Consortium wins $2.7 billion M4 East motorway contract
PLANS for stage one of the $2.7 billion WestConnex motorway have been released, with the NRMA saying it was a ‘positive step’ towards easing traffic chaos.
Stage one of WestConnex motorway linking M5 and M4 announced
Motorway is predicted to save $5 billion a year in lost productivity
Labor MP Jo Haylen says smoke stack near a school is ‘untenable’
THE NRMA has backed the government’s plans for its underground stage of the $2.7 billion WestConnex project, saying it was a “positive step” to ease commuter chaos.
Plans released yesterday reveal motorists will have the choice of entering a tunnel east of Homebush Bay Drive, emerging near the Bunnings Warehouse on Parramatta Rd or on Wattle St at Haberfield.
The design also shows entry and exit points for the twin tunnels at Concord Rd, North Strathfield, to allow local traffic to access the motorway.
The State and Federal Governments announced details of the consortium after a five-month tender process, awarding the M4 East twin tunnels and related connections to Leighton Contractors, Samsung C & T and John Holland.
An NRMA spokesman said last night: “We’ve supported WestConnex and what we want the government to do is continue to provide information that includes the business case and environmental impact studies.
“This is a crucial project supported across Sydney.”
The project links the M5 and M4 motorways in Sydney.
Assistant Infrastructure minister Jamie Briggs said traffic congestion was costing Sydney $5 billion a year in delays and lost productivity.
“Widening and extending the M4 and M5 and joining them together to form WestConnex is desperately needed so the city doesn’t come to a grinding halt,” Mr Briggs said.
NSW Roads Minister Duncan Gay said where possible WestConnex was being built underground or in reserved road corridors to minimise property acquisitions.
“We are investing historic levels of funding to build public transport like the $8.3 billion North West Rail Link, but upgrading Sydney’s existing motorway network is vital,” Mr Gay said.
But local MP for Summer Hill Jo Haylen was critical of details of the announcement, pointing out that a construction site and smoke stack being placed only 500m from Haberfield Public School was untenable.
“The thriving community of Haberfield will become a carpark,” she said. “These plans will do nothing but destroy and divide the heritage suburb of Haberfield.”
“I am deeply fearful of the threat to the health of Haberfield’s youngest residents, those who play and learn at Haberfield Public School every day, who will now have a smoke stack 500m from playground.”
The motorway is part of the first stage of the 33km WestConnex road tunnel, Australia’s largest transport infrastructure project, which will link Sydney’s west and southwest with the city, airport and Port Botany.
Key details released by the government today include:
● Twin tunnels with three lanes in each direction, spanning 5.5km in length at a height of 5.3 metres.
Motorists can enter and exit the M4 East tunnel at:
● The M4 Motorway at Homebush
● Concord Rd at Strathfield
● Parramatta Rd at Haberfield (near Bunnings Warehouse)
● City West Link at Haberfield.
The State Government plans to provide significant road improvements for local residents of Patterson St, Concord and Wattle St in Haberfield, including a new right turn from Wattle St into Ramsay St.
The preferred design also includes two ventilation outlets, one at the western entry and exit point at Homebush and the other at the Parramatta Rd/City West Link Interchange at Haberfield.
Widening of the M4 between Parramatta and Homebush is already underway, with construction of the new M4 East expected to begin by mid next year.
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