
Darryl Webb pleads guilty to being ‘lookout’ for Wyong corner store armed robbery

The day he turned 18, Darryl Webb acted as a “lookout” in a bungled armed robbery in Wyong. A few hours later he had a party at Carl’s Jr.

Darryl Webb has pleaded guilty to being a “lookout” during an armed robbery at a Wyong store on his 18th birthday.
Darryl Webb has pleaded guilty to being a “lookout” during an armed robbery at a Wyong store on his 18th birthday.

Two hours after acting as the “lookout” in a botched armed robbery which left a Wyong shopkeeper clinging to life, an Erina teen celebrated his 18th birthday.

While shopkeeper Steven Van Meeteren was being flown to hospital suffering multiple stab wounds, Darryl Webb went to Carl’s Jr for burgers to celebrate his 18th birthday.

Webb has faced up to his role in the incident at Carmichael’s Corner Store on April 2, 2019, pleading guilty to intent to rob in company at Wyong Local Court.

Earlier this year, Lachlan Bell was sentenced to six years and nine months imprisonment for stabbing Mr Van Meeteren during the bungled robbery.

The store where the bungled armed robbery took place. Picture: Sue Graham
The store where the bungled armed robbery took place. Picture: Sue Graham

Facts tendered to the court reveal that Webb, Bell and two females were seen outside the store around 8.40am. Just after 9am, Bell and the two females entered the store.

“Webb remained outside acting as a lookout,” the facts state.

The botched robbery only lasted a few minutes, with Bell threatening Mr Van Meeteren with a knife and demanding money. When Mr Van Meeteren resisted and defended himself with a mallet Mr Bell stabbed him several times and left him in a pool of blood.

“The offender remained standing outside the shop for the entire duration of the incident and did not see the events which took place inside,” the facts state.

Steven Van Meeteren survived the robbery after being stabbed multiple times.
Steven Van Meeteren survived the robbery after being stabbed multiple times.
Lachlan Bell, of Watanobbi, is serving a jail sentence for stabbing Mr Van Meeteren. Picture: Facebook
Lachlan Bell, of Watanobbi, is serving a jail sentence for stabbing Mr Van Meeteren. Picture: Facebook

“Whilst he was aware that a knife had been brought to the shop by someone in the group, the Crown accepts it was not within his contemplating that the knife would be used.”

The court heard that after the incident, the group fled to one of the female’s homes before Webb headed off for a birthday “function” at Carl’s Jr in Bateau Bay.

After the party he told his disability support worker that he was “freaked out” about something.

“F**king something happened this morning,” he told his support worker. “Someone’s been stabbed … at the f**king shop.”

Webb had an 18th birthday party just hours after the bungled armed robbery.
Webb had an 18th birthday party just hours after the bungled armed robbery.

When asked how he knew Webb said “because I was standing outside … I was the lookout, you know checking if the cops were coming.”

A few hours later Webb contacted Wyong police about his involvement and said he “didn’t know it was going to go down like that” and had felt guilty for hours. He was arrested that night.

Two other charges relating to robbery armed with an offensive weapon and assault with intent to rob armed with an offensive weapon have been withdrawn.

Webb will appear at Gosford District Court on July 2 where a sentencing date will be set.

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