
Where to find the cheapest fuel in Fairfield

Beat the bowser: Here's today's petrol and diesel fuel prices in Fairfield at 11.32pm, Tuesday, March 31.

Service station operators must ensure the price of a fuel in FuelCheck matches the standard price of the fuel at their service station at all times.
Service station operators must ensure the price of a fuel in FuelCheck matches the standard price of the fuel at their service station at all times.

THE average price of U91 unleaded petrol in Fairfield this afternoon was 109.3 cents a litre.

Every day, NewsLocal tracks local fuel prices, so that you know when and where you are paying too much.

The cheapest U91 petrol at 11.32pm today, according to Fuel Check, was 84.9 cents a litre, 47.0 cents cheaper than the most expensive bowsers.

This was where you could get it:

- Speedway Fairfield, 251 The Horsley Drive, Fairfield.

Today's other average and cheapest fuel prices:

Premium 98: The cheapest is 109.9 cents, while the average is 132.8 cents.

Premium 95: The cheapest is 104.9 cents, while the average is 129.4 cents.

Diesel: The cheapest is 101.9 cents, while the average is 118.4 cents.

LPG: The cheapest is 73.9 cents, while the average is 82.2 cents.

Why you should shop around:

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission says petrol price cycles bear little relation to the wholesale price of fuel.

"The cheapest and most expensive days to buy petrol can change from cycle to cycle," it says, recommending motorists "use price cycles to help you decide when to buy petrol".

What service stations must do:

Service station operators must ensure the price of fuel in FuelCheck matches the standard price of the fuel at their service station at all times.

NSW Fair Trading says consumers who notice a price difference are "encouraged to raise this with the service station operator".

"Consumers are able to lodge a complaint with NSW Fair Trading directly via FuelCheck regarding instances of fuel price mismatch," it says.

"Fair Trading will review each complaint and depending on the circumstances the service station may be fined for non-compliance. Penalty notices of $550 can be issued for each offence."

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