

Sydney Metro West Pyrmont Station: residents, businesses call for clarity on plans

Residents in a historic hub in Pyrmont are fighting for the NSW Government to reveal plans for their proposed Sydney Metro West station. See the latest.

West Metro stations announced as project slated for 2030

Residents and business owners in Pyrmont are calling for clarity from the NSW Government over plans for the long-promised Sydney Metro West station in the historic peninsula.

Property owners have been on alert over plans for the Metro West station since it was first forecast in 2009, which resulted in a fierce campaign to save Union Square from destruction.

But acquisitions specialist, Newhouse and Arnold Solicitors principal, David Newhouse, said the government needed to shed light on whether or not more properties were in the firing line.

Union Street, Pyrmont could be the station location for the new Sydney Metro West. Picture Jake McCallum
Union Street, Pyrmont could be the station location for the new Sydney Metro West. Picture Jake McCallum

“Before any decision is made, Sydney Metro needs to liaise with the local community on the possible site for the for the new Sydney Metro West Pyrmont station,” he said.

“Since 2009 residents surrounding the land at Union St have been kept in the dark on whether their site is still required.”

Union St residents, Tino and Rosaria Vieira were one of several community members to lead the charge against government plans for the corner of Pyrmont and Union streets more than a decade ago, however, the couple told NewsLocal they fear the government was “planning by stealth”.

Rosaria Vieira, property owner and resident of Union St, Pyrmont is preparing to fight Sydney Metro on plans for a station precinct. Picture: Jake McCallum
Rosaria Vieira, property owner and resident of Union St, Pyrmont is preparing to fight Sydney Metro on plans for a station precinct. Picture: Jake McCallum

There concerns come after as construction for the multibillion-dollar infrastructure project was recently approved — without clarification on where the Pyrmont Station would be built.

The couple own a commercial property on the corner of Pyrmont and Union streets — promoted as the proffered location for the station — however, also live directly across from where the bustling transport hub would be developed.

“Our land has been earmarked for a Sydney Metro station site since 2009 and we have heard nothing since,” Mrs Vieira said. “No one can tell us anything, we need to be consulted if our property is still on the table, they can’t make a decision on this by stealth.
“All of the other station sites on the Metro West line have been identified, promoted to the community except Pyrmont, Why?”

Mrs Vieira said she believed the community has been kept in the dark on the plans for the station site, due to the successful campaign to scrap the proposal in 2009.

Union Street, Pyrmont could be the station location for the new Sydney Metro West. The property owned by the Vieira’s on the corner of Union and Pyrmont streets. Picture Jake McCallum
Union Street, Pyrmont could be the station location for the new Sydney Metro West. The property owned by the Vieira’s on the corner of Union and Pyrmont streets. Picture Jake McCallum

“They are trying to stop us from campaigning again by giving us the least amount of time to rally the community,” she said. “We would still be opposed to the Metro being built on our property, even if they do adequately compensate us.”

In August, Sydney Metro launched the tender process for “market engagement” to support the assessment of a potential station” site in Pyrmont, which was later secured in December announcement by Sydney Metro.

“The NSW Government will build a new metro railway station at Pyrmont as part of the mega Sydney Metro West project, greatly enhancing plans to revitalise the inner city precinct to encourage jobs, investment and economic growth,” the statement said.

The statement said the project would create 500 direct jobs, relieve demand on the Dulwich Hill Light Rail, serve major events and cut the commute times between Parramatta and Pyrmont by 26 minutes.

However, no location was outlined for the station precinct in the government announcement.

“Sydney Metro has worked with the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment and other stakeholders to ensure the plans for a metro station at Pyrmont are consistent with the planning work being undertaken to unlock innovation and investment in the Pyrmont Peninsula.”

Benjamin and Emily Calabaro of Quick Brown Fox in Pyrmont. Picture: Jake McCallum.
Benjamin and Emily Calabaro of Quick Brown Fox in Pyrmont. Picture: Jake McCallum.

Quick Brown Fox Eatery co-owner Benjamin Calabro said communication on the location and impact Sydney Metro will have on Pyrmont needed to start now with not only residents, but businesses as well.

“Small business and locals should have more communication from the government in relation to consultation on future development,” he said.

“In the long term, these changes are great creating more jobs, benefiting the community and increases the number of people, however, in the interim the consultation and direction of infrastructure needs to be more transparent.”

In 2009 the NSW Government revealed “alternative designs” to retail the historic facades of building on the corner of Union and Pyrmont streets, adjoining residential terraces.

A Sydney Metro spokesman said the department was “undertaking further investigation to finalise the location of the Pyrmont metro station”.

Supplied Artist Impressions of Sydney Metro WEST stations. The Bays Station
Supplied Artist Impressions of Sydney Metro WEST stations. The Bays Station

“The community will be advised once a final decision on the station location has been made.

“No tender has been issued, let alone awarded, to build Pyrmont Station. This will occur in the future.”

In September, Pyrmont Action convener Elizabeth Elenius called on the NSW Government to exclude any heritage sites “such as Union Square, from consideration and any development built in association with the station should be modest in height to “sit comfortably with terrace housing, smaller shops and heritage areas”.

“We strongly support the delivery of a Pyrmont Metro Station to serve residents, workers, visitors and tourists,” she said in a statement to NSW Planning. “We recommend that the station be located underground with entry/exits being modest and low impact, comprising a lift and escalator to street level.

“The station entry should be centrally located in the Pyrmont Village sub-precinct to enable access to all major tourist destinations.”

Cosmetic surgeon, Dr Mariusz Gajewski, operates Star Cosmetic Medicine at 1 Union St, Pyrmont. He said he would be devastated to see the historic shopfront bulldozed for “an unwanted Metro”.

Dr Mariusz Gajewski owns a cosmetic surgery in Union St, Pyrmont.
Dr Mariusz Gajewski owns a cosmetic surgery in Union St, Pyrmont.

“Residents faught against this to protect the heritage of Pyrmont in 2009,” he said.

“The decision to put the Metro here, particularly after we were told the plans were mothballed, would be devastating. Not only for my livelihood, but the livlihood of my employees and the wider community.”

Dr Gajewski said even if his property was not acquired, if the preferred and previously earmarked site of 3 to 9 Union St was demolished for the Metro West station Pyrmont, his business could be impacted by years of construction as Sydney Metro dig out the station and tunnelling required to connect to the driverless network.

“It would be devastating for the community, me staff, and my family to lose all we have worked for without consultation or transparency from the government,” he said. “We need to know if our livelihoods and businesses are in the government’s crosshairs.”

While Kate Bu from Tinson Jewellers and Pawnbrokers said the concept of a Metro at Union Square would be “welcomed” however, she said she needed clarity around where the Metro station would be located.

“We need to know if the Government is planning to acquire our land,” she said.  

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