
Coronavirus: Atunaisa Folauhola, 22, granted bail amid COVID-19 fears

A young alleged bikie associate has been granted bail despite concerns he has a “propensity for violence”.

Atunaisa Folauhola, 22, of Monash in the ACT (pictured left) has been granted bail despite alleged links to outlaw bikies, amid fears about coronavirus. Picture: Supplied/Facebook
Atunaisa Folauhola, 22, of Monash in the ACT (pictured left) has been granted bail despite alleged links to outlaw bikies, amid fears about coronavirus. Picture: Supplied/Facebook

An alleged bikie associate with “a history of violent offending” has been granted bail as the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on Canberra’s prison takes hold.

Atunaisa Folauhola, 22, of Monash in the ACT, appeared in the ACT Magistrates Court on Wednesday by video link from the Alexander Maconochie Centre.

Folauhola has been behind bars awaiting trial for two months, charged with aggravated robbery, aggravated burglary, theft, assault, and property damage.

He has pleaded not guilty.

Folauhola’s lawyer, Jacob Robertson, successfully argued Folauhola should be released to live with his wife and mother-in-law because of the prison had banned outside visitors.

Folauhola’s mother-in-law also agreed to put up $10,000, and told Magistrate Louise Taylor she would call police if her son-in-law breached any of his bail conditions.

Ms Taylor said the case against Folauhola appeared strong.

Atunaisa Folauhola, 22, has been released from jail amid concerns about the coronavirus pandemic. Picture: Facebook
Atunaisa Folauhola, 22, has been released from jail amid concerns about the coronavirus pandemic. Picture: Facebook

According to court documents, police allege Folauhola and an unknown accomplice forced their way into the Moncrieff home of their alleged victim, Christopher Elliott, on December 7 last year.

Folauhola and his accomplice punched Mr Elliott up to 20 times as the duo demanded Mr Elliott sign over the ownership of his cars, police allege.

According to the court documents, Mr Elliott begged Folauhola to stop, only for him to smash two laptops and a security camera screen.

The attack allegedly left Mr Elliott with a broken nose, eye socket and loose teeth, as well as swelling and bruising.

Prosecutor Bradley Ricabo said Folauhola was “a young man but has a history of violent offending” and had shown a “propensity for violence”.

Folauhola, a father of two, will only be allowed to leave his mother-in-law’s home for his job as a concreter.

Ms Taylor said Mr Ricabo’s concerns were valid, but that she would give Folauhola bail “on balance” because his mother-in-law would lose $10,000 if he breached bail and because of the impact of coronavirus on the ACT’s prison system.

“But I will say this (to Folauhola) … if you put one foot wrong, you will be in breach of those conditions … once you breach bail conditions it’s very difficult to convince someone to give you another opportunity,” she said.

Ms Taylor banned Folauhola from contacting his alleged victim and a man who police suspect was his accomplice.

“If there is a sniff of you contacting Mr Elliott, you will be in significant bother,” she said.

The case returns to court in April.

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