
Bean votes: Meet the candidates for 2022 federal election

We speak to the candidates fighting for your votes in the ACT electorate of Bean. Read the full story to see where they stand on the issues that matter.

Morrison mocks Albanese over fuel price

The federal election campaign has begun and we are taking a look at the candidates fighting for your vote in the ACT division of Bean.

The division encompasses an area of southern Canberra including the entire region of Tuggeranong and some areas of the Molonglo Valley, Weston Creek and Woden Valley.

It also includes Norfolk Island which is an Australian territory located in the Pacific Ocean.

The division was founded in 2018 with Labor MP David Smith becoming the first ever member at the 2019 election

It is a safe Labor seat with a margin of 7.5 per cent.

Labor: David Smith

Supplied Editorial David Smith is the Labor MP for Bean. Picture: Facebook
Supplied Editorial David Smith is the Labor MP for Bean. Picture: Facebook

Labor MP for Bean David Smith describes being the first ever member for the new seat as a “great privilege”.

“I have supported local sporting, community and school groups with various grants and programs. I’ve enjoyed the parliamentary aspects of my role as well using parliament to highlight the great work being done by so many in our community.

“What has struck me is how strong our southern Canberra and Norfolk Island communities are; we have endured the challenges of fires, storms and a global pandemic.

“Yet we have come through together and strong.”

Reflecting on his time so far in office he said the best part of his job is working for the community.

“Whether it was through supporting the community through the Covid pandemic, or providing grants to many great community groups, being able to take tangible steps to strengthen our community has been an achievement,” he said.

“Taking the time to celebrate the best in our community has been a wonderful part of my role.

“As the first member, building the new electorate of Bean’s character is important.

“I have also taken great pride in holding this terrible government to account in the parliament.”

Mr Smith said after talking to people in his electorate, the three issues that stood out were climate change, integrity in government and job security.

“Labor has clear plans to address each issue,” he said.

“On climate change, we have a comprehensive plan to tackle climate change and show leadership on this critical issue facing Bean.

“We will put an end to the Morrison Government’s shameful inaction on this issue by establishing a powerful, transparent, and independent National Anti-Corruption Commission.

“We will rebuild a valued and effective public service.

“We have a range of other policies including criminalising wage theft, same job receiving the same pay, a White Paper on Full Employment and a strong focus on improving wages for Australian workers.”

When asked why voters should re elect him Mr Smith said he was a proud local with strong ties to the community and said Australians “can’t afford three more years of a Morrison Government”.

“(Scott Morrison) refuses to take responsibility, goes missing in action, blames others and can’t admit his mistakes,” he said.

“In contrast, Anthony Albanese and Labor have a plan for a better future in Bean … that focuses on building an economy that works for people, not the other way around.

“I’ve spent most of my life in the suburbs of Bean; I’ve raised a family here, I’m a proud local.

It has been an honour to serve residents of southern Canberra and Norfolk Island as the first Member for Bean and I will be asking for support on the 21 May to continue to represent my local community”

Liberal: Jane Hiatt

Jane Hiatt is the Liberal candidate for the seat of Bean in the 2022 Federal election. Picture: Facebook
Jane Hiatt is the Liberal candidate for the seat of Bean in the 2022 Federal election. Picture: Facebook

Liberal Candidate for Bean Jane Hiatt is a navy veteran and Defence contractor who has lived in the south of Canberra for over 30 years.

“I am an educator and have owned and operated small businesses in both education and dental,” she said.

“I am also passionate about my volunteer work in disaster relief and fundraising for organisations that work to prevent child sexual assault and exploitation.”

Ms Hiatt said she would run for office because of her passion for community service.

“Community service has always been incredibly important to me and has played a big part throughout my life. I have always wanted to help others, and serve both my community and country.

“I am running because I want our children to have the opportunity to build a better future by ensuring our economy remains strong, taxes remain low and that we address cost of living pressures and housing affordability as matters if priority for future generations.’’

She said some of the key issues facing people in the electorate was cost of living, housing affordability and support for small businesses.

“Cost of living pressures and housing affordability are key problems for families across Bean,

and for all Australians working hard to get ahead,” she said.

“I know many small businesses in Bean are still struggling in the wake of the pandemic.

“Small business is the backbone of our economy, so I am proud to see the government continuing to support them with the lowest tax rate in 50 years, and incentives to invest in training and digital technology.”

Ms Bean says if elected she would be a “very dedicated and hard working” local member.

“I would go the extra mile to support those in need in our community, to ensuring we are looking after our most vulnerable,” she said.

Greens: Kathryn Savery

Supplied Editorial Kathryn Savery is the Greens Candidate for Bean. Picture: Facebook
Supplied Editorial Kathryn Savery is the Greens Candidate for Bean. Picture: Facebook

Prior to putting her hat into the political ring Greens candidate for Bean Kathryn Savery had a career as an accountant, as an artist and as a small-business owner.

“I am running for office because as a member of the Greens I can help bring about positive change and leadership for the most pressing of issues facing Australia and the electorate of Bean,” she said.

“These include climate change as well as fixing social inequities that people face including lack of affordable housing, having free education and improving Medicare by offering more services such as dental and healthcare plus putting more money into aged care.”

When asked what she believes is the most pressing issues facing the electorate she cited climate change, housing affordability and the need for more community facilities in Bean.

“The first issue is dealing with climate change as well as preparing for adverse outcomes from a warming climate such as bushfires.

“(In 2019) a large portion of Namadgi National Park and surrounding properties were burnt; it came very close to Tuggeranong properties.

“We need a paid disaster workforce which can assist with future climate induced disasters not just relying on volunteers and ADF.’’

Ms Savery said the federal government needs to assist with public and affordable housing in the electorate and stated “price of housing is not within reach of many people”.

“This could be funding by reducing the ability to negatively gear multiple properties.” she said.

“The electorate of Bean needs more community facilities and infrastructure for sport and the arts.

“While some of these facilities would be funded by the ACT government, there could be added assistance from the Federal budget with planning for these facilities in collaboration with residents, sporting and arts organisations.”

When asked why people should consider voting for her Ms Savery cited her experience as a financial manager.

“People should vote for me because my experience in financial management would assist in allocating government resources that achieve better outcomes for people and our planet and not vested interests who donate to the other parties for favours,” she said

“The more people that vote for the Greens means that we are in a better position to hold the major parties to account for their lack of leadership and enable action for climate and social inequity.”

United Australia Party: Sean Conway.

Sean Conway.
Sean Conway.

Sean Conway is a former public servant.

According to the United Australia Party website, since leaving the public service Mr Conway managed “one of the largest project management offices in the southern hemisphere” and said he is “pausing his senior management consultancy role to campaign for the 2022 election”.

The website entry also says Mr Conway “has experienced the impact of employer and government regulations on individual rights and liberties and is determined to help Australians regain their freedoms”.

Independent: Jamie Christie.

Jamie Christie.
Jamie Christie.

Jamie Christie is a born and bred Canberran running as an independent in the seat of Bean. 

On his campaign website Dr Christie says “I think we need to get serious about Climate Change”.

“I’ve never been a member of a political party, and I’m not a politician,” he said. 

“If I was a politician, I’d finish by telling you what Australians want.

“I’m not sure what you do want, but if it’s not another ex-political staffer in Parliament, I’m standing as an Independent for Bean” 

Pauline Hanson’s One Nation: Benjamin Ambard.

No information has been provided about Benjamin Ambard.

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