
No awe as Fury, Psykotic eye title

FURY is the new AWE heavyweight champion who will have a rematch with Five Dock wrestler Psykotic.

2013.02.04 wRESTLE
2013.02.04 wRESTLE

FURY is the new AWE heavyweight champion who will have a rematch with Five Dock wrestler Psykotic.

Fury, currently the arm wrestling champion in Mauritius, has won many body building competitions in Florida and also holds the bench press record at Canterbury Leagues gym.

Psykotic is a two-time AWE Heavyweight champion, European middle weight champion in 2004 and has wrestled for Booker T in Texas.

"Fury is a well defined athlete and has a huge following because of his personality and size. The guy is a well established athlete but what he has to realise is last time I got caught during a high risk move that was a mistake on my behalf," Psykotic said.

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