpool as an international cosmopolitan city of the future.

Do you support high density housing in your ward?

No, it is buck passing from state and federal governments onto local government without taking responsibility for the negative impacts.

Ned Mannoun.
Ned Mannoun.

Ned Mannoun – Liberal Party

Ned is the current mayor of Liverpool council and is also vying to renew his mayoral position for another term. He is also running alongside Fiona Macnaught, Emmanuel Adjei, Sid Shaheed, Melhem Goodman.

What have you identified as a major issue in your ward, and how do you intend to tackle this as a councillor?

The biggest challenge is that there has not been enough investment in parks and in the maintenance through all of Liverpool. Our roads have been in a bad state. So the priority is making sure council is in a good enough financial position that we can do all the things that the community expects of council. Rather than spend $200 million on fancy council buildings the community needs better parks, better roads and cleaner streets, and my goal is to make sure that council can afford the things that the community needs.

What have you found is a major issue in the Liverpool LGA (not just your ward) and how do you intend to address this as a councillor?

As mayor, I can say that Liverpool is very diverse.

The needs of Middleton, Grange and Austral are different than the needs of Chipping Norton and Wattle Grove. There are challenges that are in 2168, and there are challenges that are outside in the rural areas and then you have the CBD. You have Liverpool, being 305sq km kilometres, with different challenges. We need to make sure that we can afford to fix those challenges because, ultimately, the majority of them are about how we get the money, but also, how do we get the state and federal government to actually fund what they need to do.

Do you support high density housing in your ward?

We’ve changed the LEP and have removed high density from the suburbs. We said we support high density in Liverpool City Center as that’s the appropriate location.

Liverpool Council is the number one in housing approvals. We have a housing crisis. Our kids will not be able to buy houses if we don’t get this right. It’s a federal government that controls immigration policy and numbers, it’s a state government that has the housing policy, and the council is left to clean up their mess.

Michael James Tierney – Independent

Michael Tierney is the lead independent candidate for the south ward. He is also running alongside Alice Tierney and Emily-Claire Khemananta.

Peter Ristevski.
Peter Ristevski.

Peter Ristevski – Our Local Community

Peter Ristevski is the lead Our Local Community candidate for the southward. He is also running alongside Dhurgham Al-Sulaimawi, Shalini Nadan, Sonia Hussein and Mary Ristevski.

What have you identified as a major issue in your ward, and how do you intend to tackle this as a councillor?

Overdevelopment is a major problem as Liverpool does not have the infrastructure to support this. As a result overdevelopment has led to parking issues and congestion in our streets with a commute to and from work now approaching three hours which is unacceptable.

Furthermore, overdevelopment has led to Liverpool hospital’s emergency department bursting at the seams putting the lives of our residents at risk as they are having to wait an extraordinary number of hours to be looked at by a doctor.

This also affects our classrooms where we have the highest students to teach ratios due to overdevelopment.

I intend to tackle these problems by putting a wall around Liverpool and sending a clear message to the State Government that Liverpool has done its fair share and now it’s time for other councils to do the heavy lifting, in particular the Northern Beaches. Until such time as the State Government invest in roads and infrastructure, I will fight against overdevelopment.

In fact I will put a special levy on developers that will go towards increasing our hospital beds, doctors and nurses for Liverpool emergency hospital as well as reducing the size of our student to teacher ratios.

What have you found is a major issue in the Liverpool LGA (not just your ward) and how do you intend to address this as a councillor?

Another problem is the mismanagement of our budget. On my first day on the job as mayor, I will get the budget out and I will cut out all the wasted spending and invest it in five street sweepers so Liverpool streets will be constantly cleaned daily.

Do you support high density housing in your ward?

I do not support high density housing in my ward and the entire Liverpool LGA.

Betty Green.
Betty Green.

Betty Green – Labor Party

Dr Betty Green is a sitting councillor on Liverpool council and is the lead Labor Party candidate for the south ward looking to secure a second term on council. She is also running alongside Ethan Monaghan, Mohan Dev Bhatt, Alaa Ahmad and Rajesh Kumar.

What have you identified as a major issue in your ward, and how do you intend to tackle this as a councillor?

Making sure our fast growing suburbs have the community and social infrastructure they need to thrive. For example, in the suburb of Edmondson Park, one park with no toilet facilities is clearly not enough for a growing suburb with a population of 15,676 residents.

Council has master and precinct plans concerning our fast growing suburbs and I will advocate strongly for council to secure the funding required and most importantly to review and develop clear, accountable delivery timetables. It is critical that council resources are allocated fairly and equitably.

What have you found is a major issue in the Liverpool LGA (not just your ward) and how do you intend to address this as a councillor?

There are a number of complex issues facing council and the community from transport connectivity to getting ready for the Western Sydney International Airport to providing basic services. In my 30 years of experience working in the community services sector, I have learnt there is a fundamental strength in working collaboratively and cooperatively with community, government agencies and stakeholders to solve problems and achieve goals.

I’ve been door knocking every weekend since February speaking to residents. Everyone I speak to strongly agrees that all levels of government need to work together. I am committed to working cooperatively and collaboratively with the community, our state and federal partners and agencies, local business and services, to achieve better outcomes in the interests of the community.

Victor Kayh-Xu – Libertarian Party

Victor Kayh-Xu is the lead Libertarian Party candidate for the south ward. He is also running alongside Peter Runge, Anthony Noiosi, Carmel Corigliano and John Breakspear.

Criss Moore.
Criss Moore.

Criss Moore – Liverpool Community Independents Team

Dr Criss Moore is the lead Liverpool Community Independents Team candidate for the southward. She is running alongside Susie Kneipp, June Young, Michael Russell, Kevin James Moore.

If I was elected as a councillor for the south ward, I would listen and act on what the local community requires and look into the specific need for local homes that are move-in ready and suitable for families and singles who need accommodation in a timely manner.

Housing is of critical importance and it needs to be in the right place and near reliable public transport.

The issues of speeding and hooning in residential areas needs to be addressed by making better use of mobile speed cameras in known problem areas for safety reasons.

I would also encourage and assist adults who struggle to learn to read by providing additional support. I’d also help restore civic pride by bringing back garden competitions and introducing community gardens where possible and increase tree coverage throughout the LGA to reduce summer urban heat-rise.

Deb Gurung – Community Voice Australia

Deb Gurung is the lead Community Voice Australia and served in the British Army and the Australian Defence Force for more than 30 years as well as extensive volunteer work in the wider community. He is running alongside Fia Pesa, Afzal Chowdhury, Bhabana Parajuli and Bijay Shrestha.

What have you identified as a major issue in your ward, and how do you intend to tackle this as a councillor?

Having lived in Liverpool south ward for over 17 years and listening to the concerns of residents, the major issues I have identified are Moorebank Ave has a high rate of accidents due to shortage of traffic lights and pedestrian crossings.

Wattle Grove has a beautiful lake but there are no toilet/sanitary facilities for the community and the Liverpool CBD is highly congested especially during peak hours. More frequent bus routes are needed and additional parking spots at Liverpool Station.

What have you found is a major issue in the Liverpool LGA (not just your ward) and how do you intend to address this as a councillor?

The major issues include Moorebank Ave and Cambridge Ave bridge towards Glenfied being prone to flooding every year which needs to be fixed for commuter safety and convenience.

Parks also require improvements and better maintenance, ensuring public toilet access and regular rubbish collection. There are minimal park and toilet facilities for Edmondson Park and Austral residents due to lack of construction planning.

There is also a shortage of doctors causing extensive wait times at the emergency department and there is a need to uplift local business growth and create more job opportunities.

Do you support high density housing in your ward?

It may not be preferred but due to growing population, affordable housing has to be addressed. We need to liaise with developers to build affordable housing, ensuring careful assessment of DA approvals to avoid overcrowding.

This can be done with proper planning and support from the state and federal

government. I am well and truly open to liaise and advocate at all levels. Ultimately, as a mayoral candidate, my goal is to keep our residents happy and make Liverpool one of the top cities in Australia.

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