
Clover Moore lashes approval of Cockle Bay Wharf redevelopment

Sydney Lord Mayor Clover Moore has savaged today’s concept approval of the controversial Cockle Bay Wharf redevelopment, saying it has set a ‘shocking precedent’ for the city.

The proposed 183m tower set to rise above Darling Harbour.
The proposed 183m tower set to rise above Darling Harbour.

Sydney Lord Mayor Clover Moore has savaged the approval of a new tower set to rise up to 183m above Darling Harbour, claiming it has set a “shocking precedent”.

On Monday the Independent Planning Commission awarded concept approval for the $649 million Cockle Bay Wharf redevelopment, despite concerns raised by residents and the City of Sydney.

The council had opposed the tower due to its proposed overshadowing of the future Town Hall Square, a project it has been planning for “more than 30 years”.

Lord Mayor Clover Moore has called on the Planning Minister to intervene in stage two of the application. Picture: AAP IMAGE / Jordan Shields
Lord Mayor Clover Moore has called on the Planning Minister to intervene in stage two of the application. Picture: AAP IMAGE / Jordan Shields

But in its ruling the commission stated the new square would not be cast in shadow during ‘peak use’, and gave its blessing to the development set to include shops, bars and restaurants and commercial offices.

“The Applicant has reduced the building height and reconfigured the building envelope to reduce any overshadowing impacts on the proposed Town Hall Square,” it stated.

“A result of these amendments has been the reduction of overshadowing days and on days where an impact is anticipated, this would be limited to a maximum of 30 minutes on two days of the year, between 4-4.30pm.

Cockle Bay wharf Precinct redevelopment plans
Cockle Bay wharf Precinct redevelopment plans

“The Commission accepts … this would be outside of the time that the space will experience peak utilisation, such as lunch time hours.”

Cr Moore said she was “shocked and appalled” by the decision, and called on the new Minister for Planning and Public Spaces Rob Stokes to intervene in the detailed stage two of the development application.

“The City of Sydney began planning for a new civic space known as Town Hall Square more than 30 years ago, purchasing properties to make way for the vital public space, and until now, developers have abided by height controls and the draft sun access controls for the future Town Hall Square,” she said.

“Now the Commission risks setting a shocking precedent by approving a development that will overshadow the square, at a time when workers and visitors to our city could be gathering in a beautiful public space, enjoying the final hours of afternoon sunlight.”

Dianna McAuliffe, Josie and Guy Di Benedetto and Elizabeth Elenius, from Pyrmont Action Group. They have all spoken out against plans for a 40-storey tower at Cockle Bay Wharf.
Dianna McAuliffe, Josie and Guy Di Benedetto and Elizabeth Elenius, from Pyrmont Action Group. They have all spoken out against plans for a 40-storey tower at Cockle Bay Wharf.

Cr Moore said the State Government had “failed the people of Sydney” by failing to put the council’s draft Central Sydney Planning Strategy on public exhibition, finalised almost three years ago, which sought to install new planning controls in the CBD.

She said people had “enthusiastically reclaimed” the space in front of Town Hall as construction of the light rail progressed.

Speaking at a public hearing into the project in March, residents living in towers around the proposed site called the concept “excessive” and “ugly”.

The Independent Planning Commission said the proposal would ‘make a valuable contribution’ to Sydney.
The Independent Planning Commission said the proposal would ‘make a valuable contribution’ to Sydney.

However, the commission stated in its ruling the redevelopment would “make a valuable contribution to the area through creating active and passive open spaces, landscaping, enhancement of the Darling Harbour foreshore”.

It said the proposed demolition of two pedestrian bridges over the Western Distributor would make way for a deck and large public space over the motorway.

A third pedestrian bridge linking the harbour to Druitt St would also be upgraded.

The Department of Planning had recommended the plan for approval.


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