
Inner west: Felix Kiera sentenced for making Nazi salute at trans rights rally

A man who performed a Nazi salute in the middle of a transgender rights march has told a court he was “ignorant”, with his actions being slammed as “unacceptable”.

Felix Kiera, 22, leaving Newton Court. Picture: Ted Lamb
Felix Kiera, 22, leaving Newton Court. Picture: Ted Lamb

A man has been convicted over performing a Nazi salute after he crashed a transgender rights march in Sydney’s inner west.

Felix Kiera, 21 fronted Newtown Local Court on Tuesday where he pleaded guilty to knowingly displaying by public act a Nazi symbol without excuse in November 2024.

A second charge of making a gesture of a Nazi salute in a public place was withdrawn.

Kiera, who was not associated with the approved march in Camperdown – which was calling for an end to police strip searching queer and trans people — also made further threatening remarks.

He was arrested before being charged and granted strict conditional bail.

Felix Kiera, 22, was convicted and fined. Picture: Ted Lamb
Felix Kiera, 22, was convicted and fined. Picture: Ted Lamb

A Legal Aid solicitor told the court Kiera’s offending was “very brief” and did not cause any lasting impact or disruption to the march.

“While the intent was serious it would be more serious if it incited violence or similar behaviour it was a very brief offence,” the solicitor said.

The court also heard Kiera had expressed remorse in a letter to the court, had the support of his family and did not drink alcohol or take drugs.

During questioning, Magistrate Alex Mijovich asked Kiera why he thought his behaviour at the time didn’t amount to an offence.

Images from the Trans Day of Resistance protest. Picture: Instagram
Images from the Trans Day of Resistance protest. Picture: Instagram

“Do you read the paper or watch the news? Perhaps you should. This type of display is nothing new and has been around a long time,” he said.

“This community has been expecting penalties on these matters. I don’t know why you thought it was a prank and not an offence.”

Kiera then replied: “I was ignorant”.

Magistrate Mijovich acknowledged Kiera’s young age as a reason for “reducing the consequences” yet stated the matter was not one he was willing to overlook.

“The message has to get out to the community this is just unacceptable, and there are consequences of this behaviour,” he said

Kiera was convicted and ordered to pay a fine of $1000.

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