
Crowds expected opposite Flower Power Enfield to protest unit plans

A large turnout is expected opposite Flower Power in Enfield on Saturday as community anger builds over plans to turn the site into an apartment complex.

Flower Power Enfield for story on re-development of site. Picture: Blatch Philip
Flower Power Enfield for story on re-development of site. Picture: Blatch Philip

A LARGE turnout of residents concerned about plans to rezone Enfield’s Flower Power site is expected on Saturday at Henley Park

The street meeting between 3-4pm has been organised by Strathfield Labor candidate Jodi McKay along with Burwood Mayor John Faker.

It will take place across the road from Flower Power, Enfield.

Enfield Flower Power is a popular gardening centre.
Enfield Flower Power is a popular gardening centre.

Ms McKay said she initiated the meeting as a a result of concerns raised by residents in the area.

Flower Power proposes to rezone the site from light industrial and low density residential to “general residential” which means there would be a maximum building height of 11 metres.

Ms Mckay said the rezoning issue had come up many times during her campaign and door-knocking of about 7000 houses in the area.

Strathfield Labor candidate Jodi McKay.
Strathfield Labor candidate Jodi McKay.

“People feel a sense of ownership about the site and they are very concerned because around that area it is all low rise. This would set a dangerous precedent right next to Henley Park. I have had scores of rsvps to the meeting already,” she said.

“Residents are very disappointed in the process and how far it has proceeded.”

Flower Power’s owner has previously said it has no plans to redevelop the popular nursery for apartments.

It has merely applied for the rezoning to improve the value of the site.

Enfield Flower Power at an annual Spring open day.
Enfield Flower Power at an annual Spring open day.

But Ms McKay said: “This has been met with a good deal of cynicism in the community and they don’t believe it at all.”

Flower Power’s submission to the Planning Department also indicates plans to move the gardening centre elsewhere: “The location of this business is not viable in the long term due to the conflict with the surrounding residential land uses and the issues previously raised by the community regarding truck movements, dust and noise,” a covering letter states. “An alternate more suitable site will enable Flower Power to successfully service the local community.”

Ms McKay said she would talk at the meeting in her capacity as Opposition Planning spokeswoman about how projects such as this were being taken out of local councils’ hands.

“The voice of the community is being lost and there is no ability in the community to be able to participate in the process,” she said.

Flower Power has so far made two applications to Burwood Council which were rejected.

Initial assessments of the rezoning plan in 2013 were supported by the council in principle.

But in February 2014, Burwood Mayor John Faker tabled a mayoral minute which resolved to

advise the Department that they no longer wanted to proceed with the planning


Burwood Mayor John Faker.
Burwood Mayor John Faker.

The owner consequently requested a pre-gateway review from the NSW Department of Planning — this would mean the State Government could allow the rezoning despite the council’s objections.

The Department has referred the case to the Joint Regional Planning Panel for assessment.

Ms McKay said she was optimistic the Panel would decide Burwood Council should assess the rezoning application.

Flower Power has been contacted for comment.

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