
Fenner votes: Meet the candidates for Fenner in 2022 federal election

We take a look at the candidates keen to earn your vote in the Division of Fenner. Read the full story to see where they stand on the issues that matter to you.

Albanese’s gaffe ‘not terminal’

The federal election campaign is in swing so we’re taking a look at the candidates keen to earn your vote in the Division of Fenner in ACT’s north.

The division is in Canberra’s north covering Gungahlin, Hall and some parts of Belconnen.

The seat also represents the Jervis Bay Territory on the NSW south coast.

It is a safe Labor seat with a margin of 10.6 per cent.

The sitting member Fenner is Dr Andrew Leigh who has been an MP for over a decade.

We spoke to candidates from the Labor, Liberal and Greens parties to see where they stand on the issues that matter to you.

Labor: Andrew Leigh

Andrew Leigh is the Labor MP for Fenner
Andrew Leigh is the Labor MP for Fenner

Andrew Leigh has been an a federal MP since 2010, first being elected as the member for former ACT seat of Fraser in 2010 and 2013 and then being elected twice again for Fenner in 2016 and 2019.

“Serving as your representative in the federal parliament is an incredible honour and I’ve never taken it for granted,” Dr Leigh said.

“I’ve spoken with thousands of Canberrans about how we can make our city and nation better, and I’ve helped countless people with problems ranging from Centrelink to immigration.’’

Dr Leigh said he and his team took pride in being a responsive voice for locals and “helping whenever we can.”

“When Afghanistan fell to the Taliban, we were working to help get visas for those who had assisted Australian forces,’’ he said.

“When constituents with profound disabilities don’t get the help they need from the NDIS, we’ll do what we can to assist.”

In the Labor shadow ministry Dr Leigh holds the role of shadow assistant minister for treasury and as shadow assistant minister for charities.

“I’ve worked with the Labor economic team to craft policies to improve growth and fairness, he said.

“I’ve worked with the community sector to end the Liberals’ war on charities, and build a more connected Australia.

“I’ve written books on inequality, community-building, globalisation, economic policy and policy evaluation, because opposition needs to be about an alternative vision for the nation – not just a critique of the current government.”

Dr Leigh also hosts a podcast called The Good Life, to “promote conversations with wise people, including a bevy of wise Canberrans”.

Reflecting on his time in office Dr Leigh said “politics is a team sport, not an individual pursuit”.

“I’ve been proud to be part of the community push that’s brought public service jobs to Gungahlin, and stopped them being taken out of Belconnen,” he said.

“In 2013, I started campaigning to bring a public service agency to Gungahlin, because I could see it would bring more local jobs and more business for local shops and restaurants.

“I wrote to every Coalition Minister, and ran a Gungahlin-wide community petition and after almost a decade, the Defence Housing Authority opened its doors in Gungahlin this year.

“Federal funding helped build the Majura Parkway, which is used daily by many northsiders.

“In parliament, I’ve been a strong voice for scrapping the public service cap, and helped lead the campaign on making multinational firms pay their fair share.”

Dr Leigh cites climate change, real wages and territory rights as his top three priorities for Fenner if re-elected.

“Labor’s Powering Australia Plan will reduce emissions, create jobs and reduce power prices, which is why it’s backed by both unions and business groups,” he said.

“We need to end the climate wars, and increase the uptake of renewables … the Greens can’t do it, and the Liberals won’t do it.

“In the latest budget, the Liberals admit that real wages for the typical worker have fallen by 1.5 per this year, which is more than $1300 a year.

“Labor will end the abuse of labour hire, respect the rights of gig economy workers, and put job security into the Fair Work Act.

“In the Liberals’ last budget, the ACT got just 0.3 per cent of national infrastructure spending, despite having 1.6 per cent of the national population; we’ve been ripped off, and that will stop under Labor.

“I’ve also moved repeatedly to scrap the outdated law that prevents the ACT legislating over euthanasia. It’s outrageous that five out of six states have passed laws permitting voluntary assisted dying, and yet the ACT can’t even debate it.”

When asked why he should be re-elected Dr Leigh discussed his record as a voice against disadvantage.

“I’ve devoted my adult life to reducing poverty and disadvantage, first as an economics professor at the Australian National University, and then as a federal MP,” he said.

“I love Canberra, and I’m a better MP for the many conversations I’ve had since entering parliament.

“It’s a true privilege to serve the Canberra community in parliament, and I’m excited this year about what we can do together to build a better Australia.”

Liberal: Nathan Kuster

Nathan Kuster is the Liberal candidate for the seat of Fenner.
Nathan Kuster is the Liberal candidate for the seat of Fenner.

Liberal candidate for Fenner Nathan Kuster worked as a lawyer and a small-business owner before turning to politics.

Mr Kuster said he was putting his hand up to be the member for Fenner to “ be a voice who will listen to the needs of Canberrans”.

“I believe that the Labor Party have taken this electorate for granted and only a re-elected Federal Liberal-National Government will provide the investment and policy that the electorate of Fenner needs,” he said.

Mr Kuster cites cost of living pressures, investment in Canberra and housing affordability as the top issues affecting the community.

He said the Morrison government had recently made investments that support the region including expanding the Defence workforce by 30 per cent.

“The Liberal-National Government recently opened the Defence Housing Australia office in the Gungahlin town centre to bring more money for local business, and more employment opportunities,” he said.

“(The Morrison Government) is working hard to build a stronger future, by delivering tax relief, investing in record levels of infrastructure, and supporting first homeowners and single parents to enter the housing market.”

When asked why residents in Fenner should vote for him Mr Kuster reflected on his humble upbringing.

“Having grown up in a single parent household with a mother on a disability pension, I understand the challenges faced by so many in our community,” he said.

“I want to represent everyone, to help them get ahead and have the best chance at building a life for them and their family.”

Greens: Natasa Sojic

Natasa Sojic is the Greens candidate for Fenner. Picture: Facebook
Natasa Sojic is the Greens candidate for Fenner. Picture: Facebook

Prior to politics Greens Candidate Natasa Sojic worked in environmental remediation in the public and private sectors.

“My passion has always been for the protection and restoration of the natural environment, so that is what my professional activities revolved around.”

Ms Sojic said she loved being involved in community and is involved in community groups and team sports. She said she was running for office because she was passionate about her community.

“Fenner deserves real leadership that does not take them for granted,” she said.

Ms Sojic said cost of living, climate change and supporting an Indigenous voice to parliament were her top three election issues.

“We all deserve a fair go, we all deserve to be able to afford a roof over our head, (to) put food on the table and have some fun along the way,” she said.

“I will address this by making the filthy rich pay their fair share of taxes, so that there is more in the bucket for us everyday Australians.

“(On climate change) I will address this in absolutely every way possible.

“I proudly support the Uluru Statement Dialogue and will work hard to ensure the implementation of an enshrined voice to parliament.”

When asked why people should vote for her, Ms Sojic cited the need to see a reflection of Australian society represented on Capitol Hill.

“Parliament desperately needs diversity,” she said.

“The average age of Australians is 37, this contrasts highly to the average age of Parliamentarians which is 51.

“Electing a young person will bring a young person‘s perspective to parliament which would be refreshing.”

Liberal Democrats: Guy Jakeman.

Guy Jakeman.
Guy Jakeman.

According to the Liberal Democrats website Guy Jakeman has lived in Fenner for 21 years and has experience in the public and private sectors. 

Mr Jakeman is a founding member of the Liberal Democrats since the party’s inception in 2001. 

According to the Liberal Democrats website Mr Jakeman “supports redirecting the focus of government back to its core roles of national defence, protecting individual rights, providing an accessible and effective justice system, and ensuring that there is a reasonable safety net for people who fall into misfortune”.

Outside of his political career Mr Jakeman is a member of the Belconnen Lions Club and the  Economic Society of Australia.

United Australia Party: Timothy Peter Elton.

Timothy Elton.
Timothy Elton.

Timothy Elton spent 12 years in the Air Force and has lived in Fenner since 2014. 

He is currently studying a nursing degree and divides his time between driving trucks and running a soft tissue therapy business. 

According to the United Australia Party Mr Elton joined the United Australia party “at the height of the government overreach into our lives and says the time has come for meaningful change in Australia”.

“If the pandemic has showed us anything it’s how governments will use us for their own political gain,” Mr Elton said. 

“This country has freedom at its core, and those freedoms should be protected at all costs.

“No government should be allowed to deny our basic freedoms and Australians won’t forget how they’ve been treated when it comes to election day.”

Pauline Hanson's One Nation: Lucia Grant.

Lucia Grant.
Lucia Grant.

According to her profile on the Pauline Hanson One Nation website Lucia Grant is “passionate about pro-choice and freedom” and “ wants to see us return to our Australian way of life”.

"The government needs to put the people first and respect our democracy. Politicians are elected to serve the people, not themselves," Ms Grant said.

"Over the past two years, people have lost everything including loved ones, businesses, jobs, homes, relationships, and mental health.

“ Many unvaccinated people are still not allowed to work.

"I'm standing as your candidate for the seat of Fenner to be a listener and then a voice for the people to get their civil liberties and their lives back."

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