
Swifts coach Briony Akle calling on netballers to fight coronavirus

It’s a sport with an army of more than a million and it’s been called to arms by the NSW Swifts.

NSW Swifts coach Briony Akle has called for netball fans to do what they can to stop the spread of the coronavirus. Picture: Dominic O’Brien
NSW Swifts coach Briony Akle has called for netball fans to do what they can to stop the spread of the coronavirus. Picture: Dominic O’Brien

NSW Swifts coach Briony Akle has called on netballers and fans of all ages to lead the way in the fight against COVID-19 and “team up” to help defend against the virus.

One of the country’s leading coaches this week threw her support behind strict government regulations restricting movement and social interaction, urging netballers to play a role in reducing the virus spread.

“Our netball community across Australia is over one-million strong. That is a powerful army,” Akle wrote to members.

“If our troops do what the amazing doctors and nurses in our health services are asking us to, then we are going a long way to bringing this crisis to an end – and netball back to our local courts.”

Akle also told young fans they could become top defenders like Diamond Sarah Klau and Swifts captain Maddy Proud during the crisis.

Coach Briony Akle (left) from the NSW Swifts celebrates with her players after winning the Super Netball preliminary final. The Swifts would win the grand final a week later. Picture: AAP/David Gray
Coach Briony Akle (left) from the NSW Swifts celebrates with her players after winning the Super Netball preliminary final. The Swifts would win the grand final a week later. Picture: AAP/David Gray

“This is your chance to defend like Sarah and Maddy,” she said.

“How can you do this? Well it’s pretty simple. I would love to see you helping your parents by doing the simple things they ask: washing your hands, keeping a safe distance from people, not meeting in groups, understanding that you aren’t going to be separated from your friends

forever (just until we get through this), and calling your grandparents to say you love them.

“This will form part of rock-solid NSW Swifts-like defence which will help everyone in the long-term and I know Maddy and Sez will give it a big thumbs up.”

Akle also supported the tough stance of Super Netball in postponing the 2020 competition the NSW Swifts won for the first time last season.

NSW Swifts coach Briony Akle said young netballers could “defend like Sarah Klau” (pictured) during the coronavirus outbreak by staying home and washing their hands. Picture: Bradley Kanaris/Getty
NSW Swifts coach Briony Akle said young netballers could “defend like Sarah Klau” (pictured) during the coronavirus outbreak by staying home and washing their hands. Picture: Bradley Kanaris/Getty

“The Suncorp Super Netball League made the right call to postpone the 2020 competition. It was a decision that puts people first,” she said.

“Was it disappointing? You bet it was, but having seen how quickly COVID-19 can attack the most vulnerable in our society, it demonstrates that our most important job now is stemming the spread of this insidious disease.

“We may have six premierships in the trophy cabinet but perhaps the club’s greatest achievement will be helping the national effort to overcome the biggest global crisis in a generation.”

Netball NSW has recommended that all community netball competitions be suspended until May 2.

The sport body will provide a formal update on April 15.

At this stage, metro and regional leagues have been postponed and the 2020 National Netball Championships has been cancelled.

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