
Andrew Hayler to be sentenced for posting women’s images on porn sites

A Sydney bartender posted and sometimes pornographically manipulated images of women on a vile website before urging other “cucks like him” to post their violent fantasies about them.

Andrew Hayler has pleaded guilty to 28 counts of using a carriage service to offend.
Andrew Hayler has pleaded guilty to 28 counts of using a carriage service to offend.

A Sydney man who posted photos of dozens of women he knew to a revolting website where users fantasised about them sexually and photoshopped them into pornographic images is facing the prospect of prison time.

Hospitality worker Andrew Hayler, 39, has pleaded guilty to 28 counts of using a carriage service to offend after admitting he posted social media photos from 26 women he knew to depraved pornographic websites and Instagram without their consent.

In some instances, Hayler edited the women’s faces onto images depicting sexual acts, while in others he made misogynistic comments about what he would like to do to them sexually and invited others to do the same.

In many cases, Hayler also added the women’s full names, professions and suburbs – then encouraged other users on the revolting site to directly message those women.

At the time, the website had almost 304,000 users and Hayler uploaded at least 684 posts featuring the women’s social media pictures, along with 141 altered pornographic images.

Almost every victim had known and trusted Hayler for years – and the court heard at least one woman had joined a subscription service which continued to uncover the manipulated pornographic images of her being reshared.

Hayler had used a number of anonymous user names – Coronabona, ThrillBill, Bitchslapper, Maddysplatter, Gizardwizard22 and Wurlydurly.

The court heard Hayler targeted “strong women”. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Nikki Short
The court heard Hayler targeted “strong women”. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Nikki Short

At Sydney District Court on Thursday, eight of the women gave harrowing victim impact statements in court about the impact Hayler’s offending between July 2020 and August 2022 had had on them.

One of the victims noted how Hayler had targeted “strong women”, in a “relentless attempt to seize power” and “tear us down”.

“Our safety in our bodies will never be yours to take, our security in our sexuality is ours to claim,” she said in her statement.

“While the legal system may mete out its judgment, your most severe punishment lies within the confines of your own consciousness – you must bear the burden of being Andrew Hayler...a prison of your making, a sentence no punishment could ever match.”

Victim after victim described feeling violated, degraded and humiliated by Hayler – with one saying she no longer feels safe.

“We did nothing wrong, I did nothing wrong,” she said, adding she felt there was nothing she could have done to stop this from happening again.

“No one is safe,” she said.

Hayler will be sentenced at Sydney District Court later this month. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Nikki Short
Hayler will be sentenced at Sydney District Court later this month. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Nikki Short

Others spoke of how they were shocked to find out Hayler harboured such a deep hatred of women.

“I want you to know that women are not your enemy,” a victim said in court.

Hayler took the stand to give evidence on sentence, in which he apologised for the harm he had caused.

“I listened to every single victim impact statement – I’ve really done a terrible thing and I’m so very sorry to each and every one of them, their family, friends, work colleagues,” Hayler said.

“I know it’s bigger than just myself and them – it’s affected the community, I think I believed that no-one would ever really see it that I knew, I did not think it would affect anything to this level.”

Hayler said he thought it was just a “quiet dark little part of (his) psyche” that was fun to feed and a fantasy he indulged for sexual gratification.

“The website was full of men who were in the same sort of mind state as me, it was an outlet,” Hayler said.

“There was part of my psyche I did not want to bring out in public – I went online and put pictures up and made awful statements thinking that it was private because it was shared amongst people like me.”

Hayler was remanded in custody after Judge Jane Culver determined full-time imprisonment was an inevitability.

He will be sentenced at Sydney District Court on June 21

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