
How parents can support their child through school

BEST education results come when parents and teachers work together. Here’s what you can do to make a difference for your child.

Taking an interest in your child’s learning can be extremely beneficial.
Taking an interest in your child’s learning can be extremely beneficial.

A FEW weeks ago, I suggested that parents might like to sit down at the start of the school year and draft a letter to their child’s new teacher.

The concept of an open letter was one way of introducing their son/daughter, identifying their interests, conveying hopes and expressing ways in which parents would like to see their child grow over the year.

As always it was good to read your comments on Facebook especially the responses from teachers who shared their own reflections on how parents can support the work of schools.

Mum getting child ready for school. Woman in front hallway fixing young girl's dress kneeling down looking at each other smiling.
Mum getting child ready for school. Woman in front hallway fixing young girl's dress kneeling down looking at each other smiling.

Simple things matter a good deal, including:

Ensuring students show up for school every day and on time.

Making sure they come to school with everything they need for the day: enough food to eat, something warm to wear, a hat and whatever else is needed for learning.

Taking an interest in what your child is learning.

Taking time to ask the right questions and staying connected to what is happening in the classroom and within the wider school community.

Setting time aside on a regular basis to sit down and read to and with your child

Making time to check in with teachers about your child’s progress and, where necessary, working together on ways to support the child’s learning and wellbeing.

Teachers are invested in the success of the student - but parents should be too.
Teachers are invested in the success of the student - but parents should be too.

Just as good teachers are invested in the home lives of students, parents need to be equally invested in the school lives of their children.

Responsibility for ensuring the best conditions for learning is shared between home and school.

Even if parents and teachers don’t end up exchanging letters, any opportunity to connect regularly, to support each other and to strengthen the teacher-parent bond will not be lost.


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