
Canberra Raiders hooker Tom Starling ‘knocked unconscious’ in Shady Palms brawl

He’ll cop to dancing with his shirt unbuttoned and throwing a roll of toilet paper, but NRL player Tom Starling has denied resisting police in a melee at a Central Coast bar where he says a police officer knocked him unconscious.

Extended footage of NRL's Tom Starling punched in Central Coast brawl

NRL star Tom Starling has said he was left dazed with a concussion and some missing memory after he alleges police knocked him out at a Central Coast bar.

The 24-year-old Canberra Raiders hooker, as well as his brothers Josh and Jackson and their friend Jesse Byrne were all charged following a shocking turn of events during 21st birthday celebrations at Avoca’s Shady Palms bar in December 2020.

Tom, Jackson, Josh and Byrne have each pleaded not guilty to resisting or hindering a police officer.

Josh has also pleaded not guilty to common assault and assaulting a police officer.

They are all facing a 16-day hearing at Downing Centre Local Court before Magistrate Daniel Covington.

Tom Starling (right) arrives at court with his girlfriend and brother Josh (left). Picture: David Swift
Tom Starling (right) arrives at court with his girlfriend and brother Josh (left). Picture: David Swift

In his evidence today, Tom said he was aware his brother Josh had been involved in an incident when he and other patrons were ordered by police – including riot squad officers – to leave the venue.

At the time he was on a stage at the bar also occupied by the DJ.

“As I was stepping off I got king hit to the back of the head,” Starling said.

“Someone, there was a strike to the back right side of my head, it was quite forceful, I felt it, my head was knocked forward.”

In police bodyworn footage of the incident played in court on Thursday, police can be heard yelling “get back, stay back”.

In questioning from his solicitor, Tom copped to throwing a roll of toilet paper and dancing with his shirt unbuttoned – but repeatedly denied resisting police either in leaving the venue or when they were arresting him.

Jackson Starling (front centre) arrives at the Downing Centre with his family (pictured behind). Picture: David Swift
Jackson Starling (front centre) arrives at the Downing Centre with his family (pictured behind). Picture: David Swift

In the chaos that unfolded after police arrived at the venue, Tom said he was hit and knocked unconscious.

He admitted in his evidence to having gaps in his memory about some details captured on video because he was dazed and concussed.

“I can’t remember some things because of the concussion,” Tom told the court. “I was pretty dazed at that time and was unaware of what was happening due to the head trauma.”

Oscar Mitchell, a friend to the person whose birthday it was, to the Starling brothers and to Byrne, also gave evidence in court about what he saw when police arrived at the scene.

“Tom was grabbed off the stage by a policeman in the black uniform,” Mr Mitchell said.

“He was pulled off the stage as we were all trying to leave – they grabbed him, and threw him on the ground, and started hitting him.”

The Starling brothers’ co-accused Byrne then gave harrowing evidence about what happened as he was arrested that night.

Tom Starling (front) and Jesse Byrne at an earlier court appearance in June 2022. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Nikki Short
Tom Starling (front) and Jesse Byrne at an earlier court appearance in June 2022. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Nikki Short

Byrne said he was metres from the stage when a police officer started physically driving Tom from the stage, holding the scruff of his shirt at the front.

He was standing by Tom’s side when he was knocked unconscious by two blows from one of the officers.

“He released his arm and punched him in the face, he kept driving him, Tom was was next to me and he hit him again and I put my arm up to shield myself and Tom,” Byrne told the court.

“They were massive blows, very forceful – Tom had his hands by his side, I put my right arm across my chest to shield Tom and myself.”

Byrne said he then felt a “pretty big blow” to the side of his head near his jaw – then, reeling, found himself looking at the ground with his arms resting on the waist of an individual he now knows to be a police officer.

“I’d been hit, I drove forward because I wanted this person off me, so I pushed into him to try and get him off me,” Byrne said.

“I can only assume I was trying to hold myself up after being hit, I’d just been hit and blindsided.”

SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA - NewsWire Photos DECEMBER 8, 2022: Tom Starling arrives at Downing centre court with his legal team and girlfriend. Picture: NCA NewsWire / David Swift
SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA - NewsWire Photos DECEMBER 8, 2022: Tom Starling arrives at Downing centre court with his legal team and girlfriend. Picture: NCA NewsWire / David Swift

Byrne said he felt he was in danger and vulnerable when he pushed into the officer, running them both into what he now believes was a wall.

“The next thing I remember is being on the ground on my right side with my head hanging down, looking at the pavers,” Byrne said.

“When I lifted my head up someone was on top of me and there was a light above, and they were a dark silhouette holding a can in front of my face.”

Byrne said he saw the moment the mist emanated from a can of pepper spray, about 30cm away from his face.

“It’s the worst amount of pain I’d ever felt in my life,” Byrne said.

“I couldn’t see, I was in massive amounts of pain, I was scared and in pain.”

Byrne then heard a female yell out that he was being held down on piece of the shattered glass he had been holding in his hand moments earlier.

While he was still unable to see, Byrne said he yelled out about his passport being taken as officers took his personal items out of his pockets while he was being held down.

“Do you remember saying ‘take my watch and I’ll bash you c**t’?” his barrister asked.

“No, but I’ve seen the footage – I suppose I was sensitive about the watch, my mum gave it to me for my 18th birthday.”

Byrne later described finding himself in “a pool of his own blood” in a police caged truck with injuries that later required paramedics to transport him to hospital for stitches.

Both the prosecution and the defence will make their closing submissions on Monday.

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