

Narara: Fire ripped through Shona Close home

Residents have escaped without injury after a fire tore through a home at Narara. The cause of the blaze is still under investigation.

NSW Fire & Rescue have attended a blaze which tore through a split level brick and fibro house at Shona Close, Narara, on January 3, 2023. Picture: NewsLocal
NSW Fire & Rescue have attended a blaze which tore through a split level brick and fibro house at Shona Close, Narara, on January 3, 2023. Picture: NewsLocal

The New Year has got off to a terrible start for one Central Coast household after a fire tore through a split-level brick and fibro home at Narara.

Fire & Rescue NSW and Rural Fire Service crews were called to the blaze at the end of Shona Close at 9.50am on Tuesday.

NSW Fire & Rescue have attended a blaze which tore through a split level brick and fibro house at Shona Close, Narara, on January 3, 2023. Picture: NewsLocal
NSW Fire & Rescue have attended a blaze which tore through a split level brick and fibro house at Shona Close, Narara, on January 3, 2023. Picture: NewsLocal
People comfort each other after a fire tore through a split level brick and fibro house at Shona Close, Narara, on January 3, 2023. Picture: NewsLocal
People comfort each other after a fire tore through a split level brick and fibro house at Shona Close, Narara, on January 3, 2023. Picture: NewsLocal

On arrival firefighters found the upper fibro level of the two storey, split-level, home well alight.

It took about 24 firefighters and six trucks almost an hour to extinguish the fire which spread into the adjoining brick part of the home.

An undisclosed number of residents were evacuated and one man was looked over at the scene by paramedics but no one was reported injured.

The upper level of the home was destroyed. Picture: NewsLocal
The upper level of the home was destroyed. Picture: NewsLocal
Neighbours said they only found out about the blaze when fire trucks started arriving. Picture: Supplied
Neighbours said they only found out about the blaze when fire trucks started arriving. Picture: Supplied

Fire crews remained at the scene for some time mopping up and using thermal imaging cameras to detect any lingering hot spots.

Neighbours said they first heard of the blaze when fire trucks arrived in the normally quiet cul-de-sac.

One witness said at the height of the blaze, the flames were leaping about 3m above roof line of the home.

A FRNSW spokesman said the fire did not appear to be suspicious but the cause of the blaze was still under investigation.

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