
Brady Sheather: Bungendore man found not guilty of killing drunk dad, Phillip Sheather

A 22-year-old Bungendore man has always insisted his blind-drunk father died after falling and hitting his head.

Brady Sheather, 22, has been acquitted of the manslaughter of his father, Phillip. Picture: Facebook
Brady Sheather, 22, has been acquitted of the manslaughter of his father, Phillip. Picture: Facebook

Bungendore weed sprayer Brady Sheather has been cleared of allegations he killed his abusive father and has walked from court a free man.

Mr Sheather, 22, was charged with manslaughter in mid-2019 following a police investigation into the death of his father, Phillip Sheather, 56.

Paramedics called to the home on February 23 found Phillip Sheather unconscious on the living room floor, with massive head injuries.

He later died in hospital.

Mr Sheather was on Wednesday acquitted on charges of manslaughter and assault causing death, following a two-week trial in the Goulburn District Court.

The prosecution case — rejected by the jury — was that Mr Sheather struck his father in the head, before tending to his prized chickens and sheep and going out for a beer with a mate.

Phillip Sheather’s now-widow, Megan Sheather, was the one to ring triple-0 and told the operator her husband had fallen and knocked himself out.

The Goulburn District Court. Picture: Craig Dunlop
The Goulburn District Court. Picture: Craig Dunlop

Ms Sheather was originally charged with being an accessory after the fact to manslaughter, but those charges were withdrawn earlier this year.

Phillip Sheather, according to medical evidence, had drunk up to 36 beers before he was taken to hospital, and it was the defence case that he had been on a days-long drinking bender before the fall.

The courts have previously heard he was a heavy drinker and was often aggressive when drunk.

The acquittal marks a vindication for Mr Sheather, who has no history of violence and who always denied any wrongdoing over his father’s death.

Mr Sheather’s friends and family in Bungendore had been looking after his prized animals while he was remanded in custody for nearly six months after his arrest.

The courts have previously heard he is well respected in the town, has a close-knit group of supporters and

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