

The Hills Shire’s school leaders share their leadership qualities and big dreams

A desire to become a human rights lawyer and a commitment to boost the number of female astrophysicists are just some of our school leaders’ future ambitions. Meet these inspiring Hills students.

‘Great start to the year’: Students return to the classroom in Victoria and NSW

The past two years have been far from easy for students as they’ve had to tackle online learning, rescheduled exams, and all the disruptions caused by Covid.

But now the new school year is well and truly underway, with everyone back in the classroom, we’ve spoken to a selection of inspiring high school leaders throughout The Hills Shire.

These young stars told The Hills Shire Times all about what makes a great leader and they also shared what they hope to achieve after their final school year.

So, without further ado, meet the inspiring students who are already making their mark as leaders.

(L-R): Joseph-Arsenious Inaty, Olivia Silcock, Saskia Vogt.
(L-R): Joseph-Arsenious Inaty, Olivia Silcock, Saskia Vogt.

William Clarke College

College captains Olivia Silcock and Jazz Dawson
College captains Olivia Silcock and Jazz Dawson

Olivia Silcock

William Clarke College’s co-captain Olivia Silcock describes herself as someone who is “conscientious, inquisitive and compassionate”.

It is these qualities that Olivia aspires to bring into every leadership role she undertakes — now and in the years to come.

When asked about her future aspirations, Olivia said she hopes to one day “go into science and astrophysics” because she felt the field was “under-represented by females.”

Olivia Silcock. Picture supplied by William Clarke College
Olivia Silcock. Picture supplied by William Clarke College
Jazz Dawson. Picture supplied by William Clarke College
Jazz Dawson. Picture supplied by William Clarke College

Jazz Dawson

As a Christian, co-captain Jazz Dawson, said he “strives to embody servant-heartedness, kindness and diligence in everything I put my mind to”.

As a leader, this young go-getter describes himself as “passionate, dedicated and empathetic”.

Looking ahead to life post high school, Jazz said he was considering studying a Bachelor of Arts and a Bachelor of Laws because those degrees “combine multiple areas of interest for me: history, philosophy, politics and law.”

Galston High School

India Dalton

Galston High School’s vice-captain India Dalton is currently studying a broad array of subjects: Advanced English, Maths Extension 1, Modern History, Agriculture and Biology.

When asked about what she aspired to be as a leader, India said: “I aspire to be a leader that communicates openly and widely with those around me to represent and advocate for them”.

Looking ahead, India plans to study Media and Communications at university because she has a long-term goal of pursuing a career in either journalism, film, or television.

India hopes to incorporate her passion for history into whatever career path she ends up taking.

India Dalton. Picture supplied by Galston High School
India Dalton. Picture supplied by Galston High School

Saskia Vogt

Saskia Vogt, a senior prefect at Galston High School is also undertaking a diverse selection of subjects in her final school year: Advanced English, Advanced Maths, Software Design and Development, Legal Studies, Physics and German Beginners.

Saskia believes that leadership is all about helping to represent others.

“Leadership is about legacy: drawing on your own knowledge and experiences to help others with the hope that one day they will do the same,” she said.

Saskia hopes to combine her passion for a diverse range of subjects — cyber security, law, languages and other cultures — in her future career path.

Saskia Vogt. Picture supplied by Galston High School.
Saskia Vogt. Picture supplied by Galston High School.

Pennant Hills High School

The principal of Pennant Hills High School, Mr Ross Warren, says student leadership “is a central pillar to the culture of Pennant Hills High School.”

According to Mr Warren, “the students who lead our Student Leadership Council of over 60 students from Year 7 to 12 are charged with some serious responsibilities”.

“They work with teachers to design solutions together. They build connections and a sense of belonging … They are proud to create a positive environment and culture for all members of this community to learn, and they seek opportunities to mentor their peers to develop their personal and social skill sets.”

Mr Warren said Pennant Hills High School’s current leadership group fills him with “a great sense of anticipation for the quality our future community leaders.”

“They are articulate, passionate, and dedicated,” he said. “They are committed to social justice, those less fortunate than themselves and … they put the interests of others before their own.”

Pennant Hills High School leaders 2022.
Pennant Hills High School leaders 2022.

Kellyville High School

Gayathree Selvakumar

Gayathree Selvakumar, one of Kellyville High School’s captains, said she wanted “to advocate equity and justice within the school environment and our community.”

I want to help highlight and embrace diversity, promoting a harmonious school culture,” she said.

Looking ahead, Gayathree plans to study English and History at university, she also wants to teach so as to inspire future generations to become more knowledgeable about their world and develop empathy for others.

Gayathree would also like to become an Indian Classical dance teacher.

School captain Gayathree Selvakumar. Picture supplied by Kellyville High School.
School captain Gayathree Selvakumar. Picture supplied by Kellyville High School.

Nathan Teh

Kellyville High School’s co-captain, Nathan Teh, believes leadership is all about making other students feel welcome at school.

“As a school leader, I want to create opportunities for students to have positive school experiences and learn to love where they learn,” Nathan said.

I want students to understand why we come to school and how to make the best of our high school years.”

In his life post high school, Nathan plans to study medicine at university — his aim is to “be at the forefront of science, innovate beyond expectations through world exploration and research.”

School captain Nathan Teh. Picture supplied by Kellyville High School.
School captain Nathan Teh. Picture supplied by Kellyville High School.

Aaron Sirone

Aaron Sirone is the leader of Kellyville High School’s Inclusive Education Faculty (IEF).

As the IEF leader, Aaron is in charge of running the IEF assemblies, raising the flags each day and training younger students to take over his role when he leaves.

Post high school, Aaron would like to get a job in retail and is currently completing his Certificate II in Retail at TAFE.

IEF captain Aaron Sirone. Picture supplied by Kellyville High School.
IEF captain Aaron Sirone. Picture supplied by Kellyville High School.

Jordan Fenbow

Jordan Fenbow is the vice-captain of Kellyville High School.

“I strive to be the best leader I can, and aim to not only be out the front, but to support my fellow students and build their confidence and resilience alongside them,” she said.

Jordan plans to study graphic design and hopes to have a career in illustration or visual design.

She is also an aspiring sportswoman, with dreams of playing first grade AFL or rugby league for the Sydney Roosters.

Vice-captain Jordan Fenbow. Picture supplied by Kellyville High School.
Vice-captain Jordan Fenbow. Picture supplied by Kellyville High School.

Veron Mehta

Alongside Jordan, Veron is Kellyville High School’s co-vice captain.

“I aspire to be an outgoing and approachable leader,” he said. “I aim to help inspire and mentor younger students to become strong leaders within our community.”

After completing his final exams, Veron plans to study physiotherapy at the University of Sydney.

His dream job is to start his own business as a physiotherapist, or to travel with a professional sports team.

Vice-captain Veron Mehta. Picture supplied by Kellyville High School.
Vice-captain Veron Mehta. Picture supplied by Kellyville High School.

Crestwood High School

Crestwood High School’s co-captains Maria He and Madhavaram Sriranganathaiyer
Crestwood High School’s co-captains Maria He and Madhavaram Sriranganathaiyer

Maria He

Maria He, one of Crestwood High School’s new school captains, is a talented guitarist who loves to play music but is also kept busy working part time at Woolies.

As a school captain, Maria says her passion lies in mental health and her goal is to help build a positive school environment where everyone feels happy and valued.

After HSC, Maria aims to study medicine at UNSW because she wants to specialise in surgical medicine.

Madhavaram Sriranganathaiyer

Crestwood’s co-captain, Madhavaram (‘Madhav’) Sriranganathaiyer, says he loves to be outside and playing sport, often spending his recess and lunch on the volleyball court.

According to Crestwood High School’s student advisor, Mrs Gemma Quinn, “his leadership qualities are his confidence, his communication skills, his empathy for others and his open mind”.

As a school leader, Madhav is aware of the toll Covid took on so many students, especially those that thrive in social circumstances.

So, throughout 2022, he aims to use his love of sport to help others increase their social connections, make new friends and boost morale through initiatives such as a new sports tournaments or house cups.

Madhav’s goal is to pursue an engineering career and he hopes to studies at UNSW or USYD.

Hills Grammar

Maddy Rice

Maddy Rice is one of the Hills Grammar’s school captains.

“I like to lead by example within my community and through my involvement in all aspects of school life,” she said.

After graduation, Maddy hopes to complete a degree in Law and Ancient History. Her long-term goal is to become a human rights lawyer.

Maddy Rice. Picture: Peter Secheny
Maddy Rice. Picture: Peter Secheny

Brooke Johnson

Year 12 student Brooke Johnson describes herself as a “kind, thoughtful and caring person.”

“As a leader, I am very approachable and teamwork oriented,” she said.

When she finishes her HSC, Brooke hopes to one day become a specialist orthodontist because she wants to “help people with their dental needs.”

Brooke Johnson. Picture: Peter Secheny
Brooke Johnson. Picture: Peter Secheny

Lachlan Huynh

Lachlan Huynh is a school leader at Hills Grammar.

“I thoroughly enjoy collaborating with others in team environments inside and outside of school,” he said.

While he is not sure what he wants to study post-HSC, Lachlan knows what he is passionate about: performing arts, particularly dance and music.

Lachlan Huynh. Picture: Peter Secheny
Lachlan Huynh. Picture: Peter Secheny

Joseph-Arsenious Inaty

Hills Grammar’s co-captain Joseph-Arsenious Inaty says his leadership qualities come from being “a confident, active member of our school.”

Joseph also considers himself “a reflection of my multicultural friends and aims to be a sociable person.”

When Joseph graduates, he would love to study Law but is unsure about his future career path — he is interested in working as either a lawyer, an accountant, or an investment banker.

Joseph-Arsenious Inaty. Picture: Peter Secheny
Joseph-Arsenious Inaty. Picture: Peter Secheny

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