

‘Playboy rapist’ Simon Monteiro pleads guilty to breaching Supreme Court supervision order

A man dubbed the `Playboy rapist’ is remorseful for breaching supervision orders after he was found with mobile phones and laptops, a court has heard.

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A barrister acting for convicted sex offender Simon Monteiro has told his sentencing hearing he was “remorseful” and had good prospects of rehabilitation.

The 54-year-old appeared at Gosford District Court on Wednesday after pleading guilty to breaching a Supreme Court supervision order eight times.

He was also asked if he agreed a ninth charge, which was attached to the indictment on a Form 1 document for the same offence, should be considered by the judge during his sentencing, to which he replied “yes”.

His barrister told the court the breaches were technical and did not involve breaking any laws or committing any further sexual or violence offending.

Monteiro has to wear an ankle tracking bracelet as part of the Supreme Court orders. Picture: MATT THOMPSON
Monteiro has to wear an ankle tracking bracelet as part of the Supreme Court orders. Picture: MATT THOMPSON

She said two of the conditions of the order, imposed in the Supreme Court on June 6 last year, was that he wear an electronic ankle bracelet and inform his Detention and Supervision Order (DSO) officer if he forms an intimate relationship.

She told the court the purpose of the supervision order was to keep a close eye on him but “not to be used as a preventive sentence for those who have served their sentence”.

The Crown prosecutor, however, submitted the breach of the order was the criminal offence and when viewed in light of all the breaches, increased their objective seriousness.

The Crown prosecutor also said while Monteiro was diagnosed with PTSD, there was no “casual link” between his condition and the offending.

However she conceded the PTSD could make his time in custody more onerous.

The court heard Monteiro’s father Ronald Lowe, who was seated in the public gallery, had been diagnosed with prostate cancer and Monteiro wished to be at liberty to care for him.

Judge Tanya Bright said while Monteiro’s father’s condition was a factor to consider, it did not amount to a finding of “exceptional hardship”.

She adjourned the matter to June 16 when she will give her remarks on sentence.


A man dubbed the ‘Playboy rapist’ has pleaded guilty to breaching a Supreme Court supervision order eight times after he was found with mobile phones and laptops he was not allowed to possess.

Simon Monteiro pleaded guilty as each indictment was read out in Gosford District Court on Friday.

The 54-year-old, of Somersby, was arrested on August 18 last year and charged with multiple breaches of an interim supervision order placed on him in April by the Supreme Court.

Simon Monteiro appearing at Gosford Local Court for a separate alleged offence. He was dubbed the "playboy rapist"for sexual assault charges. (AAP Image/Sue Graham)
Simon Monteiro appearing at Gosford Local Court for a separate alleged offence. He was dubbed the "playboy rapist"for sexual assault charges. (AAP Image/Sue Graham)

Police sought the interim order when Monteiro’s parole was due to expire after spending 10 years in jail for an aggravated sexual offence in 2008.

The Supreme Court upheld the interim order on June 6 for a period of five years.

The court heard there were 46 conditions on the supervision order including that he notify police of any internet access and any social media accounts, and refrain from using any other name than Simon Monteiro.

Monteiro, who appeared in court via video link, pleaded guilty that he was in possession of a Macbook computer and two mobile phones, which he did not notify police of and that he used false names including his birth name Simon Lowe, and the aliases SJ White and Andrew Winter.

Monteiro was a male model in his younger days. Picture: supplied
Monteiro was a male model in his younger days. Picture: supplied

He also pleaded guilty to accessing WhatsApp and Facebook without notifying police, sent emails under false names and opened a Gumtree account using a false name to operate a business selling torches.

His barrister sought an early sentence date before Monteiro interrupted.

“Your Honour, my dad has found out he has prostate cancer, I want to be there to care for my dad,” he said.

“He should be in the court and he has medical documents he can hand up.”

Monteiro tried to speak over the Judge again, telling the court his dad was very unwell before being told to stop talking by his barrister.

Monteiro has had a colourful relationship with the media outside court where he turned up to one appearance with a camera and started taking pictures of other camera operators. (AAP Image/Sue Graham)
Monteiro has had a colourful relationship with the media outside court where he turned up to one appearance with a camera and started taking pictures of other camera operators. (AAP Image/Sue Graham)

At an earlier bail application in the Local Court his barrister said by the time these charges reached finality Monteiro will have spent about eight and a half months in jail, where the median sentence for offences of this type was nine months.

However the Crown prosecutor told the court Monteiro had been assessed by two doctors who described him in their reports as a “potential psychopath” with narcissism disorder, a grandiose sense of importance and with “no chance of rehabilitation”.

She said Monteiro had a “long history of failing to comply and luring women” and the reports indicated he had a high level risk of “sexual reoffending”.

“This appellant has some serious violent tendencies and violent behaviour, having next to no prospect of rehabilitation,” she said.

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