
Jarrad Pavric: Illawarra cop’s son found guilty of ‘revenge porn’ charges

It has been revealed in court why the son of a serving Illawarra police officer threatened to publish nude photos of a teen girl.

Jarrad Pavric, 22, arrives at Wollongong Local Court on March 23. Picture: Madeline Crittenden.
Jarrad Pavric, 22, arrives at Wollongong Local Court on March 23. Picture: Madeline Crittenden.

Editor's Note: In September 2021, Mr Pavric was found not guilty after appealing to the District Court of NSW. Judge Penelope Wass found that the complainant was at times "unconvincing" and "unreliable". Judge Wass also found that the images sent by the complainant were not "intimate images".

The son of a serving Illawarra police officer has been found guilty of ‘revenge porn’ charges, after threatening to publish naked images of a teenage girl online unless she agreed to sleep with him.

Jarrad Pavric, 22, was one of the first people in NSW to be charged under the government’s new ‘revenge porn’ laws in 2017, after he requested a 14-year-old girl send him intimate images of herself during a three-week period in September of that year, before he allegedly threatened to publicly release her pictures if she didn’t “give him a blow job” or let him “play with her tits”.

Jarrad Pavric has been found guilty of revenge porn charges. Picture: Facebook.
Jarrad Pavric has been found guilty of revenge porn charges. Picture: Facebook.

He was initially charged with seven offences, and was found guilty of five, and not guilty of the remaining two by Magistrate Mark Douglass at Wollongong Local Court on Monday, following a two-day hearing in June last year.

Despite Pavric denying the allegations, Magistrate Douglass found five of the charges to be proven beyond a reasonable doubt, including two counts of threatening to distribute intimate content without consent, intentionally distributing images without consent and procuring a child for unlawful sexual activity, and groom child for unlawful sexual activity.

He also found Pavric not guilty of two charges, including possess child abuse material and disseminate child abuse material.

During the hearing last year, the court heard Pavric met the teenager via social media app Snapchat, and that they began talking before things became sexual.

He admitted he was the sole user of the account, which had the username “jazza97mate”, however, denied sending any intimate images of himself, asking the colour of the girl’s underwear, requesting nude photos of her or sending his own pictures in return.

Jarrad Pavric arrives at court with his mum. Picture: Madeline Crittenden..
Jarrad Pavric arrives at court with his mum. Picture: Madeline Crittenden..

The court also heard after the girl sent Pavric intimate photos, he blocked her, before contacting the teen on a different account, telling her the photos would be published if she did not “give him a blow job” or let him “play with her tits”.

During the hearing, it was also alleged Pavric sent two of the intimate pictures to the girl’s cousin, telling them he was thinking of posting them to Instagram.

Police were informed, and they began an investigation, arresting Pavric and seizing computers, mobile phones and electronic equipment from his Horsley home.

He spent two nights behind bars following his arrest, before being granted strict court bail.

After handing down his judgment on Monday, Magistrate Douglass ordered Pavric obtain a report from Community Corrections before he hands down a sentence on May 23.

The new revenge porn laws came into effect in August 2017 and carry a penalty of up to three years behind bars and an $11,000 fine.

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