
Australian National University: students face highest rates of sexual harassment in the country

Australian National University students say they ‘aren't surprised’ by high rates of sexual violence on campus.

Sexual consent round table

Students at the Australian National University say university management have not done enough to protect students from sexual violence following the release of the National Student Safety Survey report by Universities Australia.

The report found 26.1 per cent of ANU students had experienced sexual harassment since starting university, the highest rate for any university in the country.

Meanwhile 12.3 per cent of ANU students said they had been sexually assaulted since starting university, the second highest rate in the country.

Australian National University students are angry about high levels of sexual harassment and assault on campus. Reporter: Julia Kanapathippillai
Australian National University students are angry about high levels of sexual harassment and assault on campus. Reporter: Julia Kanapathippillai

Australian National University Student Association (ANUSA) Womens’ Officer Avan Daruwalla said she was “not surprised” by the university’s “horrific and deeply distressing” sexual violence statistics.

“I think a lot of people feel very uncomfortable and unsafe right now,” she said.

“I don’t think many people are surprised … at the ANU everyone has either experienced sexual violence or they know someone who has.”

Since the release of the first National Student Safety Survey report in 2016 ANU students have held yearly demonstrations on August 1 to draw attention to the plight of students affected by sexual violence.

“Every single year students have been very clear that they need increased safety measures, they need a stronger response system and they need much better prevention practices,” Ms Daruwalla said.

“Those aren’t vague terms.”

Australian National University students will meet next week to create a response to high rates of sexual violence on campus. Reporter: Julia Kanapathippillai
Australian National University students will meet next week to create a response to high rates of sexual violence on campus. Reporter: Julia Kanapathippillai

Following this year’s report ANUSA, the ANU Postgraduate and Research Students‘ Association will run a general meeting next week to address the issue of sexual violence.

Ms Daruwalla said many at the ANU have correlated the high rates of sexual violence with the large number of students living on campus.

“I think if (more people live on campus) the ANU has an even higher burden and duty of care to students,” she said.

“They don’t just need to protect them when they are studying, they need to protect students in their homes.”

Australian National University students face the highest rates of sexual harassment in the country, a report has found. Reporter: Julia Kanapathippillai
Australian National University students face the highest rates of sexual harassment in the country, a report has found. Reporter: Julia Kanapathippillai

ANU Vice-Chancellor Professor Brian Schmidt released a statement on Wednesday addressing the report.

“Simply put, these results show a rate of sexual assault and sexual harassment that is unacceptable,” Prof Schmidt said.

On Monday the ANU announced a new student Student Safety and Wellbeing Plan which is estimated to cost the university $3.3m per year.

However Ms Daruwalla says students are looking for more than lip-service when it comes to their safety.

“I think the Vice-Chancellor and anyone else in senior management really needs to think about where their priorities lie,” she said.

“If sexual violence reduction and prevention is a priority then I think there should be an apology for why that hasn’t happened in the last year.

“If they want to see a change it's not about saying ‘it’s not good enough’ it’s about putting in an actionable plan with timelines, resources and funding.”

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